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New Rocky film

Scoobie Newbie

Army.ca Legend
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Actually it looks alright.
I had heard rumors about it, nice to see an actual preview.  Congrats to sly for being that old but still in the shape he is...

and here I'm thinking

Who would want to make over Rocky Horror Picture show....

anyone else care/fear to admit they thought that!?!?!
All i can say is this, When can we expect a new Chuck Norris movie? "Missing in action 4" perhaps? "Col. Braddock returns to Vietnam to become a Cyclo driver but is thrown into a topsy turvy world of paper thin plot and kick arse martial arts".
I'd definately pay to see that!
No Trinity, you weren't the only one.  Sorry: I'd rather see Brad and Janet together again than Rocky Balboa.  Sigh.
Right on...I'm a huge Rocky fan! I have the whole set! Can't wait to watch this one...my fave Rocky would have to be Rocky 4...cuz Dolph Lundren is in it....lol.
oh,oh yes! best part of the trailer "gonna have to beat him with brute force" gonna be awesome.
Yeah I'm with you guys, I can't wait to see this flick, if anything ever got me pumped for training it was Rocky!!! :salute:
Honestly? the first two were my favs, but the absolute best part of the Rocky series was  very end of Nr 5.......right after the credits rolled.
Specifically? The end of the series, (tounge in cheek)  I always found it odd that we needed 5 films to tell us that Rocky had brain damage.  I figured it out in the first one.  ;)
I still chuckle everytime I think of that Brisk commercial with Rocky
He looks sooo funny
I get a great laugh out of the Family guy rip on Rocky. Rocky goes off to fight on Mars, "But theres no oxygen on Mars, Rock!", "Then theres no oxygen for him either"!.
Reckons thats pretty good too.
Hale said:
All i can say is this, When can we expect a new Chuck Norris movie? "Missing in action 4" perhaps? "Col. Braddock returns to Vietnam to become a Cyclo driver but is thrown into a topsy turvy world of paper thin plot and kick arse martial arts".
I'd definately pay to see that!

Just go to your local video store, and look for the really cheesy direct to video section, (hint it would be full of Steven Segal movies too).
Hatchet Man said:
Just go to your local video store, and look for the really cheesy direct to video section, (hint it would be full of Steven Segal movies too).

I was in that section the other day, and no, no missing in action 4 yet. However there was at least a dozen segal movies that I've never heard of, all with the same plot.

Oh you best believe. This xmas!