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All About PAT (merged)

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PAT atleast at Wainwright is large, and was very stupid. However, it was the people in PAT that made it bad. My course from BMQ arrived in Nov but couldn't get on a course for SQ until March. We sat on PAT, but we had a good handler who took us on PT every day, did VERY basic E&E stuff and even had inspections 4 days a week.

At the worst part of PAT there were I believe close to 300 of us, with the exception of my wouldbe course, the rest were actual PAT Pls. They would whine and complain about how bad Wainwright was and how they wish they were one course, but come time for PAT Pl to do a (very slow) 5km run, out came the chits, the appointments and everything. They liked being paid to sleep an extra hour compared to those on course, little to no inspections, sleep all day, TV and all that. IMHO, they liked being civvies with benefits. The people who were legit either worked hard to be in shape for the next course so they wouldn't be booted for being unfit. Those who were really injured, they noted that it sucked being injured but they worked to get well.

There was a guy on our course who actually was happy to be on PAT and was hoping to expire his contract there because he made "a lot of money" there. Those in charge of PAT can't do anything big about the malingerers because they go to the doc and say "Oh...it hurts there, um...I mean there" It's up to the medics to find them because the PAT staff can't override a medical chit even if they think the person is fit.

On the bright side (though a little dated in news), PAT at Wainwright was taken over by a new warrant who started penalizing them for their laziness by removing electronics and allowing them only to come out on weekends and sending more tasking and that. It still is a little slack, but if someone in there wanted to get off of PAT, they'd do the extra to get out. I've seen many people do it, and many also fall through the cracks and disappear. As for being unprepared for courses as for staff, there is also the fact there is only so much training equipment available too because of a tight budget. Can't have 5 courses running if there are only so many weapons for 3 courses.

My four rubles

Just a quick question....

I just got accepted for a Naval Weapons Tech position and am heading to St Jeans for BMQ in a few days.  If my Ql3 doesnt start directly afterwards i am aware i go to a PAT platoon, With that said do i go to a naval base or would i stay in St. Jean ?

Usually you leave St Jean.. St Jean is reserved for people waiting for courses there.. as space is limited.. (at least thats how it was when I was there).

BTW...  a private/ordinary seamen trained has a hook, a recruit does not :)  Just FYI...

Good luck with your career!
alright to set this pat issue straight..

ive been on pat in st jean, and ive been on pat at CFB Borden.
first of all. on pat you get treated with respect if you treat people with respect.. do what you are told when an everything is fine.. to be honest the ones that ruined our pat were the VR's becuase they just dont care..t hey wont be soliders so they stopped caring.. the others the ones that got hurt tried damned hard to start the straight and narrow so they could go on course again,. like me many were hurt..
and it sucked but it was what we had to do.

in borden its boring. thought they have instituded a new trainnig division that seems to give us somethings to do during the days.. kinda nice if you are fit you are in it.. and you get to do some nice things like rock climbing and the such.

i also found pat a good wayt o get to know the instructors, sure some treat you alittle less than a fit soldier. because you are slowed due to injury.. but 99.999% of all my instructors got along fine with me.. even had some good times while on late duties, and we could talk like humans.

so before you really rag on pat.. you should decide what kind of person you are.. and how you wiill be seen there.. a slacker who doesnt want to be there.. or someone whos working hard to get off pat

thats about it
ive been on pat in borden for about 2 months now currently on a pilot program for a new training division.
Hello, it looks like I am going to the Borden in the PAT platoon until my security clearance goes through.  I am getting back in the CF as a Cpl awaiting a remuster to 291 Comm Researcher.  My course is in Kingston in June if I get my security clearance in time.  Would anyone know what I can expect to be doing or staying?  Does anyone know anybody with a similar situation as myself?  Also, is there anywere that I can use the internet if I bring my own laptop on base ? i.e. free wireless.
ok, I didn't want to start a new thread here, but my questions follow under this so I decided just to post here.

You sit in a PAT Platoon untill your injurys are fine and healed? Then are you allowed to get back on the course, or do you get dismissed and sent home and have to await another call to go to BMQ? Also what kind of injurys set you back? Aside from the obvious.... like broken bone... any minor injurys will set you back, like a pulled muscle or something?

As for SQ, so if you complete BMQ and there is a waiting period do you get sent home untill you're called in? do you get put on Leave without pay?

*edit* im also getting I have to sit on PAT Platoon for the 4 days before my training starts?
Generally, you would wait on PAT plt until your injuries are healed. You would not resume your course, but start a new one. You would not be sent home during this time, unless you take some leave time.

Any injury or illness that would make you miss about 2 days in your course will result in being sent to PAT plt.

In reg force, you will never be put on leave without pay while awaiting a course, being put on PAT plt is common. The exception to this is right after being sworn in, you may get LWOP for a few days before your course starts, after that, you will never be forced to take LWOP.

Usually recruits are recoursed onto whatever week they left (so if you are week 5, you usually pick up again week 5).

The only time this doesnt apply generally (at least that Ive seen) was where it was a PRB recourse that required them to start afresh.


Not always true.  Someone being Recoursed may start all over again on Week One or Two.  It all depends on the students Crse File.  If the Instructors felt the student was really "Switched On" your example may pertain to that circumstance, but if they felt that the student was relatively weak, they may start that student off at the beginning of the next Crse and give them the benefit of that 'extra' experience.

Noted..  Above was just how the people on PAT when I was there were explaining their sitch's to me. ... but as an OCdt, I didnt really see the PATs all that much, and IAP/BOTP is usually always a fresh restart.
the question have been asked but since the answer was partial...

Where do pat platoon go AFTER BMQ before starting their course?

Specific: He is in st-jean, will go to gagetown for his combat eng. training. Pat pl will be in gagetown? or in any base?

PAT platoon means "personnel awaiting training" platoon.  Most training bases and units
have these.

In a perfect world, recruits would go from BMQ, SQ (for army), trades training, and then
to the first posting as an over-generalization.  The CF does its best to schedule courses
in a timely sequence but in an organization as large as this, it doesn't always work out very
well.  There may be delays of several days or months between courses.  In the time between
initial courses, members may be placed in a PAT platoon and tasked to do various jobs as they

It'll most likely be at the Engr School in Gagetown, where he will be loaded on the first Crse available.

Likely Gagetown.  He may have a travel/posting message provided to him by the CFRC
or will get them in St.Jean later in the course.  More info may be provided to him during
BMQ weeks 7 to 10.

<Oopps, fast post George!>
Just finished BMQ  and am heading to Borden for PAT platoon, just wondering if any one can give me  an idea of what the daily schedule is like? Do we get nights or weekends off? and how long till SQ and BMD starts? By the way I'm going Sig Op and my moc starts June 23.

Thanks To any one who can help!!
DarthScott, soon you will see what the "dark side" really is.
They call the pats "PRETC" (Post Recruit Education Training Centre). They do some interesting stuff.. I wasn't part of the unit very long, (I was on PRETC 2 months after basic, I was sent on SQ, then I was part of the PRETC 2 more months before starting my FCS Ql3.

Be prepare for some open lockers inspection (nothing compare to your BMQ, very easy) some PT (PT quality depends on how much effort you put into it). And some parades on friday. They used to have their friday afternoon off I think so much people fucked up and took things for granted that they don'T have them anymore.

It easy to see the "dark side" of the PRETC in Borden, just take it day by day, and keep in mind that your course is not too far in the future. Some people have been on the pats for 1 year. Just ask to have the more training that you can have (driver's course, and the like) and ask for tasking to get rid of the routine....

And be prepared to be sent on a SQ :P you'll miss BMQ :P

Keep going!