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All About PAT (merged)

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mariomike said:
You can search the Terms of Service ( TOS ) discussions.

This is one of many,

See also,


A TOS is a contract between a member and the Canadian Forces to provide military service until lawfully released.
The Canadian Forces offers its Regular Force members four different Terms of Service contracts.
1. Variable Initial Engagement Contract
When Regular Force members first join the Canadian Forces they sign an initial contract, which is
called the Variable Initial Engagement (VIE).
This contract can range in length from three to nine years not including subsidized training or
education. The length varies depending on the occupation, the needs of each occupation, and the
training time that is required for that occupation.
2. Indefinite Period of Service contract
After the Variable Initial Engagement has been completed, if members decide to continue their
military career they are provided with an Indefinite Period of Service contract or a Continuing
Engagement contract.
An Indefinite Period of Service (IPS) is a contract where service is extended until he/she is legally
released. (60th birthday).
3. Intermediate Engagement 25yr
An Intermediate Engagement 25 Year (IE25) is a fixed period of service in the Regular Force of 25
years of continuous service, followed by an IPS until he/she is legally released.
4. Continuing Engagement Contract
A Continuing Engagement (CE) refers to a fixed period of service of variable duration that can be
offered as an extension of any term of service until he/she is legally released.


" 12 months prior to the VIE expiring, if the member is deemed suitable for further TOS,"

what makes a member deemed suitable? what kind of reasons would a member be considered unsuitable?
Gsc023 said:

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)

Gsc023 said:
what makes a member deemed suitable? what kind of reasons would a member be considered unsuitable?

Original Poster: Gsc023

Service Contracts
"what are the chances of not being offered another contract at the end of these four years? Or will I always have the option of staying in if I want to?"

Reply to Gsc023,

DAA said:
If you are not meeting your obligations and or subject to administrative measures (ie; less than a stellar performer or a discipline/administrative problem), your future Terms of Service are pretty much a given and come at regular intervals.

Do your job, do what is asked of you, put your best effort forward and go above and beyond when the opportunity presents itself and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Do I have to wait 12 months before my vie ends to sign a IE25. Or can I request to sign one once posted to a unit.

I would like to sign it asap if I could for a better sense of job security, and not to be left standing after four years of service.

I understand that I would have to put every effort into my job in the forces. Which I plan on doing.

I'm just wondering if it is a common thing to see someone who wants to continue serving not receive a ce or ie25 offer?
Gsc023 said:
I'm just wondering if it is a common thing to see someone who wants to continue serving not receive a ce or ie25 offer?

It is very very rare not to get an offer, haven't seen it yet and I deal in a ton of TOS offers.
Gsc023 said:
I'm just wondering if it is a common thing to see someone who wants to continue serving not receive a ce or ie25 offer?

Did you not read what DAA told you in the "Service Contracts" thread you started?

Original Poster: Gsc023

Service Contracts
"what are the chances of not being offered another contract at the end of these four years? Or will I always have the option of staying in if I want to?"

Reply to Gsc023,

Quote from: DAA on May 05, 2016, 14:41:26
If you are not meeting your obligations and or subject to administrative measures (ie; less than a stellar performer or a discipline/administrative problem), your future Terms of Service are pretty much a given and come at regular intervals.
Do your job, do what is asked of you, put your best effort forward and go above and beyond when the opportunity presents itself and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Gsc023 said:
I am now 25 and want to do my full 25 years before.mandatory retirement,

Who told you retirement is mandatory after 25 years?

The good news for you is the Compulsory Retirement Age ( CRA ) is 60. 

Follow DAA's advice, and you can stay in for the whole ride.  :)
mariomike said:
Did you not read what DAA told you in the "Service Contracts" thread you started?

Original Poster: Gsc023

Service Contracts
"what are the chances of not being offered another contract at the end of these four years? Or will I always have the option of staying in if I want to?"

Reply to Gsc023,

Quote from: DAA on May 05, 2016, 14:41:26
If you are not meeting your obligations and or subject to administrative measures (ie; less than a stellar performer or a discipline/administrative problem), your future Terms of Service are pretty much a given and come at regular intervals.
Do your job, do what is asked of you, put your best effort forward and go above and beyond when the opportunity presents itself and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Who told you retirement is mandatory after 25 years?

The good news for you is the Compulsory Retirement Age ( CRA ) is 60. 

Follow DAA's advice, and you can stay in for the whole ride.  :)

Yes I read what DAA said. I didn't have any trouble understanding that. I know that you "shouldn't" have anything to worry about if you go above and beyond etc.  My question was more relating to whether or not getting another offer was a competitive thing; based on a certain number of contracts per year or unit etc. Would I have to stand out above everyone else kind of thing just to stand a chance.

Thanks MJP for you response, its more along the lines of what I was looking for. I intend to be the best there can be if I can help it, I was just concerned about being able to have a sense of job security and not be left looking for another career after my VIE.

Mariomike - my recruiter actually told me the retirement age was 54, that is my misunderstanding I guess. 
Gsc023 said:
Mariomike - my recruiter actually told me the retirement age was 54, that is my misunderstanding I guess.

Not to contradict what Recruiting told you, but there is a lot of discussion about Compulsory Retirement Age ( CRA 60 ) on here, if interested,

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

On pat platoon, are you free to do as you wish evenings and weekends or are you told to stay on the base
Gsc023 said:
On pat platoon, are you free to do as you wish evenings and weekends or are you told to stay on the base

"Is PAT Platoon like M-F 9-5? I'm asking that since I could possibly drive home on the weekends..."

"PAT does get almost all of their weekends off, however most major holidays they work as duty platoon, like Easter/Thanksgiving/Canada Day.  PAT also has to have 24 hr firepicket and works 24 hours at the green desk during the week, as well as being tasked everywhere on base all week."

"My husband graduates BMQ this week and will be shipped off to Borden and put on a PAT platoon until his training starts (next training course starts on Sept 7th for Supply Techs).  I'm curious if he'll be able to get any kind of leave and if on his first weekend (he arrives on Friday) if he'll be permitted to come home this weekend."

"Will I be able to see her after work during the week?  And maybe stay with her on weekends?"

"Can you bugger-off on the weekends to do things or even during the weekday so long as your responsibilities with regards to living quarters and physical fitness are kept up?"

"PAT platoon who basically had every evening and weekend to themselves."

As with most things in the military, it depends.
In Borden, we were generally free to do as we wished in the evenings and weekends. However we couldn't go outside the geographic area (which for Borden was no further south than Vaughn Mills, and maybe Orillia in the North, Wasaga Beach in the west). I think it was 75 or 100km?
Same for weekends with no leave pass. If you wanted to go to Toronto you had to put in a leave pass with your location.
If I can give anyone advice while they are on Pat Platoon (coming from someone who left Bordens Pat Platoon to do OJE in my hometown thankfully), volunteer for whatever tasks are available, it makes Pat PL breeze by. There's nothing worse then sitting in front of a computer as a new member of the forces, with no actual task to do on the computer. You can only play so many games of solitaire and check your Facebook so often lol.
Get yourself out there, some of the tasks are actually fun  [:D

Cheers and Good Luck!
Random question...And I'm assuming the answer is yes, however having never been there I just have to ask and check. Is there a PAT Pl at CFB Shilo?
Hey, I have a questions as I have gotten different answers from
current members and also recruiting.

I ship off at the end of the month for basic and then after that I have to wait for my security clearance (I’m comms research) now will they ship me on PAT to the other side of the country or do they now take in to consideration about TD or something at your close to home base?

It would be nice to stay with my wife and kids and work at the local base (CFB Trenton) but if not that’s what it is.

Thanks in advance, if I should have posted in comms research please move.