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All About PAT (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
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Loll PRETC suck seriously, i have been here during 1 long year, the only thing i know, all staff work at the pretc are all worst soldiers i have ever seen.
versus ... you cant know an unity after only 4 seperate month ! you stay a 2 month max consecutivly ... hello !
im agree with schifty ... pretc suck a lot ! im here since over 2 year for NOTHING ! he refused me ewat ... refuse my common law ... refused my driver course ... refused my english course ... and when my father died ... ive need to meet padre for have ONE fucking day off ...
and were supposed to act like a real soldier when all nco laugh in my face

just two word to say ... FUCK PRETC !!!
I agree with you guyz, PRETC sucks but anyway, but not all NCO were laughing at us. I got days off when my grand father died, I didn't have to fight to have some compensatory leave. If you.ve been there for over two years then you must know that PRETC wasn't always taht bad. Now they got to much people to take care of, and two many privates just didn't do what they should have done. (People going over to the beach on working days, people just dog fucking, staying in their room, not going to PT...)

Maybe I've only been 4 consecutives months on the PRETC but I was in borden for total of 14 months and I had a lot of friends on PRETC so I knew was was hapening. But I agree with you that PRETC suck.

Which trade are you going to?
WOW, you guys seem to not know the other side, maby there is a reason your requests were denied. Also, tread softly with what you are saying. I work and live in Borden, and have many close friends that are instructors there.

With he father dieing thing, meeting a Padre is standard. The common law thing, all I can guess is your mean you want to be common law with your girlfriend, that has nothing to do with the military. Refused drivers course/english course. Why were you refused? do you have a drivers license? If you need an english course, chances are you cant take a drivers course in english, the french drivers courses are rare to get. was there spots on either course, do your instructors feel that you are eligible for the course(attitude, aptitude, etc.)

There are always 2 sides to a story, you are a bunch of new privates that see once side of the buck, and piss and moan. If you work hard, do good, you will get farther.
Hi there,
It's nothing to be on the PAT platoon in Borden....by the way PAT stands for Personnel Awaiting Training...so nothing specific is awaiting for you over there. You might be doing joe jobs here and there or if you are lucky you might get some on job training pertaining to your trade, but I doubt it. By the way, I am an instructor at CFSCE Kingston for the Sig Ops...so I'll be seeing you soon. Heads up....PT every morning at 05:55am, inspections with open locker pretty much every morning as well. We do measure beds, locker layouts, spaces in between hangers, etc...we look for dust and boots must be shiny! From what I hear of my other students is this: boot camp was a breaze, SQ was even easier, but Sig Op Apprentice course is really hard. I don't think it is too demanding myself compared to 17 years ago but hey...oh yeah, you also have your field part to pass at the end of your course...again...from what I hear from my own students they say it's : bloody hell!! You can expect 1 hour sleep per night for 7 nights straight if you are lucky and loose about 10 pounds. Since I have been here I have not seen one course finish with the same amount they started. LOL Not trying to scare you, just giving you a fair heads up to keep working out and stay in shape. Yes we run A LOT. The rest of the school think we are nuts but the way I see it, I'm ?? years old and I can still keep up...actually...I can still outrun young fellows! Nothing wrong with been paid to stay in shape! Good luck on your course in June!!!
Im agree with you sigspig, but on the PAT platoon in Borden, nobody try to keep us in a good shape. I have an exemple for you, in the last month a new major arrived to command the PAT, so the first thing he has change on the PAT was to cut on schedule of the days a lot of time of physical training and have replaced that for stripping and waxing of the floor and i think that is NOT the most important thing we suppose to do in a PAT.

I have done 2 different PAT platoon, Borden and Valcartier, and the PAT at Valcartier is so far better than the PAT at Borden, because at Valcartier we do a lot of PT, field exercice, history course about the canadian army. In Borden we never done an exercice or an training like at valcartier.

Also at the PRETC, last winter, they declare me AWOL because they lost a document(like every time) during the hime i was at valcartier  ???
and when the moment i need to return at Borden I has waiting during one month, because they forget me  :-\ and because they forget me, i cant done my BDT course in time for the sigops course in April last year.
One reason they do not do exercises in Borden is that last year they planned  a 40km snowshow walk over one week (10 k per day, the last day they sent the people skying) and half the people went to MIR to get chits and reasons to not do the march. 10 k par day, nothing easier.
People think that because they are done with BMQ they don't have to put an effort anymore. Silly.

Keeping in shape is a personnal thing, don't rely on the army or any course to do it.

Well let me say that as a Sig Op in 2 Brigade you had better get yourself into shape. We have 3 troops in the Sqn and all of them have ex-airborne WO's so pt can be a bitch. You can be an mir commando here but you will pay for it in the long run.

  V.V.V.  :cdn:
Seems like most folks regardless of trade are heading to Borden for their "Pat" time. There is a whole system set up there to process them.
I'll throw my hat into the ring here.I was in Borden from May of 2002 to April of 2004.I first arrived and was put in PAT Plt,when it was still controlled by the school(CFSEME),and can say that we were the first people to witness PRETC standing up(The originals,if you will).
PRETC and PAT in general sucks.You come out of BMQ,ready for your new life,(or in my case,CT from a reserve unit),and then you wait.It's a little easier on the inspections and PT than BMQ,and generally they try to do interesting stuff to break up your day(notice I said try!).Weekends and nights,for the most part,were off.
If I could offer some advice to all who read this.
Ruck up,or shut up.The more you moan and gripe,the harder its going to be.Make the most out of your time there and work on your weakness.Do more PT to get in better shape,take advantage of the time and do some schooling to improve your mind or pick up a productive hobby.Make sure all of your admin is up to date(Dental,Medical,financial),and most of all,STAY OUT OF THE BARS!This doesn't mean don't drink period.It just means not to drink all your money and all your motivation away.I've seen to many people become alcoholics on PAT because they just don't care anymore.These people either end up:1-On a spin dry course 2-In jail for fighting,impaired driving or AWOL 3-VR'd.And just one observance-Most,not all,but most of the people who get "screwed over" are the ones with the bad attitude or disciplinary problems.think about it.
If you can't take a daily routine with a small helping of discipline,you will not survive your first BE.
Some might say I've been a little cut throat with some of my statements,but that's life troops.Myself and many others have "been there and got the T-shirt"and survived.It's not all fun and games.This is life.If you thought that every day was going to be an adventure,heres your wake up call.
Make the best of a bad situation.It's not permenant,you will leave.There is a better future waiting for you.Use the now to better prepare yourself and the future will be bright.Screw it up,and the future won't be so bright.
And if you don't like it,don't worry.MacDonald's is always looking for fry cooks.
for those who dont think pretc does anything.. C coy just got finished a 4 day 34 k hike from collingwood to Meaford...
we do a ton of things like climb rock walls, and unarmed combat. sure it can get repetitive. but to say we dont do anything is just wrong
and the NCMs are not bad if you have a positive attitude and act like a soldier like we should.. we arent recruits anymore its time to stop acting like children and grow up and be soldiers.

for a background I have been in PRETC since December 2004 , I will be here till about MAY, going on a sigs course. So i have seen a fair bit of Pretc. and yes sometime we get friday afternoons off.. and yes we get nights and weekends off but for fire pickets, but that goes to people who usually screw up.. and trust me there are enough of them here.

Really Pretc is what you make it.. if you think it will suck, then it will.. I have had horrible days where I think its horrible. and I hate it.. the Mad Bomber has his moments where you just wanna club him with a big stick. but really they have our best intentions in mind.. they want to make us soldiers and for that I thank them.

Tomas said:
for those who dont think pretc does anything.. C coy just got finished a 4 day 34 k hike from collingwood to Meaford...
we do a ton of things like climb rock walls, and unarmed combat. sure it can get repetitive. but to say we dont do anything is just wrong
and the NCMs are not bad if you have a positive attitude and act like a soldier like we should.. we arent recruits anymore its time to stop acting like children and grow up and be soldiers.

Thank you, exactly on the line of what I said. One of my roomates(a pretc instructor) said that the ones that get screwed outa stuff, are usually the ones dragin ass.
thanks.  I just dont like the negitive attitude everyone has here.. they PAY us money to climb walls, and exercise.. where else can you get a sweet deal like that?
ummmmm welfare? but then you get alot less money, no bennifits, you have to pay to do the sports and activities that you do.

Like jeese, wake up, you joined the military, they dont HAVE to give you all these extras you are complaining about. sort yourselfs out!
Tomas said:
thanks.   I just dont like the negitive attitude everyone has here.. they PAY us money to climb walls, and exercise.. where else can you get a sweet deal like that?
My thoughts exactly...

I have been doing a lot of reading on this board over the last 4 days.  I have seen a lot of questiions asked and a lot of grip and growl.  As a NEW recruit just getting to leave for Basic I have to be honest some of you are making me more worried about it then I think I should be.

I want to be a Soldier.  A hard working determined, Honest, relieable team member.  I just hope that soem of you that I may run into in the future feel the same way.
Hey are there many armoured guys out there on PRETC or PATS or is the course progression good for them? Also someone mentioned unarmed combat, do you have actual instructors and a specific type say Judo or Combat Sambo etc. I'm wondering because I'm a martial artist and would love to have the ability to practice every day while waiting to go to course  ;D
armored do not do pat in borden. they go to gagetown i believe.. and as for unarmed combat. yes we get an unarmed combat instructor to teach it.. though I admit its not judo or anything like that its more self defence. good to know. .may save your life some time. but nothing youd see on tv really...
Yeah, Judo is my sport and it's not like you see on tv either, very practical actually  :) check out our club website  www.judoclub.ca and thanks for the info!
Thread topic is basically self explanatory. I would like to know about PAT in Borden, daily routines, what to look forward to, and what to stay away from.
