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A Challenge-Adopt a Troop

I went to my CO and Trainning officer and said this could be a good thing for our cadets to get involved.  They both said great idea...Make it happen.... ;D

So, I will make it happen.  :salute: I would like to get community support for idea.  Who do I talk to to find out if any of the guys are from my area.

Can someone start a list of the those little items, would need appreciate.


**I should clarify, I am an officer cadet ( assistant Trng O )..this would fit in pefectly with the citizenship part of the program.
I've got a Pl.. HoM set me up

Now.. to frisk the old ladies on the way out from church for money!!!  ;)
Speaking of which should any of you want to do what Trinity did, I could and would put you in contact with Pl WO's from C-Coy 1 RCR
HitorMiss said:
Speaking of which should any of you want to do what Trinity did, I could and would put you in contact with Pl WO's from C-Coy 1 RCR

No one's as stupid as me HoM...  good luck finding a taker  ;)
My sweetie and I have been doing a variation on this theme for a bit.

Before members of the Reserve regiment I used to belong to were over for me to send stuff to, I found names using a good CF resource:  Combat Camera.

I was interested in sending magazines and goodies to an infantry section working in Kandahar, so what I did was go to the CF Combat Camera search page:

and typed in "Sergeant" and "Kandahar".  Checked out the names on the captions, used my head re:  who might be doing what, wrote to the standard address with their name, and they got the goods!  Kept in touch with a patrol company section for a while that way. 

This past ROTO, I sent some goodies to an engineer section whose name I got through a senior officer who I used to be in Air Cadets and the Reserves with.  Now, in addition to sending goodies to members of my former Regiment, the Engineer Sgt. has asked if he can pass along the name of his replacement to keep in goodies.  I told him since even Sappers need love, we'd be happy to ;)

Something I've learned (although probably not news to Army.ca types) is that the goodies that don't get used make their way, in a kharmic fashion, to cheer up other troops.  In one case, when some troops we'd sent goodies to pulled the big "resupply the surrounded Brits" op, they even gave extra mags to them.

Not to mention that you can now send Tim Horton's gift certificates to the lads and lasses (when you buy them, tell the counter staff where they're going - everyone I've told has been impressed).

Hope this helps.

This is an awesome idea! I applaud you for not wanting this to be a media spectacle!  media  I would also like to adopt a soldier when this gets going!
This is about doing something for the lads on the ground, at sea or in the air.  Not about getting credit for it.  If you want brownie points do something else.
Its an awesome idea and I applaud you for not bringing the media in the good deed.  It it helps with the morale of the troops overseas right now and it brings a smile to someones face...thats all that matters!

Once again BBJ...good on ya!


I have been getting lost of Pms from this site and another site on this. Now I need to know where to direct them to find someone to adopt. I have read the posts but I am confused. ( ha ha ha ha not hard to do today)

So if anyone can message me, it would be greatly appreciated.
Booked I'll try and make this simple for everyone involved

Any Soldier/Officer
TF 3-06
PO BOX 5058 Stn Forces
Belleville On K8N 5W6

That will get anything you send to some Soldier or Officer in the BG. So if it's letters or packages and you want a reply just ask for one I'm 100% sure you'll get it and then you can continue on with correspondence with that soldier.


Can you verify this...

personally..  a lot bombs or bad things come through the mail and usually
use non descript titles for the addressee  like.. President, VP, etc.

What you are suggesting sounds like a good way for a bad person to
send something bad overseas.. that's all.  Maybe using an agency that
has names and that is secure *OPSEC.. would be a good idea?

Sorry.. its the old Risk Analyst in me plus the old Private Investigator that causes
me to cringe at labelling to Any soldier/officer.

Maybe if I read it wrong on someone elses post but they looked through the combat camera pictures and picked a soldier outta the bunch.  It might not work right now as they are changing over but maybe say in a month or so once new pictures role in.  That might be an idea. 

Padre all mail gets thoroughly checked by Canada Post and the CF postal units in transit, On Roto 0 we got a plethora of mail Marked Any soldier, I'm pretty sure it's safe.
Jake said:
Very good idea BBJ, if I wasn't leaving for basic soon I would definitely adopt. Would I get a chance to send packages on basic?
Same here...arghhhh...will see how I can help though

I went in to Timmie's today to buy a case of coffee to send overthere.  I do this about once a month.  The woman serving me was obviously Muslim.  I asked for the case.  She left and went to find her manager.  The manager on duty came over, a young man about 25.  He asked me why I wanted a case of coffee.  I explained that I was sending it to Afghanistan and that the single pot bags were easier to handle in the field and to pack and carry for an infantryman.  He told me that he came over from Kabul when he was a child. and thanked me for my friend being in Afghanistan.  He then gave me a $7.00 discount on the case and told me to ask for him by name when I needed more.

You never know.
What a nice story. I guess you'll be visiting that Timmie's more often!
HitorMiss said:
Booked I'll try and make this simple for everyone involved

Any Soldier/Officer
TF 3-06
PO BOX 5058 Stn Forces
Belleville On K8N 5W6

That will get anything you send to some Soldier or Officer in the BG. So if it's letters or packages and you want a reply just ask for one I'm 100% sure you'll get it and then you can continue on with correspondence with that soldier.

I just want to make sure that this address is still valid now that the RCR are out there.