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Edmonton Thread- Merged

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http://www.cfha-alfc.forces.gc.ca/locations/edmonton_h_e.asp  < that will give you an aproximation of the prices for houses in LP,  Until you get a "on the ground" view of some of the q's,


This will help for layout of the Q's and for lot sizes. Most of the houses are duplexes.
And contrary to the picture no It wasn't always winter on one side of the base and summer on the other ;)

I was posted to 1CMBG until July last year, LP is not the worst place to live. Renting in town also means a nice commute as the base is a few clicks outta the city.

Just my opinion,

I have seen the PMQ (north and south side) in Winnipeg and have lived in Moose Jaw (cheaper) and I find the houses in Lancaster park sweeter by far!!

We have a three bedroom and pay under $800 per month. We have new flooring, newly reno kitchen and more then enough space. As a spouse of the reg. force I find security in the Q's which I did not feel when I was living in Moose jaw (had a house for 5 years before moving into the Q's) I know the MP's are close and as far as the neighborhood watch....a young boy went missing last summer (10 years of age and he went to his dad's house without telling anyone) and the majority of the people who lived around us all took the time to become involved in looking for him.

If I need help and hubby is away I am able to go to a neighbor whether I know them or not and ask for help and know I will receive it. Can't say that is the same when you live on the economy.

Also, my sister just moved here and just bought a house which cost about $250,000 and has increased in value by 12% since it was purchased (June).

Just food for thought  :)
I had fun putting up the ribbons! My kids also had a blast! The honks and waves of support were awesome!
I live in a "CC" style and here is a link to some pics of the main floor of my home they are a bit old but hey they give you an idea

I had a great time as well, You ladies are an inspiration and all deserve big kudos for a job well done!! Go Canada Go  :cdn:
Thanks for the interior pics Natascha. Looks like a very nice home you have! The flooring looked really new, is this common?

Thanks again
Hey all,

does anybody know if Edmonton receives any post-living bonuses as a posting?  I know they didn't but with the recent spike in housing prices and all...


Edmonton used to receive it back in 99/00.  Remember the criteria used to determine if PLD is paid or not:


  1.  shelter,
  2. food,
  3. clothing,
  4. furniture and other household items,
  5. personal care,
  6. medical and dental care,
  7. domestic services, including childcare,
  8. recreation,
  9. transportation,
  10. income tax,
  11. sales tax, and

Considering Alberta doesn't have a sales tax and has low income tax, gas is relatively cheaper than other parts of Canada, etc, etc its not that big of a surprise.  Calgary probably is entitled due to the cost of owning a home, as the real estate prices are considerable higher than in Edmonton. 
The 3-year rolling average works against those of us who just got posted here. I purchased my house in May - only to find out that about a year earlier it would have been $50,000 or $60,000 cheaper (therefore my monthly mortgage costs are much more than someone who purchased a year or 2 before). I assume with the spike in housing here in Edmonton PLD will come - perhaps in 2-4 years when the rolling average takes into account cost of housing and renting (the rental vacancy rate in Edmonton has dropped this year from 4.5% to 1.5% - crazy).

To put things in perspective, my wife and I are getting about the same amount in 'take home pay' (after taxes) per month now compared to our previous posting when we were getting a nice $231/each (75% rate for service couples) a month for PLD in St. John's, NL - so in the end the lower Alberta taxes seem to even out the PLD we were receiving in St. John's - so us not getting PLD for Edmonton hasn't got us too broken up. And we can't complain about the 0% provincial sales tax and lower gas prices. It is just the cost of housing you'll hear me complain about and in the end the chances of my house going down in value are slim to none - so in the end hopefully I'll get back what I paid for the house and a little more.

Hi There,

My sister just bought a house (3 bedroom) for a 1/4 of a million, that was in June and it has already increased in value by 12%. It took her 3 months to find her house and totally lucked out becasue she bought it from a military family that were being posted.

The houses that she saw while looking she said were disgusting. They were dirty, there were in need of many repairs, and the asking price were outrages.

St. Albert has very expensive houses and of course higher taxes. I really like Morinville but I would watch how far north you go becasue even if you find a house that is cheaper, you will be paying it out anyway due to travel expense (got to love that cost of gas). I say this because my niece just bought a house in Gibbons and they are now facing the cost of gas since both of them work (one in the city of Edmonton the other on the base)

I would suggest moving into the PMQ's. The rent is not as much as you think...some Q's are for $750 and of course going up (cheaper then in the city). They have done, and are still doing, a lot of reno's on them and I have to say, I love my Q.

Well it is hard to suggest any more since I don't know what you are looking for. I have done extensive browsing on the web (helping my sister look for a house and thinking of buying one myself) and have become very fimilary with the city as to which areas to avoid due to gangs and so forth, so if you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me and I might have an answer.

Good Luck and Welcome to Edmonton  ;D

We are also posted to Edmonton..Dh has been there now three weekson IR while we wait here in Nova Scotia for our house to sell.. I am almost afraid to even consider moving... My 3 yr old, 1800 sq ft bunglow we cant sell for 170,000... Housing isnt any help..with so many families moving back onto the base theres quite the wait list to get in... Even though losing my house to move back into the Q's is heartbreaking news.. But you do what you have too.. and hope for the best..

Siggy :crybaby:
I'm going through Edmonton sticker-shock right now.

$380 - $400,000 for a 1400 sq ft home is pretty darn steep. Houses in the bracket I was looking at in April have increased $120,000 in only 4 months.

I know PLD is based on more than just real-estate, but the high prices here in NE & NW Edmonton pretty much overwhelm the 3-cents a litre cheaper gas. No PST is certainly nice, but having to go from a 6-year to a 25-year mortgage at this point in my life has created a tactical shift in our retirement plans. I would guesstimate that Edmonton and Calgary share a similar cost of living to Toronto now.

We were just posted to Edmonton in October, the only affordable option for us right now is the q's. Coming from New Brunswick were in sticker shock too. Hopefully that pld 3 year rolling average will roll around sooner rather than later.
I'm glad you were able to get a Q! I took a risk and decided to buy, in the hopes that the market continues to rise and I am posted to a less expensive area.

I finally found a place in October. I ended up paying $370k for a 1500 sq ft house, it was on the market 1 day and we were one of three couples that submitted offers (in 2005, it originally sold for $245k...yikes!), and am indeed facing a brand-new 25 year mortgage. I have no idea how our young military families will afford decent housing when posted here in 2007...hopefully there will be sufficient PMQ's available.

I suspect the 3 year rolling PLD will come into effect just as we are posted back east  ;D c'est la vie!

Hello all.  Here in Edmonton we are running an Adopt A Solider that will benefit our troops doing this upcoming rotation.  This is for soldiers that are based out of Edmonton or are deploying with an Edmonton unit.  The reg force folks are fairly easy to come by, but having trouble finding info regarding the reservists.  Really what we need to know is if they have a significant other or family that lives in Edmonton and would like to be involved in decorating and sending a small package.  Contact info would be great, through PM only please.  Of course, if they don't live in Edmonton or do not have family close by, they will still receive a package.  We have found in the past that the reservists often get overlooked because they come from all over the area, but they and their family should have an opportunity to be involved in the process none the less.
Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Good day to all.
many reservists from the Atlantic provinces are going as well.......several from my area.  My ANAVETS unnit is "adopting" these soldiers and are proud to do so!
The Deployment Support Centre at the Edmonton Garrison Military Family
Resource Centre is hosting an Open House on March 31 from 1-4pm.  We would
love to have as many people as possible come out to the centre.

This is the start of the national campaign to ideally target parents of
single military members. However, this open house is open to everyone.  The
goal is to get as much information circulating as possible so that everyone
can be more informed of our programs and services. 

This information was sent to me by the Ed. MFRC, so I thought I would pass it on.