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Random (anonymous) generosity


Army.ca Veteran
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After the parade and before heading to the mess, most of my platoon went to a local restaurant to continue the days activity.

As we were exchanging war stories, having a good time, the manager came and announced that a just departed client, that wished to remain anonymous, had given
$200 towards the bill for our table. Not only this, but he said that Boston Pizza (the restaurent he was managing) would pick up the rest of the tab.

Thank you does not even begin to say how thankfull we were. The recognition was worth more than I can express.

We were doing a road move down the 401 eastbound and stopped off at the Mallorytown service centre.  We were all lined up to get our Timmies and a guy that was behind us, went to the front of the line and told the girl behind the counter that everything he would take care of ALL our purchases.  I think there was about 10 of us or so.    It has happened a couple of other times to me on my way into work in the morning too.  Its nice to see that we are appreciated.
Dissident said:
After the parade and before heading to the mess, most of my platoon went to a local restaurant to continue the days activity.

As we were exchanging war stories, having a good time, the manager came and announced that a just departed client, that wished to remain anonymous, had given
$200 towards the bill for our table. Not only this, but he said that Boston Pizza (the restaurent he was managing) would pick up the rest of the tab.

Thank you does not even begin to say how thankfull we were. The recognition was worth more than I can express.

Uh... so, a bunch of military police accepted a gratuity from an establishment?
Was walking to the regiment one morning when a car pulls over and the window rolls down; it was a MCpl from the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa. I didn't know him but non the less he pulled over and offered me a ride. I humbly accepted. A testament to soldier camaraderie.
I make it a point to randomly hand out insults and ass-kickings at regular intervals. Does that count? I don't charge, or nuthin'!

Going through Tim's in Oromoscow a few years back on 11 Nov, a Sgt in my platoon made his order, and when he drove up to get the coffee and pay, the girl told him it was free: the guy in the car ahead of him paid for his coffee.  Total anonymity and it was well-received by the sgt. 
Shamrock said:
Uh... so, a bunch of military police accepted a gratuity from an establishment?

Many business' offer discounts etc to Military personnel with the showing of your ID card (CN Tower is one such place). Just ask for a list of them at your nearest MFRC; or a list may be included as part of your "Welcome Package" to a new Base (if they have welcoming packages at your base). These discounts are quite common in the Freddy, Oromocto area.

There is nothing wrong with accepting these military member discounts etc as long as long as your (and the Business') intention is not to direct or influence official DND/CF business or contracts their way as a result of such. That's when it becomes conflict of interest.
von Garvin said:
Going through Tim's in Oromoscow a few years back on 11 Nov, a Sgt in my platoon made his order, and when he drove up to get the coffee and pay, the girl told him it was free: the guy in the car ahead of him paid for his coffee.  Total anonymity and it was well-received by the sgt. 

This has happened to me in Oromocto quite a few times, and was appreciated every time!!
Hooters last night, in Windsor, knocked our bill from $50 to $38 for being military. ;D
Shamrock said:
Uh... so, a bunch of military police accepted a gratuity from an establishment?

I think the Act by the Anonymous Patron was made in appreciation for all CF's Personnel and the fact, that the CF's members were Military Police has nothing to due with at all.

However, your remarks appears that you do attach some significance to it.

Its a pity, there's always a idiot in the crowd that has spoil it. In this case, the generous act of a Civilian for his appreciation for his Country's Armed Forces.

Well done "Shamrock".
All asinine comments aside, that was a remarkable act of generosity.  Small (or big) things like that can go a long way to improving the morale of those involved, even those who hear of it second or third hand.
This act of generosity may be a bit backwards and doesn't involve buying "a treat", but meaningful none the less to me. 
Went out for lunch with another chaplain and was sitting relaxing when two old sailors came in with their wives.  We chatted a bit, they had come out to Victoria to reminisce about being in the Navy in the old days.  In the middle of this, the wait staff brought the order and then proceeded to ask me if I was a pilot for Air Canada (This is not the first time this has happened to me.  What is it about this uniform?)  Before the words could come out of my mouth, the one old guy gave him a dressing down about knowing his uniforms, the proud history of the Canadian Navy,etc. ( while I could have explained myself, it was sweetl that this guy would "educate" someone else when he didn't need to.)

But what was the best and most generous, at least for my ego was when the second proceeded to say, " We sure didn't have padres looking like you in our day.  I would have been at church a lot if you were around when I was young! Thanks for looking after our young guys, padre. ( Edit other comments about having single male relatives) "  After being compared to air Canada their comments sure made wearing my uniform that day a whole lot easier.  Needless to say I picked up their bar tab to say bless you my children.