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2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

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My guess is that PP doesn’t care much who owns the mines, drilling rigs, refineries, forestry companies or pipeline companies. He wants to see resource extraction and primary processing favoured again. If the companies doing that are solidly First Nations owned- double thumbs up.
I think the issue of First Nations ownership plays to two policy platform propaganda lines:
  • First: real 'reconciliation' means First Nations, (vice (foreign) corporate/bond holder) ownership of resources and delivery systems; and
  • Second: the "green left" is actually racist, trying to hold First Nations back, etc.
I think the issue of First Nations ownership plays to two policy platform propaganda lines:
  • First: real 'reconciliation' means First Nations, (vice (foreign) corporate/bond holder) ownership of resources and delivery systems; and
  • Second: the "green left" is actually racist, trying to hold First Nations back, etc.

Which is better for Canada on the first count, and probably a little true on the second.
I would think they will at least politely listen to what he has to say.
Broadly, I'm sure they will. But it only takes a few of the hundreds of Chiefs to be "those folks", right? It'll be interesting to see who complains about what from the floor, so to speak.
... As a guess, PP is likely to champion the idea of giving First Nations the legislative tools to become economically viable, whatever that means.
Watch for hints of First Nations' owned pipelines and so on ...
Governments of both Red and Blue stripes have wanted to see First Nation ownership of these sorts of things. I suspect the issue may be more a range of capacity within communities (in a sample size of 630 First Nations, like looking for solutions for that many municipalities, you're going to get a pretty wide range of capability and access to resources) than the trying on the government end. How do you make more communities ready to own & run companies? If I had the answer to that, I'd have retired a LOT sooner than I have :)
This thread has some great swerves. Recommend going back and re-reading the evolution (I just skimmed page 40-70ish and it was a hoot). From disparaging PP to pumping up Charest, this thread is pure entertainment. And some of the prior analysis' in this thread are... wide of the mark... when measured against where things are today. :ROFLMAO:
I think the issue of First Nations ownership plays to two policy platform propaganda lines:
  • First: real 'reconciliation' means First Nations, (vice (foreign) corporate/bond holder) ownership of resources and delivery systems; and
  • Second: the "green left" is actually racist, trying to hold First Nations back, etc.
The FN's are getting pissed with the Left spoiling economic opportunity in their traditional territories. The pipeline protest is all about who gets control of the revenue sharing and if the Elder council of that particular band gets an agreement they kick the protester off their territory.
Interesting and probably accurate take on what Conservatism was ( very relatable to me) and where Conservatism is going (which means “gone over to populism)

Conservatism- “Love of God, love of country, love of family, love of beauty, love of liberty and the rule of law, suspicion of needless change.”

Interesting and probably accurate take on what Conservatism was ( very relatable to me) and where Conservatism is going (which means “gone over to populism)

Conservatism- “Love of God, love of country, love of family, love of beauty, love of liberty and the rule of law, suspicion of needless change.”

I was with you until the “suspicion of needless change” part. Well, the “God” part too but that’s another discussion.

What constitutes “needless change”? I suspect that it would be rather subjective depending on one’s particular point of view. Many of the policies now considered normal in Canada (e.g. gay marriage) were very polarizing topics just a few decades ago, and I’m guessing that some folks saw that as “needless change”.

Also, what happens if “suspicion of needless change” conflicts with “love of liberty”? Using the gay marriage example again, not allowing gay marriage (at the time) definitely conflicts with someone’s love of liberty.

Not really mincing any words there. Probably on the “F it - I’m leaving anyway” train.
Far left partisan says partisan things...

Never in the history or the world have private businesses stopped covering things "covered" by governments...

Maybe the NDP and old Charlie should examine why they are polling so poorly before throwing stones.

Not really mincing any words there. Probably on the “F it - I’m leaving anyway” train.

Charlie Angus:

Pouting Pout GIF

Not really mincing any words there. Probably on the “F it - I’m leaving anyway” train.
Redirection and obfuscation from a has been who would likely lose his seat in the next election.

Amongst the gems in the article are some Interesting ‘untrustworthy white man’ thoughts on Angus, by Stephen Buffalo, a member of the Samson Cree Nation, and president and CEO of the Indian Resource Council, calling Angus

… a false ally of Canada’s indigenous people, writing that a bill Angus was proposing was “a direct assault on Indigenous peoples.”
Far left partisan says partisan things...

Never in the history or the world have private businesses stopped covering things "covered" by governments...

Maybe the NDP and old Charlie should examine why they are polling so poorly before throwing stones.
Doesn't mean it's not true, his message shifts a lot depending on the audience. Typical politician and consistant with someone who has never had a job outside of politics, but he does give that greasy flag of convenience vibe guy.
It would seem from reading other articles by M Bourrie*, he seems to have another agenda. Not denying the accusations against Angus, Bourrie has another agenda. He appears deeply invested in the WE charity scandal. Any of the articles no matter the subject appear to come back to defending the charity and shame on those that exposed the liberal malfeasance that ultimately ended the graft of trudeau and others, while killing the charity.

* - articles attached to the page link.
It would seem from reading other articles by M Bourrie*, he seems to have another agenda. Not denying the accusations against Angus, Bourrie has another agenda. He appears deeply invested in the WE charity scandal. Any of the articles no matter the subject appear to come back to defending the charity and shame on those that exposed the liberal malfeasance that ultimately ended the graft of trudeau and others, while killing the charity.

* - articles attached to the page link.
Shades of grey for everything - even people we don't generally agree with can sometimes come up with a gem. Then again, there's that saying about stopped clocks, too ... #EverySaintASinnerEverySinnerASaint
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