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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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It took me 10 months minus 4 days to get sworn in, and two more after that to get on training. :brickwall:
Can someone please help me with one or both of these small issues I am facing:

1. I cannot post in threads other than this one
2. How to I become something higher than a 'guest'?

Thanks for the encouragment everyone!  I did my CFAT, interview and medical last week and the aptitude test and interview went really well.  My worries have now shifted to the medical portion as I have to have forms filled out for a previous MCL tear, a fractured scapula and a previous surgery.  My concerns lie mostly with the MCL tear as I have done it twice and could be construed as a re-occuring injury.  Congrats to everyone else who has succeeded in the process!! I envy you!!!

Christine123 said:
Thanks for the encouragment everyone!  I did my CFAT, interview and medical last week and the aptitude test and interview went really well.  My worries have now shifted to the medical portion as I have to have forms filled out for a previous MCL tear, a fractured scapula and a previous surgery.  My concerns lie mostly with the MCL tear as I have done it twice and could be construed as a re-occuring injury.  Congrats to everyone else who has succeeded in the process!! I envy you!!!


In the medical,  they will have you fill out a form and you'll be 100% honest.  The army Dr will give you some forms for your own Dr to fill out.  No big fuss, but it will slow you down.  90% of the people I know who got in,  hit this delay.  Just don't stress the wait,  you'll get in - perseverance everything. :warstory:
So I guess this is pretty important news for anyone looking to get into the army FAST!

I applied about a week ago for the position of 'infantry soldier' (NCM, Reg force)
My CFAT went ok (I got a pretty good list of trades I am eligible for)
The interview and medical were conducted on Nov/6 (yesterday) and according to the recruiters I am being sworn in today!
They are also planning on sending me to BMQ THIS WEEKEND!

HAHA! Apparently there is a real push on right now to recruit for the infantry.
They also told me that my training will likely be in Wainright AB.

Infantry.....here I come!

GreenHand said:
So I guess this is pretty important news for anyone looking to get into the army FAST!

I applied about a week ago for the position of 'infantry soldier' (NCM, Reg force)
My CFAT went ok (I got a pretty good list of trades I am eligible for)
The interview and medical were conducted on Nov/6 (yesterday) and according to the recruiters I am being sworn in today!
They are also planning on sending me to BMQ THIS WEEKEND!

HAHA! Apparently there is a real push on right now to recruit for the infantry.
They also told me that my training will likely be in Wainright AB.

Infantry.....here I come!


Application to BMQ in a week ? Really ? I knew things have been streamlined but this sounds way too good to be true. You just had you're medical yesterday, I'm curious as to how it could already be approved. Previously medicals had to be reviewed by a MO in Borden.


Actually there have been some minor changes with my application:

I am being sworn in on the 10th of November. BMQ starts on Nov/20 but I am taking the train to St. Jean on the 18th of Nov. The doctor at the office said that everything was good. They sent the paperwork away to Border (I can only assume) and it came back today. The post from earlier today was before I received the phone call with the revisions.

Even the recruiters themselves were surprised that the medical process went so fast, I guess usually there is a period of time where there is some clerical work to be done. From what I hear, this is what slows the recruiting process down.

From all the rumors flying around, I thought it would have taken months to finally be shipped off but it true my friend.

Hello folks the speedy medical is nothing new.  As was mentioned months ago, if an applicant is cleared Part II medical then they can be conditionally enrolled and if the Part III medical comes back saying that the applicant is med unfit then the applicant is released.  With the physical test out of the way prior to enrolment and if the background check is okay there is no reason why this won't happen more and more.
There is no longer a physical test during the recruiting process.

It is conducted during the first 2 weeks of BMQ. If you do not meet the standards you are then sent off to a seperate camp where you will either get in shape whithin 90 days or be given the boot.

GreenHand said:
There is no longer a physical test during the recruiting process.

It is conducted during the first 2 weeks of BMQ. If you do not meet the standards you are then sent off to a seperate camp where you will either get in shape whithin 90 days or be given the boot.

So why are you telling me this?
I just realized what you meant in your last post. I thought that you meant 'getting the physical test out of the way fast' will speed it up.

11 months and counting..still not transfered.... one day enventually.... :crybaby:
:o10 Months... the recruiters told me that my criminal history (as a minor) would not interfere with the process. But im stuck on the pre-security clearance, and am almost past that hurdle.

Can't wait for the call!!!
applied in Oct 05 going on course Jan 07. Good thing I am only a component transfer other wise it wouldn't have been as quick. *sigh*