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2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

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Sorry to say that I am one of those that still think that Trump was the least worst. And a necessary hand grenade.
Me, too, as I said, above. But I also said, 2016, that I thought he was a dumbarsed buffoon. I recall a meme on social media ... it showed a country roadside, there were three signs: Vote for Hillary on the left, Vote for Trump on the right and, in the middle, a sign advertising Firewood. The caption said "America is saved! We have a choice! Vote for Firewood on November 8th!" Firewood would have gotten my vote, for sure, if I'd had one.
Canada needs, is crying out for Rona Ambrose. Unfortunately for us I think she sees politics as a juice not worth the squeeze anymore.
Agree. I’ve spoken with her on a number of occasions and she is incredibly intelligent and approachable/relatable. Last time I spoke with her, I got the vibe that she was definitely ready for (and deserving of) a break, but no doubt she would have made an incredible PM!
Oof. Aaaand Poilievre met with and was photographed shaking hands with Jeremy MacKenzie… That’s not a good look. Even Charest is going after him already, and the Liberals haven’t even started yet.
Oof. Aaaand Poilievre met with and was photographed shaking hands with Jeremy MacKenzie… That’s not a good look. Even Charest is going after him already, and the Liberals haven’t even started yet.
He does not look happy that that moment happened/ was photographed. Makes for a tight rope to walk to not have to choose between undecided moderates and the ppc votes he was trying to court back
Indeed. This will be where a lot of normal Canadians learn who MacKenzie is and the things he’s done and said.

I buy Poilievre’s statement that he didn’t know who he was, and the ‘shaken tens of thousands of hands’ thing. But this is the sort of individual where if you get photographed shaking his hand, a subsequent clear and specific denunciation is probably called for. This is gonna be one of those super awkward things that dogs Poilievre for a while.
Indeed. This will be where a lot of normal Canadians learn who MacKenzie is and the things he’s done and said.

I buy Poilievre’s statement that he didn’t know who he was, and the ‘shaken tens of thousands of hands’ thing. But this is the sort of individual where if you get photographed shaking his hand, a subsequent clear and specific denunciation is probably called for. This is gonna be one of those super awkward things that dogs Poilievre for a while.
Yup. Whether truthful or not, thats a reasonable statement, and that reasonableness makes the handshake pretty small potatos. But petulantly refusing to put on his big boy pants and make a clear statement is far more damning
My wife wanted to meet PP this morning when he was in North Van. So she met him and told him that she voted for him in the party election, but as a immigrant who can't have dual nationality she can't vote in the election. She told him she can't lose her Malay citizenship because the healthcare system here is so unreliable and slow compared to her home country. She utterly despises JT and what he is doing to this country. It reminds her to much of what corrupt politicians have done to her country.
My wife wanted to meet PP this morning when he was in North Van. So she met him and told him that she voted for him in the party election, but as a immigrant who can't have dual nationality she can't vote in the election. She told him she can't lose her Malay citizenship because the healthcare system here is so unreliable and slow compared to her home country. She utterly despises JT and what he is doing to this country. It reminds her to much of what corrupt politicians have done to her country.

I have to admit, I would much prefer a Rona Ambrose, but PP is growing on me.
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I was going with Jean Charest, but some of the stuff released by his team in my email soured me. Disagreeing with your opponent in your own party is one thing. But gutter level attacks are another. I would go with Rona in a heartbeat and I was tempted with Leslyn Lewis, but fear that she is not ready to beat JT, but she was my second pick.
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I was going with Jean Charest, but some of the stuff released by his team in my email soured me. Disagreeing with your opponent in your own party is one thing. But gutter level attacks are another. I would go with Rona in a heartbeat and I was tempted with Leslyn Lewis, but fear that she is not ready to beat JT, but she was my second pick.
Charest was my first choice followed by atchison.

Agreed with the gutter level stuff though which is why PP was never going to be on my ballot.

Rona would be a good choice but she’s smart enough to stay the eff away from the train wreck this party seems to be becoming. I’d vote for her.
What the AF is up with people spreading a conspiracy theory about GoC wanting to push cricket protein? And being encouraged by Cheryl Gallant (MP and lifelong oxygen thief) and Leslyn Lewis?

I just can't even deal with that level of stupidity. It's at best a novelty snack (and honestly is a bit like popcorn) but just because someone built a large plant to supply crickets for pet food, doesn't mean it's suddenly going to be turned into t-bones. The vegetable based meat substitutes and lab grown meat have been trying for years with no real impact, so I don't see how that's going to be feasible.

That kind of narrative being encouraged by people in the party in leadership positions makes me lose hope that they will ever be anything but an opposition party.

If people are cutting back on meat, it's because it's up to $50 a kilo, not because insects are suddenly in vogue.
Problem is that it is hard to tell if one is an oddball story or a shaping operation. Lets be honest, there is a whole host of people on the left that are anti-meat and anti-domestic animals/ranching. So switching protein from animals to insects, is well within the gambit for portions of the left. How would you do that? By "normalising the concept", it's a bit like 1984, "We have always eaten insects". the best part is there is truth behind it, but not the truth that some would like to grow it to.
What the AF is up with people spreading a conspiracy theory about GoC wanting to push cricket protein? And being encouraged by Cheryl Gallant (MP and lifelong oxygen thief) and Leslyn Lewis?

I just can't even deal with that level of stupidity. It's at best a novelty snack (and honestly is a bit like popcorn) but just because someone built a large plant to supply crickets for pet food, doesn't mean it's suddenly going to be turned into t-bones. The vegetable based meat substitutes and lab grown meat have been trying for years with no real impact, so I don't see how that's going to be feasible.

That kind of narrative being encouraged by people in the party in leadership positions makes me lose hope that they will ever be anything but an opposition party.

If people are cutting back on meat, it's because it's up to $50 a kilo, not because insects are suddenly in vogue.

Probably has to do with these:

I'm not an advocate for the factory pig industry at all, but our grasslands (which is in more danger than the Amazon of disappearing) requires grazing animals (a lot of them) to thrive. Since the Bison are not going to be reintroduced on a large scale, cattle will have to do. This was proved when Grasslands National Park was established. Initially Parks Canada tossed out the cattle because of policy, but they realized after a couple of years that the ecosystem was suffering. When they looked at the neighbouring ranches and discovered a thriving ecosystem they reversed their policy.

Long winded to say that if we want to save the largest and most diverse ecosystem we need to eat meat! :p
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