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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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I am getting tired of this ****. This has been discussed ad nusium. Everyone who has a relevant opinion has given it. You young snots, who think they have opinion, don’t. You don’t have enough TI. Christ give me a break.
I‘m getting tired of it too. Maybe we won‘t have to discuss it someday?

Opinions are like *******s after all, everybody‘s got one.
Instead of talking about it here letting young snots who are entering the military with the gung hoe ‘girls shouldn‘t be in the army because we don‘t know what else to think‘ attitudes see a different side of the coin and maybe open their minds a little, we should ignore the topic all together.
This way we can keep the tensions and problems between the two genders alive and well.
The tensions and problems between the two genders are kept alive and well because too many people have their heads stuck up their *** . This discussion is like having a discussion about somebody while that person is in the room. Or saying I have no problem with females, some of my best friends are females. I find this discussion not meaniful because it degenerates to female bashing and entirely counter productive.This is not PC. This about professionalism. That means being gender blind. If your not, you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
I agree with you 100%. People need to smarten up. I personally feel it‘s more effective to educate and in essence win over someone before they even enter the military. If you have been registered on this board since 2000 theres no doubt that you‘ve seen countless discussions about this and many of them degrading into a bashing contest.

That being said, to someone new to the board, *especially* in a recruiting forum, this stuff may be brand new to them and very interesting. It may teach male recruits that they don‘t have to bash or ostrisize (sp?) women to look manly and it may teach women being a female in the army is not as scary as it might initially seem and there is support for them from their peers as fellow recruits to soldiers with considerable time in such as yourself.
I‘ve worked with women in every job since I was 17 and I‘ve never had these problems that people list here. Its life, when your skipped over for a bonus, a new position its always easier to say it was because she was a women.
On the Tugboats, I have not actually seen or worked with a women on board. It is pretty much all men. So, there is only one women, alone on a boat that is all men, who are you going to believe in the case of sexual harrasement. It has happened, why do you think I was working there in the first place. Positions need to be filled untill the court decisions pass. That was just an experiance that I have seen. It can happen, people do get treated unfairly, but not just women, men too. Both should be watched out for, and treated accordingly.

As for females meeting the pt requirement same as men I would ask a question, I did 82 push ups for my physical test so why shouldn‘t everyone else have to do the same as me? How many of you guys would pass the physical then? It‘s a given that everyone is at different physical levels and should always try to improve but everyone should be treated accordingly including females.
They would not ask everyone to do 82 push-up, because you dont need to be able to do 82 push-ups to do basic, or your job i guess. People in the Combat Arms have to do their job, it doesnt matter what sex you are, the job has to be done. So, why if you are female, are you expected to do less?
I‘ve always wondered, if throughout history, men thought so little of women, why didn‘t they send the women into battle to kill each other and the men just...survive?
I don‘t understand what this whole discrimination argument is all about. Yeah, it happens. Yeah, it‘s there. I‘ve seen it, but I‘ve seen it outside the army too. I don‘t think anyone can deny it‘s there, and it‘s not just sexual discrimination, it‘s jokes about Arabs who are terrorists, or French Canadians or ‘frogs‘, et. etc. I don‘t think anyone who is in the forces can say honestly that they have never made a joke, or never laughed at a joke that was discrimitory to some minority.

In the standardized police testing in Ontario, both men and women have the same standards. If you can‘t pass them, then you‘re not going on.
And it‘s not just women who can‘t pass the forces PT test, I know teenage guys that just couldn‘t do it either. I did it, so I‘m in. I was infantry for a year before I remustered to musician. Hey, they‘re discrimination in piping too!

I just find it amusing to see a bunch of guys arguing about gender discrimination. Continue guys, it‘s amusing!
By the way, I‘m an 18 y/o female attached to an infantry unit.
If a woman wants to be combat arms, there is nothing stopping a woman with a goal. I want to be armoured if I ever quit my job and go reg. force! (There‘s no armoured reserve units anywhere close to where I‘m from). Do you know how many comments I get, being a female piper? (Oh, god forbid, I know! And guess what? I wear those army-issued skivvys under my kilt!) I am no longer offended by anything anyone says. I stopped being offended a long time ago. And yeah, my other female friends in the army and I on occassion do discuss how good some guys look in uniform, espically CF‘s....so I guess that‘s a sort of discrimination in itself, right?

If you want to email me, or flame me, or just completely disagree, or agree, go ahead. :)
Since when are pipers "musicians"?

Michael Dorosh
Company Piper
"A" Company
The Calgary Highlanders

Our Pipe Major had a conniption back when Garrison Dress came out; the new trades badges for them (and the CFs) had a lyre and a drum, but nothing for pipers to wear. We quite naturally refused to wear the lyre. Army troops who play bagpipes are NOT musicians - they‘re Pipers!

PS - Highland regiments don‘t wear kilts. Do you know what they wear?
Would it be a ‘feilidh beag‘ ? Or do they chust wear a glengarry now ?
Oh don‘t get me wrong, I‘m not even in a highland regiment!! I do play other instruments, but my main one is the pipes.
I disagree about not being musicians, because in most cases, the pipers that I know are better musicians over all (don‘t need music, obviously, can usually write their own stuff, and where the mil. band sticks to their music, the piper(s) have to improvise their playing to fit with the band)
Guess what, they alllll go to the same music school in Borden :)
But this doesn‘t really have anything to do with women in the infantry ;)
Waterat - they wear the kilt.

heh...Art Johnson, an old 48th Highlander who served in Korea with RCR, righly chided me for that on this board. One man wears a kilt, a regiment wears "the kilt." (This is apparently the correct plural of kilt in this context, not "kilts.") More UFI that has nothing to do with women in the infantry either.

We had some women in the pipe band when I was in...they had as much musical talent as the men, could march as far, and drink as much (more, even, and without turning into idiots). If you can do the job, do the job.
Ah ! Trick question eh ? ...very good, right enough...I thought you were being tricky in another way....‘fileidh beag‘ is of course Gaelic for ‘little kilt‘, but you knew that anyway !
yes 82 military standard push ups, trained very very hard to do so and yes they let me do them but they only write 40 plus on the sheet. As for this post, I regret posting it because it has shown me that the Canadian military still has a lot of growing up to do. Even the yanks and brits have better attitudes towards female soldiers in combat arms. :(
Ghost, Somehow I don‘t think ignoring the problem will make it go away. This is a problem that needs to be entertained and people need to be educated on it.
RCA said "The tensions and problems between the two genders are kept alive and well because too many people have their heads stuck up their *** . This discussion is like having a discussion about somebody while that person is in the room. Or saying I have no problem with females, some of my best friends are females. I find this discussion not meaniful because it degenerates to female bashing and entirely counter productive.This is not PC. This about professionalism. That means being gender blind. If your not, you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

Look at the Americans - every time a person with black skin accomplishes something or is named to such and such a post, it is trumpeted as a victory for his race. That kind of nonsense is why there are racial tensions in the States that rarely compare to anything we have here. Being blind is the way to go.
Why does everyone have to get all hung up on race and sex or even age. If you are in the CF you are all serving Canada, and are all there for essentially the same purpose. The better the people the better the CF. Everyone should have to keep to the same standard (or everyone within a given MOC). The better your mates, the better off you are for it.
See, in Britain and the US, women aren‘t even allowed in the combat arms...in that way Canada is very much ahead of other countries.
Have you guys seen these cute lil‘ smiles! :fifty: That would be Piperr in her infantry days :D Hey Mod‘s, where‘s my piper one? :p
I actually did very well on that MG course. And my instructors didn‘t have any problem with us two chicka‘s on the course, but we did get flak from other guys on the course.
That‘s the only problems i‘ve had, is from ‘peers‘ not superiors... just my observations.
"In the standardized police testing in Ontario, both men and women have the same standards. If you can‘t pass them, then you‘re not going on."

I have to disagree with this. When i did my police ATS testing two females failed the test yet were still sent to police college because in toronto they needed female police officers. Same case with a female from my home town who was a jail guard and applied to the OPP, failed, and was accepted.

Born Military, i was being painfully sarcastic, or so i thought