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Another Candidate for the Darwin Awards

*Gasping* Aaah I‘ve never seen anything so stupid!

That‘s why, in jams like those, you trust the CAA... and not your best friend. :D
I have seen some stupid things done with fireworks, and not only is that hidiously stupid, he is lucky that he was not killed or seriously injured.

Goes to show ya what some people will do just to get on the internet.


Getting on the internet‘s easy.
I just think doing that kind of stuff‘s fun.
Keep your heads up for a production my friends and I are doing. We‘re going to take homemade explosives and little green army men and make a movie. :D
I know how that will go...

get your parents to put the fire dept, hospital, and a good lawyer on speed-dial :p
Originally posted by Kirkpatrick:
[qb] I know how that will go...

get your parents to put the fire dept, hospital, and a good lawyer on speed-dial :p [/qb]
They don‘t even know :D
What a bunch of dumb F‘s!! :eek:
A lesson in not to play with pyro!

Even in the Army we have dope‘s.
I saw a guy try to throw a trip flare once. :eek:

Well as soon as he threw it the spoon went and it ignited right away and he caught the phosphorous on his hand and we had no water to imerse his hand so it burnt till we smothered it with damp soil and used our canteen‘s to keep his hand wet till the Medic‘s got to him.

Muskrat I liked that one ROTFLMAO!!! :D :D
One less street racer!!!
Those ole trip flares. My first experience with them here in Australia was when a mob of kangaroos ran thru them, and panicked, hopping about frantically as they popped off. Quite a sight, especially for the first time.

FYI, the flare can be hand thrown (hence its near instantious initiation), and is magnesuim based, not phos.


Hahahahaha...morons and *********** don‘t mix.

Now he has the sports model.
Featuring 'How not to disarm an RPG 7'

An interesting web site :


and some infos about it (there seems tobe more than one) :


The Awards honour people who ensure the long-term survival of the human race by removing themselves from the gene pool in a sublimely idiotic fashion.


The winner of 2006 http://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2006-04.html :

(August 2006, Brazil) August brings us a winner from Brazil, who tried to disassemble a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) by driving back and forth over it with a car. This technique was ineffective, so he escalated to pounding the RPG with a sledgehammer. The second try worked--in a sense. The explosion proved fatal to one man, six cars, and the repair shop wherein the efforts took place.

14 more RPG grenades were found in a car parked nearby. Police believe the ammunition was being scavenged to sell as scrap metal. If it wasn't scrap then, it certainly is now!

Add : Oups, sorry, didn't search before posting :(
Ahh, the Darwin awards.  Those are great.  Pretty hilarious stories in there, like guy trying to clean chimney with hand grenade.  Or one of my personal favorites, guy shooting himself in foot while in bed, mistaking the silhouette of his feet in the darkness as a home invader.
I dont think I could pin one I liked more than the others, there were quite a few good ones.

This is fairly close to the most idiotic attempt on a break in...
You have to give him credit for his motivation to keep trying though.