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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Infantry21
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How does that work for us reservists? 'Cuz i heard my BMQ is only 4 weeks long.... not that i'm not fit or anything ;D
Alright, i hate to lock nother one tonight ( i realy dont want to be "that guy") but this one has outlived its usefulness.

Specific questions can get a new thread if apropriate.  As far as the original topic is concerned, i think most people can get a good idea from whats already posted  as to how long the process takes.

army.ca staff
How long does it take usually before someone is merit listed and offer of enrollment is sent. I have applyed as a SigOp passed all my teests and interview and was demed Medically Fit on April 14th. I was told today that I have still not been merit listed. Just wondering how long it takes usually beacuse I was told im supposed to be coursed for June but have heard its filling up fast.
i was just woundering  how long befor you go for your CFAT , medical  and intervew  after you have sent in your application? Also how long befor you go for your BMQ after the application process is over?
infantryman111 said:
i was just woundering  how long befor you go for your CFAT , medical  and intervew  after you have sent in your application? Also how long befor you go for your BMQ after the application process is over?

This will give you some examples,
Topic: "Application Process Samples":
I applied for infantry and combat engineer last April, finished apt, medical, interview all by early may and am still waiting to get a call to be sworn in and start BMQ, hopefully this year is my year. Best of luck to ya
Wrote CFAT and did medical and interview 2 weeks after application, merit listed one month later. Been waiting 14 months. Hopefully April 2012 is my month. Good luck to us all.
I you do not want to "wait" and "be patient", the military may not be the place for you.

There will always be waiting in the Canadian forces.  Waiting to get in, waiting to go to BMQ, Waiting to get posted, Waiting to get course loaded, waiting, waiting, waiting.

The terminology you will get used to and should is "Hurry up and Wait"

Expect it to take 1-2 years to head off on BMQ, be pleased if it all happens under a year.


"Hurry up and wait" is the best motto you will learn this year.

Don't live life around being selected. Live your life as you have been, perform dance when and if selected.
I didn't submit my application last year until July.  I wrote my CFAT about 2-3 weeks after that.  Then they were doing some of the background checks, and then had to provide some more information on some financial matters.  That slowed up my processing, and I didn't get an opportunity to do the medical or interview last year.  Waiting for the new fiscal year to start now.  Hopefully, I won't need to re-write the CFAT again.

And to echo the earlier replies, get used to hurrying up and waiting.  It may be frustrating as hell, but getting all upset about it won't make it easier or happen faster.  They'll get to you when they get to you.  Just chill and know that when they want you, you'll know.

Best of luck!
You write the CFAT once and its good forever.  Only exception is if you decide to  apply for a new trade and your scores don't meet the minimum required for the new trade you want.  Doesn't matter if you are still an applicant or currently serving.  Everything else in the applicant stage is only good for 1 year.
infantryman111 said:
really that's a long time,  I hope I dont wait a year for my BMQ

The best thing about waiting is that it gives an opportunity for improvement. Take it.
i went and talked to my recruiter about half a month ago and he said i couldnt even apply until the trades opened up... so he said to contact him in april. i was just wondering do the people that have been waiting for a year all ready get looked at first before i can even get my application and testing etc done?
StevePoole said:
i went and talked to my recruiter about half a month ago and he said i couldnt even apply until the trades opened up... so he said to contact him in april. i was just wondering do the people that have been waiting for a year all ready get looked at first before i can even get my application and testing etc done?

Sort of. People like myself and jklaus that have completed the CFAT, medical, and interview are put on a merit list for each trade we have chosen and for which we have been deemed worthy of consideration. 

Once the trade opens, you'll start the process of completing the things I just mentioned. More than likely a selection will be done for the trades based on those that are on the merit list, and it will be done smack dab in the middle of your processing. Since you will not have completed all facets of the process when selection takes place, you will not be considered.

This being said, you can still start the process, and if the planets align and you manage to complete the CFAT, medical and interview PRIOR to selection (however unlikely that may be), you'd be eligible. This is my understanding of what is to come for you, and I hope some of the more experienced members can confirm or add to my comment.
ok i see thanks, im applying for infantry but that trade hasnt been open for awhile right? does that mean that everyone applying this fiscal year for infantry have the same chance?
StevePoole said:
ok i see thanks, im applying for infantry but that trade hasnt been open for awhile right? does that mean that everyone applying this fiscal year for infantry have the same chance?

No. Your "chances" depend on what you have to offer to the CF. Your life experiences, your education, your score on the CFAT and more. Increase your chances by furthering your education, playing sports, volunteering, working, working out and simply bettering yourself as a person.
How long after your interview did you guys get the call to swear in?

Great information BUT I'm just asking how long after you guys got the call.

Not how long it normally takes or how long it could take.

I did not ask how long it takes, I asked how long till anyone who wanted to answer got the call.

Not trying to sound cranky so please don't take it that way.
