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Another Candidate for the Darwin Awards

He nailed it.  :facepalm:

Photos and full story at link.

Russian artist nails genitals to the ground to protest 'police state'
Pyotr Pavlensky staged protest in Red Square to coincide with Police Day
The Associated Press Posted: Nov 11, 2013 10:20 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 11, 2013 10:20 AM ET

A Russian performance artist nailed his genitals to the ground outside Moscow's Red Square in protest over Russia's "police state" as the country marked Police Day, Police Day, a day when the Interior Ministry honours its service members.

A video circulated online shows naked Pyotr Pavlensky sitting on Russia's most famous square just outside the Kremlin on Sunday afternoon after nailing his scrotum to the square's cobblestones. Police first took him to the hospital and then into custody.

Interfax news agency said that a court dismissed charges of "petty hooliganism" and released him Monday.  Pavlensky, who has long been known for his self-mutilating stunts, told Dozhd television he wanted to warn that "we are on the threshold of becoming a police state."

The Red Square stunt was not Pavlensky's first radical protest. In July 2012, he sewed his mouth shut in opposition to the jailing of members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot. (Handout/Reuters)

"The performance can be seen as a metaphor for the apathy, political indifference and fatalism of contemporary Russian society," Pavlensky said in a statement posted online before the performance. "As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction."

The Guardian newspaper reported that well-known Russian theatre director Kirill Serebrennikov praised the stunt as a "powerful gesture of absolute despair" on his Facebook page.

In the summer of 2012, Pavlensky sewed his mouth closed to protest the imprisonment of three members of Pussy Riot band.

With files from CBC News
© The Associated Press, 2013

jollyjacktar said:
He nailed it.  :facepalm:

Photos and full story at link.

I am sure the Russian Security Services were amused that it saved them the efforts of doing so themselves.  It must have brought back memories of the "old days" to them.  ;D
Perhaps for the next one, he could sew his mouth to his scrotum and then just roll away into the distance like a big hula hoop.

Anyway, I think he is wrong. I mean, really:
"As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction."

Come on now. How could that ever happen in Russia?

Oh, what....it did already?
George Wallace said:
I am sure the Russian Security Services were amused that it saved them the efforts of doing so themselves.  It must have brought back memories of the "old days" to them.  ;D

I know it amused me...
Alcohol and fireworks don't mix in this instance.

U.S. man shoots off firework from top of his head, dies

22-year-old killed instantly; police say group of friends had been drinking

CBC News Posted: Jul 05, 2015 11:11 AM ET| Last Updated: Jul 05, 2015 11:24 AM ET

A young man who was drinking and celebrating the Fourth of July tried to launch a firework off the top of his head, fatally injuring himself, U.S. authorities said Sunday.

Devon Staples and his friends had been drinking and setting off fireworks Saturday night in the backyard of a friend's home in the small eastern Maine city of Calais, said Stephen McCausland, a spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety. Staples, 22, of Calais, placed a fireworks mortar tube on his head and set it off, he said.

The firework exploded, killing Staples instantly, McCausland said.  His death is the first fireworks fatality in Maine since the state legalized fireworks on Jan. 1, 2012, authorities said.  Calais is on the Canadian border near St. Stephen, N.B.

State fire marshals were also investigating several other Fourth of July fireworks accidents involving injuries in Friendship, Jefferson, Lebanon and Woodstock. They said most of the accidents involved burns and eye injuries. McCausland said further details were expected to be released later Sunday.

In 2011, lawmakers voted to repeal a 1949 law banning fireworks, reasoning the industry would create jobs and generate additional revenue.
