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  1. H

    Hi I am new here. Husband will be deployed to Kandahar

    Welcome Milwife! My dh just got back from 'ghan and I had the same feelings you had before he left. Don't worry, he will be fine, the tour will be over before you know it!
  2. H

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    "Our kids aren't born with silver spoons in their mouths...They are born with HOCKEY SKATES on their feet!"  My personal fave!
  3. H

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? Edmonton Area

    Sorry, can't make that one, having the lil one's 4th birthday party that day...next time hopefully!  :fifty:
  4. H

    Random (anonymous) generosity

    Wow! That's totally awesome! It's nice to hear that people still do that for our troops.
  5. H

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? Edmonton Area

    Thanks again  Booked! I had an awesome time! When's the next one!? hahaha, it was great meeting everyone. Thanks Paracowboy for the compliment....I enjoyed chattin up a storm with your wife!  ;D Oh yes, I would also like to check out this shooting range too! And yes the 2 weeks can't come fast...
  6. H

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? Edmonton Area

    I will be there! Need to find the lawn chairs!! Hope it quit raining...
  7. H

    Happy Birthday to Pea!

    Happy Birthday Pea!!
  8. H

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    I had fun putting up the ribbons! My kids also had a blast! The honks and waves of support were awesome!
  9. H

    A Challenge-Adopt a Troop

    This is an awesome idea! I applaud you for not wanting this to be a media spectacle!  media  I would also like to adopt a soldier when this gets going!
  10. H

    Vehicle Accident: MCpl Raymond Arndt LER

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the fallen soldier.
  11. H

    Operation Support - New Military Spouse Support Site

    I will have to check it out! You might see me "lurking" around....lol.
  12. H

    Aug 3rd/06: Sgt Vaughn Ingram, Cpl Bryce Jeffrey Keller, Pte. Kevin Dallaire

    My condolences, thoughts and prayers going out to the family and friends of the fallen. Keep safe and come home soon everyone!
  13. H

    Military Discounts List

    Good to know this!  Awesome discounts!
  14. H

    Tribute Poems

    Very nice poem granny.
  15. H

    Aug 3rd/06: Sgt Vaughn Ingram, Cpl Bryce Jeffrey Keller, Pte. Kevin Dallaire

    My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the fallen.
  16. H

    Tour Pay

    Your regular pay is deposited as per into your bank account, so wifey can spend it at candle and tupperware parties. (yes I'm still bitter). ;D I got quit the chuckle from that too...lmao!
  17. H

    Amber Alerts

    Thank goodness! I hope they lock that sicko for a very very long time. I still sickend of what was found in his backpack. Thank goodness the boy is alive!
  18. H

    Here I go again

    Good Luck! I applied and apparently my hearing isn't up to par....so I am going to be teacher for the rest of my life unless I get that one ear "fixed".... :P
  19. H

    New Rocky film

    Right on...I'm a huge Rocky fan! I have the whole set! Can't wait to watch this one...my fave Rocky would have to be Rocky 4...cuz Dolph Lundren is in it....lol.
  20. H

    Tribute for The wives of our armed forces

    I'm not a natural "techie" with computers... :-\ But of course I will "try" and help! Maybe I will learn something...lol!