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A Deeply Fractured US

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Fair but he’s said even worse, so even if it isn’t him typing, it’s his thought process anyway.
It's weird seeing the US Congress go from the McCarthy era of hunting communists, to actively siding with Russia in situations like Ukraine.

Also, Trumps general pumping up and open admiration of brutal dicators like Putin and Kim seems like a really weird thing for his base to be ignoring as it's the opposite to his general patriotic flag waving MAGA theme.

Freedom is slavery I guess.
Fair but he’s said even worse, so even if it isn’t him typing, it’s his thought process anyway.
Where is this from? It has no identifying marks at all.
Trump = Treason.

In his own words too.
View attachment 82750
I did a reverse image search of this .jpg and found it posted by Bill Kristol on his Twitter account on Jan 31, 2023. It was just an image as well with no indication where it came from.
Trump = Treason.

In his own words too.
You have got to be kidding.

Trump writes social media posts in short sentences and sentence fragments, and frequently uses ALL CAPS and exclamation points ("!") for emphasis.
So is blind loyalty to a President of another country but yet here we are…
Smith isn't a president and Alberta isn't a country... yet. ;)

But Javier Milei did sound fairly reasonable at the WEF...

Glad we can continue to entertain each other.
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Where is this from? It has no identifying marks at all.
From POTUS45's verified Truth Social account feed from around a year ago (archived here)
Screen capture of the still-up post ...
Screenshot 2024-01-29 171035.jpg
He may not have typed it, but if it's on his feed, it's his words.
From POTUS45's verified Truth Social account feed from around a year ago (archived here)
Screen capture of the still-up post ...
View attachment 82756
He may not have typed it, but if it's on his feed, it's his words.

The answer to that at that time was neither. But hopefully the intel community has drummed out the misfits who worked to usurp a sitting president.
Feds and National Guard standoff in Texas.
I doubt it's much of a standoff. The indications are that the coal-face federal employees aren't going to try too hard to achieve what the administration wants achieved. And while the administration is no longer restrained from pulling down wire, TX is under no obligation to make it easy or to refrain from putting stuff back up.
I doubt it's much of a standoff. The indications are that the coal-face federal employees aren't going to try too hard to achieve what the administration wants achieved. And while the administration is no longer restrained from pulling down wire, TX is under no obligation to make it easy or to refrain from putting stuff back up.
So we have these things called laws, and seeing as CBP personnel are Federal Law Enforcement, and some of our laws deal with Federal LE, and how it's generally not a wise idea to obstruct them.

States have no authority to conduct duties that are assigned to the country. Furthermore the fact that Republicans in congress did a U turn on the border negotiations, just shows how sad this MAGA manufacturing of an imaginary issue is.

Both Gov Abbot, and his moronic AG Paxton are really out on a ledge with no legitimate grounds for their actions.

Worse the Russians are funding this idiocy to try to create even more cracks in our nation.
From POTUS45's verified Truth Social account feed from around a year ago (archived here)
Screen capture of the still-up post ...
View attachment 82756
He may not have typed it, but if it's on his feed, it's his words.
He certainly wasn't wrong about the subversive criminals he mentioned.
So we have these things called laws, and seeing as CBP personnel are Federal Law Enforcement, and some of our laws deal with Federal LE, and how it's generally not a wise idea to obstruct them.

States have no authority to conduct duties that are assigned to the country. Furthermore the fact that Republicans in congress did a U turn on the border negotiations, just shows how sad this MAGA manufacturing of an imaginary issue is.

Both Gov Abbot, and his moronic AG Paxton are really out on a ledge with no legitimate grounds for their actions.

Worse the Russians are funding this idiocy to try to create even more cracks in our nation.
So just rip that portion of the border wide open again then? Let in more undocumented, untraceable terrorists and criminals. And drugs. And human trafficking. And disease. And, and, and.

I don't think the Republicans are off base. It's a simple construct. Close down and protect the border and the US, as is your duty, and return to the previous working policies or you get no more money to give to Ukranian oligarchs. I see nothing unreasonable about that. I see it as more Schumer and Biden's plan to leave it open as the real impediment. Just like Canada and the liberals, they simply can't be trusted any further than you can spit.

Yup, more Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion.
All the theoretical worriers who have tied themselves in knots about how lawless another Trump administration might be have essentially had their political nuts cut off by the recent revelations of just how lawless the current administration is being with respect to enforcing laws of the country.

To paraphrase Macauley, a democracy cannot tolerate a prolonged significant breach of its laws, let alone its constitution. Political parties are like two-year-old children and dogs - pass a fault, and a precedent is established.

Republicans who are down on the supposed immigration reform deal are in that position because they see an old gambit being played out again - go-along-to-get-along Republicans negotiate to accept nothing (more laws on top of the ones already not enforced) for something (money for Ukraine). The same Republicans also want the money for Ukraine, but they have some fuzzy notion that they have to try to get something in exchange, and an even fuzzier notion that most voters haven't gotten tired of their something-for-nothing deals. A sizeable fraction of American conservatives have been despising McConnell for just this kind of thing, and he is trying to do it again. This is what leads to "more Trump".
I think it's about time they started decoupling all of these combo bills. Funding the border, money for Ukraine and money for Israel should be taken up separately. Congress should decide on the order. Settle the border bill, THEN move on to the Ukraine/ Israel funding bills. The more Schumer and his Senate stonewall the border deal and don't make concrete moves, the longer it'll take for the other two. Omnibus bills are never good.
So just rip that portion of the border wide open again then? Let in more undocumented, untraceable terrorists and criminals. And drugs. And human trafficking. And disease. And, and, and.

So you know the Tx ARNG are blocking the CBP from actually patrolling the border.

If Gov Abbot actually wanted to help, he’d liaise with CBP to see what was needed rather than simply throw up Razor wire and block access to CBP monitoring stations.

I don't think the Republicans are off base. It's a simple construct. Close down and protect the border and the US, as is your duty, and return to the previous working policies
Except that isn’t what is happening. The Tx ARNG are being used to cause issues with CBP around illegal migrant containment areas.

It’s a sham.

or you get no more money to give to Ukranian oligarchs.
Seriously bro, we have a lock on what goes where and no one is getting rich from aid.

I would expect better from you, as you should t have forgotten better dead than red.

I see nothing unreasonable about that. I see it as more Schumer and Biden's plan to leave it open as the real impediment. Just like Canada and the liberals, they simply can't be trusted any further than you can spit.
Have you followed the bills and offers at all?

Yup, more Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion.
Follow the money. Honestly it’s fairly interesting and it’s on both sides of the Hoise and Senate (mostly house - but evenly split)
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