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A Deeply Fractured US

If one was going to entertain the idea that the intelligence/ national security apparatus of the United States of America put their thumb on the scales of the 2020 election, one should also consider that doing so was done on professional/patriotic rather than partisan grounds.

The people who have devoted their professional lives to the security of the US and have access to mountains of non-public information are willing to completely overlook egregious wrongdoing and threat to the nation that is the Biden crime family because they value their personal politics over the security of the nation.


The people who have devoted their professional lives to the security of the US and have access to mountains of non-public information worked to stymy a story about a non-threatening but ethically wrong business scheme by a son of a politician to try and keep an actual threat out of office because they value the security of the nation over their personal principles.

Said in fewer words- IF the intelligence/ national security apparatus of the US didn't want Trump back as President, and weren't worried about the Biden story maybe, just maybe, each conclusion is for good reason.
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Bureaucrats are not supposed to decide elections, the people are supposed to. Which bureaucrat are you comfortable with their thumb on the scale? Maybe next time you won't be ok with that notion.
Well, have had security agents dedicated to protecting Canada breaking their pathed and leaking information detrimental to JT and the current government. Are they doing it for partisan reasons or patriotic reasons? 🤷‍♂️
Do we have to assume that it's for partisan reasons, and that therefore they're fundamentally untrustworthy?
If for patriotic, does that make it ok?

Quite the ethical rabbit hole.
An employee at CSIS is not the bureaucracy. But rather a whistle blower.
A biolab owned by a Chinese medical company.

Fairly shocking': Secret medical lab in California stored bioengineered mice laden with COVID

I would say 'Fairly Shocking' is probably an understatement.


Looks like they used Georgia’s RICO laws to indict the whole lot.

Looks like they used Georgia’s RICO laws to indict the whole lot.
Haven’t read it yet due to diaper duty, but it looks like a doozy. Hoping to check it out today.

Meanwhile, here’s a quick primer on Georgia’s RICO law. It’s important to understand that this will be a very different sort of prosecution. Why Georgia's RICO law could be key in the state's case against Trump
Of note: the DA in this case has a 90% conviction rate…
19 accused, few of whom will have the ability to grift donors for a legal defense fund… We’ll definitely see a bunch of plea deals, particularly once they receive discovery and it’s clear what kind of evidence the 20+ unindicted co-conspirators flipped and gave.
All alleged, nothing proven so far. We'll see what happens down the road. No sense guessing or trying to extrapolate who'll take what deal.
19 accused, few of whom will have the ability to grift donors for a legal defense fund… We’ll definitely see a bunch of plea deals, particularly once they receive discovery and it’s clear what kind of evidence the 20+ unindicted co-conspirators flipped and gave.
From what I am hearing, there is a minimum mandatory sentencing provision under RICO and a much stricter pardon process beyond the governor’s powers.
All alleged, nothing proven so far. We'll see what happens down the road. No sense guessing or trying to extrapolate who'll take what deal.
Yes there is; it's fun and this is a forum we all use for fun (and educational purposes, from time to time).
From what I am hearing, there is a minimum mandatory sentencing provision under RICO and a much stricter pardon process beyond the governor’s powers.
Yes it's a pardon "board". Plus, if Trump one the election, he couldn't simply have his crony AG "wave away" the case like he "could" with the federal ones.
All alleged, nothing proven so far. We'll see what happens down the road. No sense guessing or trying to extrapolate who'll take what deal.
Yes, obviously all are at this point merely alleged, and not proven to the level of criminal conviction. As per the last several indictments, innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, burden of proof on the prosecution, etc. I think everyone here is pretty familiar with that by now. I'll acknowledge up front that it remains possible that Donald Trump is in fact legally innocent of all 91 felonies he's accused of in his four separate criminal prosecutions in two different states and two further separate federal jurisdictions. With that said, we're all free to carry on as we wish.
Yes, obviously all are at this point merely alleged, and not proven to the level of criminal conviction. As per the last several indictments, innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, burden of proof on the prosecution, etc. I think everyone here is pretty familiar with that by now. I'll acknowledge up front that it remains possible that Donald Trump is in fact CURRENTLY legally innocent of all 91 felonies he's accused of in his four separate criminal prosecutions in two different states and two further separate federal jurisdictions. With that said, we're all free to carry on as we wish.
So nobody is going to talk about the Fulton County prosecution leaking the indictments to the press, left it up long enough to be noticed and downloaded and took it down. Then said, "Oops, we had a little flub there." And the sheriff or whatever he is gleefully stating he's going for mug shots. I'll give that about two hours before the pictures are leaked. RICO charges? What a joke. That should be saved for the bidens. Allegedly, a true corrupt crime organization. There certainly seems to be plenty of prima facie evidence for racketeering charges.

I expect there will be great celebration and back slaps all around when Trump gets found guilty by any of these partisan political hacks, for anything. However, hold your champagne corks, There are appeal processes outside the control of the biden swamp attorneys. All the way to the SCOTUS, if need be.

They don't care if he wins on appeal, they just want convictions before the election. They are absolutely scared shitless he'll win and put them all in jail.

That pretty well puts a bow on my position. I may comment further on some small detail, but I think I'll just keep pushing the Biden crime syndicate favoritism stuff. All that stuff nobody, except a couple of us, will talk about.

The only question, does it belong in this GET TRUMP! thread or start a new biden thread? 😏
A biolab owned by a Chinese medical company.

Fairly shocking': Secret medical lab in California stored bioengineered mice laden with COVID

I would say 'Fairly Shocking' is probably an understatement.

And as the Man said, "Now for the rest of the story."

From the 09 August 2023 issue of the Washington Post which gives a good look at what actually happned and how it got blown out of proportion to what actually happened. And while in this case the lab was illicit, there was no threat to anyone, that doesn't mean that there might be other labs out that may pose a threat. The scary part is in the last two paragraphs of the article, "Reedley officials said what has been most concerning about the discovery was finding out there is no single government entity overseeing private medical laboratories.

“What’s frustrating is that we’re focusing on these myths, bioengineered weapons and stuff like that, rather than the real issue, the lack of regulation of these private labs,” Harper said.

An illicit, Chinese-owned lab fueled conspiracy theories. But officials say it posed no danger​

By Olga R. Rodriguez | AP

August 9, 2023 at 6:57 p.m. EDT

(Eric Paul Zamora/The Fresno Bee)

SAN FRANCISCO — Jesalyn Harper, the only full-time code enforcement officer for the small, agricultural city of Reedley in California’s Central Valley, was responding to a complaint about vehicles parked in the loading dock of a cold-storage warehouse when she noticed a foul smell and saw a garden hose snaking into the old building.

A woman in a lab coat answered her knock, and behind her were two others in plastic gloves and blue surgical masks, packing pregnancy tests for shipping. Harper said they spoke broken English and told her they were from China. Walking through the lab, she found dozens of refrigerators and ultralow-temperature freezers hooked to illegal wiring; vials of blood and jars of urine in shelves and plastic containers; and about 1,000 white lab mice being kept in crowded, soiled containers.

The women said the owner lived in China, provided a phone number and email address and asked her to leave. Alarmed by what she saw, Harper, whose work mostly entails ensuring people have permits for yard sales and are keeping their lawns mowed, contacted Fresno County health officials and then the FBI.

The discovery last December launched investigations by federal, state and local authorities who found no criminal activity at the medical lab owned by Prestige Biotech Inc., a company registered in Las Vegas, and no evidence of a threat to public health or national security. Nonetheless, it was just the beginning of a case that this summer fueled fears, rumors and conspiracy theories online about China purportedly trying to engineer biological weapons in rural America.

During a March inspection of the lab in Reedley, a city of about 25,000 people some 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of San Francisco, officials did find infectious agents in the refrigerators including E. coli, coronavirus, malaria, hepatitis B and C, dengue, chlamydia, human herpes, rubella and HIV.

But the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there was no sign that the lab was illegally in possession of the materials or had select agents or toxins that could be used as bioweapons.

“CDC has taken no further action in this matter,” the agency said in an email to The Associated Press, referring further questions to county and state officials.

After company representatives stopped communicating with city and county officials, they got a court order to shut down the operation, euthanized the mice and cleaned the biological materials. Officials thought that would be the end of it.

Then on July 25, the Mid Valley Times, a local online news outlet, published a story about the lab that quoted court documents saying a representative of Prestige Biotech, which makes pregnancy and coronavirus tests sold online, told officials in March that the mice had been genetically modified to catch and carry the virus that causes COVID-19.

That was likely a miscommunication by Prestige Biotech representative Wang Zhaolin, whose English is not perfect, Harper said.

“She stated that the mice were bred, and then she hesitated and said they were modified to carry COVID,” Harper said Zhaolin told her and other officials. After the lab was shut down, she added, Wang stopped cooperating with them.

Wang’s comment prompted Reedley authorities to hire Nina Hahn, a vet formerly contracted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to examine the mice. Hahn found they had not been injected with any infectious agent and were simply used to grow COVID-19 antibody cells to make testing kits. She also determined they were not subjected to experimentation, Harper said.

But that hasn’t stopped the furor, however.

After the Mid Valley Times article, national media outlets published stories saying the lab had bioengineered mice to carry COVID-19. A Fresno city official questioned the lab’s proximity to Lemoore Naval Air Station, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) away in neighboring Kings County. In a war with China, the official said, fighter jets would deploy from the base.

Last week House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican who represents a Congressional district neighboring Reedley’s, said during a visit to a nearby town that he plans to raise concerns over the “very disturbing” case with colleagues on the Select Committee on China and follow up with the FBI.

“My concern is to get to the bottom of what happened here but to also look at where this is happening in other parts of this country as well,” McCarthy said.

Lok Siu, a professor of Asian American and Asian diaspora studies at the University of California, Berkeley, said the fears being fanned online reflect anti-Chinese sentiments that have existed in the United States for centuries and were heightened during the pandemic.
Siu said some people wrongfully assume all ethnic Chinese or Chinese-owned businesses have ties to the Chinese state. “They’re not given the ability to act as responsible or irresponsible individuals,” she added.

In Reedley, where the laboratory failed to officially register, officials took a dim view of the operation.

“They were bad actors. They never came to the city and they moved in in the middle of the night. Those are pretty big elements that tell us they did not want us to know they were here,” said Nicole Zieba, Reedley’s city manager.

The California Department of Public Health said in a statement that all clinical laboratories must get state a license to operate and Prestige Biotech does not have one. The CDPH said its investigation is ongoing.

Several Prestige Biotech representatives including attorney Michael Lin in Las Vegas did not respond to emailed requests for comment sent by AP.

There were also questions from some about why the federal investigation was not made public until the Mid Valley Times reported on it.

Zieba said that early on, state and federal officials advised the city to not share information with the public about the lab, which had been operating illegally in the city since October 22, because the investigation was still ongoing.

And after California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control checked the air and water and found no threat, she decided to heed that advice.
“It was fairly quickly apparent to us that there was nothing airborne, nothing in the water, nothing in the sewer system, so our public was safe,” Zieba said. “Had there been any hazard to their safety, we would have immediately notified the public.”

Reedley officials said what has been most concerning about the discovery was finding out there is no single government entity overseeing private medical laboratories.

“What’s frustrating is that we’re focusing on these myths, bioengineered weapons and stuff like that, rather than the real issue, the lack of regulation of these private labs,” Harper said.

So nobody is going to talk about the Fulton County prosecution leaking the indictments to the press, left it up long enough to be noticed and downloaded and took it down. Then said, "Oops, we had a little flub there." And the sheriff or whatever he is gleefully stating he's going for mug shots. I'll give that about two hours before the pictures are leaked. RICO charges? What a joke. That should be saved for the bidens. Allegedly, a true corrupt crime organization. There certainly seems to be plenty of prima facie evidence for racketeering charges.

I expect there will be great celebration and back slaps all around when Trump gets found guilty by any of these partisan political hacks, for anything. However, hold your champagne corks, There are appeal processes outside the control of the biden swamp attorneys. All the way to the SCOTUS, if need be.

They don't care if he wins on appeal, they just want convictions before the election. They are absolutely scared shitless he'll win and put them all in jail.

That pretty well puts a bow on my position. I may comment further on some small detail, but I think I'll just keep pushing the Biden crime syndicate favoritism stuff. All that stuff nobody, except a couple of us, will talk about.

The only question, does it belong in this GET TRUMP! thread or start a new biden thread? 😏
I'm genuinely curious, on what possible grounds would people be scared he would jail them if he gets elected? These prosecutors built their case, brought them before grand juries, who confirmed the charges, and now he'll get his actual days in court to defend himself.

You are complaining about him being persecuted by political meddling in the legal system, but seem to be okay with Trump abusing the justice system by engaging in his own political retributions. He's already openly threatening and doxxing people who may be possible witnesses against them, and has already demonstrated the ability to bring mob justice against his enemies.

A number of his lawyers have already been disbarred for a lot of this, with others under investigation, along with the certified lawsuits against them to the tune of several billion dollars.
The less-than-professional behaviour of the authorities in Georgia (premature release of information, mug shots) is fly shit in pepper.

More interesting will be what happens if one of the applications to remove to federal court succeeds and lifts everything touched by conspiracy charges into federal court.