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  1. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

      Mojo Magnum is 100% correct. I was freaking out when my BMQ dates were handed down and collecting information wherever I could to try and help make it easier for me. Once I got on the ground for my course it all got thrown right out the window.     I've been a BMQ instructor for the past 3.5...
  2. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    waiting patiently.......

    Thanks twitch...I can't wait. And to all you still waiting...mad props for stickin to it!!
  3. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I also ran into problems with my ERC. I had B&E and commit mischief under $5000 (barely :S), B&E and commit mischief, B&E and commit theft, Unlawful enjoyment of property, and Shoplifting. When my fingerprints and everything went through they told me that I had to provide documents from the...
  4. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    I handed in my application in January of 06, got an interview in march...got sick....got another interview in april....pass cfat and medical except needed documentation from doctors about a previous nervous breakdown (not related) and from an eye Dr. for my vision. I passed as far as mental and...
  5. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    waiting patiently.......

    So yea...i don't know if this is just for the air ppl out there...but i thought i'd share some good news with the forum. I've been waiting over 12 months (a whole year, to the layperson) for my application to be put through. Almost every obstacle you can run into hit me right in the head. But  i...
  6. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    BMQ for the Reserves

    Does anybody know how long this is for Armoured Crewman?
  7. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    BMQ for the Reserves

    Does anyone know how long BMQ is for people who are seeking a part-time position?
  8. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    How does that work for us reservists? 'Cuz i heard my BMQ is only 4 weeks long.... not that i'm not fit or anything ;D
  9. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    yea WTF is up with the PT test being dropped? isn't that going to waste time when they bring too many ppl to BMQ that will just fail right off the bat?
  10. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Yea sometimes it seems the guys up there don't know what theyre doing...I know of alot of ppl that should've been in alot sooner....
  11. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    It's been just over 10 months for me, but my pre-assessment is finally complete and I'm ready for enrollment. I'm joining the South Alberta Light Horse Armoured Reserve Unit. w00t!
  12. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    The air cadet thread

    I was in cadets for 5 years. I left as a Level 5 Cpl. (I got demoted in lvl3 for lying about a questionable fire-pickett act) I served 4 years with the 15 Medicine Hat and then 1 year with the 34 Sabre (Regina) sqn. I wuz teaching lvl's 2-4 in Regina. All of my promotions were delayed due to...
  13. CaNaDiAn_GhOsT

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    :o10 Months... the recruiters told me that my criminal history (as a minor) would not interfere with the process. But im stuck on the pre-security clearance, and am almost past that hurdle. Can't wait for the call!!!