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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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To bring this thread back from the dead:

The 2009 Selection Board for COTP (Continuing Occupation Transfer Program) to MOSID 000019-02 AES OP-JR is coming up in early 2009.  Anyone interested should read CFAO 11-12 to determine if they are eligible for the COTP.  I just went thru the application/selection process within the past year, and I am more the willing to answer questions/assist anyone interested with that process.  I started my application in mid-Oct and just barely got everything in on time, so there is likely not much time left for anyone interested who hasn't applied already. 

Current information on requirements specific to the AES Op MOC should be available from your BPSO office. 

I can't/won't answer questions on the MOC itself, as I am not a qualified AES Op.  I can tell you some info on what training you can expect but not what that training is like.  I'll leave that to those with the BTDT T-shirts.

What is an AES Op?

MH (Maritime Helicopter) AES Op video

News Footage, CP-140 Aurora Crew at work:  407 Sqn, 19 Wing Comox

Prop Gun  ;)


If anyone is wondering why there is only 3 people mentioned, its because the other 5 failed the course.

Its not an "attend" course.
Eye In The Sky said:
Current information on requirements specific to the AES Op MOC should be available from your BPSO office. 

Starting some time next year, info will be available at the CFRC for those civillians who wish to join the trade.
I am almost done my BAC and I can attest to how hard this course is.
It is definitely not an attend course, I haven't had to work this hard for a course in my life.
I came from what I thought was a demanding job (Mar Eng Tech), and there is no comparison.

When you pass the academic phase and move into the flying/trainer phase it only gets harder, because
now you are expected to apply all that classroom knowledge in the aircraft or trainer, and it is not easy.

All I can say is don't come to Winnipeg with any preconceived notions on what this course is going to be like,
because you will be looking for another trade in a very short while.

Oh and the course is going to be changing next year, for when the Direct Entry applicants come in.
It  will be run as a 3's course and then a 5A (academic) and then 5B(flying).

Good luck to all who apply.
  hmmm...run as a 3's course eh?  Does that mean its going to be a cock course?  Inspections...drill...more inspections....yelling etc etc?  Its going to be strange for some people who are Sgt's in their old trade or Mcpls, to be on course with BMQ recruits!  Would a private go straight to Mcpl after their BAC course?
  Can you give a description of what its like there in Winnipeg on course?  What are your days like....nights....homework, free time?  Acommodations, etc, etc.?
  Thanks alot
TH :cdn:
yelling, inspections...its the Airforce

I am sure they have other ways of inducing stress.

are they really making this a direct entry trade?
HFXCrow said:
are they really making this a direct entry trade?

Yes. That decision has been made and aproved by the CF. The first DE candidates will be on course next year. IMHO, its about damned time.

TangoHotel said:
  hmmm...run as a 3's course eh?  Does that mean its going to be a cock course?   Inspections...drill...more inspections....yelling etc etc?

I am sitting on the QS writting board for the new QL3 and QL5A courses soon. Until then, what the courses will be like is not determined.

  Its going to be strange for some people who are Sgt's in their old trade or Mcpls, to be on course with BMQ recruits! 

Thats just too bad. Other trades get candidates of various ranks that have remustered. This one will be no different.

Would a private go straight to Mcpl after their BAC course?

No, those days will be over.

   Can you give a description of what its like there in Winnipeg on course?  What are your days like....nights....homework, free time?  Acommodations, etc, etc.?

I have done the BAC a little over 4 years ago now so someone more current may have things to add. The course will obviously soon be changing. The course workload is high and the expectation to perform to standard rapidly is high as well. Lots of homework, lots of work in class, lots of work in the sim and lots of work in the airplane. Passing grades are not given out just to make you pass and you dont get many chances.

It is a selection course plain and simple.

  sweet..........I look forward to the opportunity to experience it myself someday.
TH :cdn:
When I was there on course a typical day was as follows. (I may have been a freak/geek but I followed this schedule religiously)

Class 0800-1600
1600 - eat
1630-1730 - Relax
1730-2130 - Study
2200 - Lights out

Weekends I would study in the mornings and afternoons.

Every weekday was the same routine for me and it worked, everyone finds their groove and what works for them, but there isn't much free time until after the academic phase is over.  Accommodations in Winnipeg are first rate, probably among the best in Canada (having someone clean your room for you was nice too).

It was by far the most challenging course I have ever done and by far the most rewarding. 
If you are on the BAC and you are studying one evening and you find yourself saying

"If i dont know it by now i never will...i'm going to go watch (insert name of TV show) ! "

Hope you will like whatever trade is open because you wont be an AES Op.
Bang on!
I'm on BAC right now and although we're about to start week 4, its a lot of studying. Usually 4 hours a day is the norm for the first few weeks. I use Dolphin_Hunter schedule and I find it works for me. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions/advices from the senior course. They'll be more than happy to help you out.
Has anyone seen the 2008/09 COTP msg yet?  I took a look today, the FPSO site has changed around and I didn't manage to find the stuff I was looking for when I was at the office for a few minutes...
Just finished my last trainer on Friday, and passed ;D

Have 2 more BAF next week (if the weather & serviceability work out) and
then check ride the week after, so wish me luck, not that luck has anything to do with it.

All I can say and I am sure it has been said before, if you don't put every thing you have and then some
into this course, than don't bother showing up, because you will be wasting your time and the instructors.

You don't have to be a math whiz or be #1 in your unit to pass this course, what I feel you need to pass
is work with your class, listen and I mean really listen to your instructors, study hard and when you make
it to the trainer/flying phase, if you make a mistake on one part, don't let it take you down. Work through
and it find a way to get past the mistake/screw up.

Oh and try and leave your family/emotiona/ baggage at home, or sort it out before you get here, because you don't have the time
to deal with it on course and it will take you down.

I really feel for the BAC courses.  I'm pretty sure I know who Hoist-Monkey is and from talking to people in that course, it's a bag drive.  Not that the BANC isn't a bag drive  ;D
Speaking with a few instructors a couple of months ago and they have tweaked the course considerably since I left there.  I guess they have rewritten quite a few tests, took out 2 flights (2 trainers too) and added some new material. 

I would rather be in Winnipeg for a 6 month bag drive then a year long working half days BANC    >:D.

Another study tip, I had my walls covered with post-it notes and pieces of paper so no matter where I looked I was getting bombarded with information. 
*NOTE* Do not write on the windows. Keep your sideburns trimmed.  My ears are still ringing. (It was not a nice visit from the MWO, I still think he was yelling at the guy sitting behind me.  Hoist-Monkey knows who he is and he has killer sideburns)

Good luck with your BAF-9,10, and 11 Hoist.. 

Is it ok to turn closet doors into tables??  >:D

(I seem to recall hearing a story about windows with writing on them...)
Eye In The Sky said:
Is it ok to turn closet doors into tables??  >:D

Yup....take off one closet door. Lay it horizontaly on top of 2 chair backs.......instant map table.
I have my walls covered in SOP calls, Drift & W/V calculations, Mayday & Pan Pan calls etc etc.
About the closet doors you can take them off to do your maps, they just have to go back on before the next day.
The cleaners will rat you out and you will be in front of the MWO.

On sideburns, I have gotten a few dirty looks by the DComd, but the school CWO and MWO don't notice, so...
I definitely don't have them as long as I usually do though.

Going in the trainer to go practice Homings in a few minutes, got my 2nd last BAF tomorrow, wish me luck.

Well CF dress regs on sideburns require them to Bisect the ear... Oxford dictionary (the dictionary used by the CF states)



  • verb divide into two parts.

As long as your side burns don't go past your ear lobe you are more then within regs... And yes this works though RSM's and such really hate you throwing the letter of the regs back at them LMAO

EDIT: Now back to your thread about AESOP to which I know nothing about......  ;D
My executive table was pimping (closet doors), Donald Trump would have been envious, but the MWO was not happy with our handy work.  We were told quietly (quiet because after the sideburns conversation everything seemed quieter) to put the doors back up and that we had a room to do map preparation in.  Now at that time there were only four of us, but having 8 guys in that room doing map work would get crowded.

What I did was take the back shelves off the desks, then placed the closet door across the desks, then took those shelves and stacked them to give me a bookcase.  Sure that might have been a tad extreme but I had some free time before the course started. 
