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waiting patiently.......

Well, here I am after trying for almost two years, partly my fault for having a busy work schedule....

I went through Air Crew Selection and DCIEM for medicals last december and now I wait.....  but the question is for how long?

I have been hounding the recruiting centre since january and all they can/will tell me is that I am waiting for a board, which will sit anywhere from march 31 - march 31st???

I know there are a bunch of ocurses starting in St Jean but I have nothing else.

So I am coming here to see if anyone else is in the same boat or if they know of any other info.
hey flaps, my situation is similar to yours i guess, although i went thru acs in september and they said my file missed the nov board by couple of days so now there s a bit of a gap between the boards , i'm waiting for the late march or early april board too. I first started my application last feb so it's been exactly a year but there has been a lot of delays.
when i called the CFRC they said expect no calls before april but i like to call and disturb them once in a while  ;D
So yea...i don't know if this is just for the air ppl out there...but i thought i'd share some good news with the forum. I've been waiting over 12 months (a whole year, to the layperson) for my application to be put through. Almost every obstacle you can run into hit me right in the head. But  i kept going and getting more excited regardless. After my presec clearance and second interview (the first one expired after 6 months) I waited another month, and finally, about 30minutes ago... I got the call!!!!!! So i'm going to take an hour off of work to go down to the armouries and get enrolled. So yea I want to encourage you all out there that are still patiently waiting....it could take forever, or even just weeks, but no matter how long it takes...keep it up, you'll eventually get the call :P
Congrats, Canadian Ghost. Your perseverance will serve you well in BMQ.

Heh, we can do little else. Though it is a little disconcerting when last week I was told one week and this week I was told three weeks. But c'est ca la vie, and it just means more time in the gym to get ready.

I might actually have the record for waiting patiently for that call for pilot training.  I've wanted to fly since I was 10 and when I was 19 went through the process to be told that due to a medical condition, I couldn't be a pilot but was acceptable as an air navigator.  I spent some time in the military (won't go into that long story) got out, did a lot of other things but was always wistfully looking to the sky at the planes flying by.

October 2005, I started the process again with MARS and MARE as my choices since I'm currently employed with the Coast Guard.  My old medical condition became an issue and I was to see a civilian specialist and forward the results to the recruiters.  Lo and behold, the specialist couldn't find a thing!  Shortening up the story, I was able to place Pilot as my first choice, attended and passed ASC in late Sep 06.  21 Feb 07, 21 years since I was told I couldn't, I got the call saying the boards had approved my application to become a Canadian Forces Pilot.  All I'm currently waiting on is my enrollment date and joining instructions for Basic in St Jean.

Take heart anyone waiting for the process to wind it's way through a sometimes tortuous route.  If you're a good candidate, everyone will be pulling for you.  The recruiters, especially in Vancouver, are awesome and don't always receive the accolades they deserve.  Once you're in the military, you'll become well acquainted with the term 'Hurry up and wait'.

Anyways, pass or fail, for me at least I'll get that shot at what I've always hungered for.
waited three and a half years...
...if you want it it will come if not...
Cheers Rossco