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  1. DartmouthDave

    Nurses cautious about expanding role of physician assistants

    Hello, On White Coat Black Art had a podcast on PA, NP and if I remember correctly expanded scope Paramedics (on Long Island, NS).  It is quite good. As for Civvymedic.  It is too bad that the ER program fell flat.  But I can see why. Turf protection is strong in all professions.  I am sure...
  2. DartmouthDave

    Command Conflicts in the CFHS?

    Hello, I agree with Mike's order; Spec. MO NP/NO/PA Med-A Now, I am sure we can argue all day with examples of how one profession is better than other. The truth is, it depends on the patient.  For example, PA may be slicker in the trauma bay due to training and clinical experience...
  3. DartmouthDave

    Advanced Airway for QL 5 Med Techs

    Hello, I went to the SLAM (Street Level Airway Management) conference in Dallas Texas.  Great course with evey possible bit of airway kit you could think of.  They had the Airtraq there as well. I used it in the cadaver lab and it worked great.  I also spoke with some paramedics who used it on...
  4. DartmouthDave

    Blood Type Tattoo

    Hello, Dose anybody have any studies on the use of whole blood. The only whole blood that I have seen used is autologous blood transfusion from chest tubes (once).  Other than that just the standard PRBC, FFP, ect. David
  5. DartmouthDave

    Blood Type Tattoo

    Hello, I agree.  Good post Medic65726.
  6. DartmouthDave

    Civilian Surgeons in Kandahar

    Hello, I have heard that civilian nurse are being sent as well.  Anybody have any information about this?  I have been working my way through the PRL for over 18 months and there is no end in sight. Thank you, David
  7. DartmouthDave

    Field Dressings : Is there any expiry?

    Hello, Alas, I spelled Roehampton incorrectly.  ::) We carry sterile drapes and sheets to cover burns.  They are inexpensive and they are easy to get.  We just grab them from the hospital!! LOL  Also, we use Life Blankets to wrap the patient.  This keeps them from getting to cold...
  8. DartmouthDave

    Field Dressings : Is there any expiry?

    Hello, What are chitosan dressing??  They sound great!! Anybody remember the Hampton Row Burn dressings?  Odd little foam thing to wrap burns?  I should repackage and sell them back to the CF as well.....lol David
  9. DartmouthDave

    Field Dressings : Is there any expiry?

    Hello, The disaster/MCI lockers at the local hospital have boxes of 50ish field dressings and smelly wool blankets.  Opened one and it was fine.  In fact, no change from the current ones. Hmmmmmmm...........I should repackage them in new fancy covers and sell them back to the CF!!  Dressing...
  10. DartmouthDave

    Registered psychiatric nurse

    Hello, RPN are only recognized in some provinces as different branch of nursing.  Alberta comes to mind.  Also, their scope of pratice and training are different than a RN. NO in the CF have to provide a wide range of care from public health to emergency nursing.  It is my understanding that...
  11. DartmouthDave

    Keeping IV Solutions and Medications At Proper Temperature

    Hello, From my experience in cold conditions starting a line is counter productive.  Even if the solution has been warmed somehow it will get too cold and the line will freeze.  We have a hard time getting a patient from an heated ambulance to the heated plane without everything freezing up...
  12. DartmouthDave

    Restructuring of Reserve Health Services

    Hello, All of this is happening while CFHIS and the CDU concept are being rolled out more completely.  The HSR will have no garrison patient treating role as the Clinics will no longer be connected to the Fd Amb/HSR.  There may be a role in civ health care for MCSP.  The role of the Med Tech is...
  13. DartmouthDave

    Introducing ACP diploma into QL5 training

    Hello, Experience, that is what is needed to be good at any job.  CF medics may have the knowledge but in general CF medics lack clinical experience.  A Med-A may have the knowledge of a PCP but not the experience.  A MCPL/SGT may have the knowledge of an ACP but they do not have the...
  14. DartmouthDave

    Introducing ACP diploma into QL5 training

    Hello, I agree with the idea of Med-A training meeting the PCP standard.  As for the ACP and CCP level I feel that this would be too hard to achieve and maintain in the CF.  You could give this training to a Med-A and I am sure many would excel at it.  However, when would they use it?  How...
  15. DartmouthDave

    Simple but BRILLIANT ideas you would like to share!

    Hello, I thought that I would start a thread of simple but brilliant ideas that you are amazed that you haven't thought of but likely to take credit for! ;D On the cover of a JEMS magazine (June or July I think) shows a picture of Boston EMS transporting a stabbing patient.  The IV line was a...
  16. DartmouthDave

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    Hello, EMS pay in Canada varies greatly with Ontario and BC and the top end for pay. Now, the USA has LOW pay for EMS!!  A friend of mine make hardly anything!! The CF needs to raise pay in order to be competitive in Central and Western Canada.  Form my experience, it seems that a large...
  17. DartmouthDave

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    Hello, Civilian PCP pay isn't that great in general. According to the DND homepage regular force NCM start at 30K and reach 50K in 5 years.  Very few PCP make much more than 30K let alone 50K.  I figure 50K a year is around $25hr or so civilian side.  Find a PCP job that pay this, good luck.  A...
  18. DartmouthDave

    The Training That We Should Undertake As Medics In Prep For The Box...

    Hello, I will date myself here. :D Back in the day when Yugo was on the go the 1st tour was the RCR from Germany (no Res F).  Then 2RCR went and they brough Res F members to fill in rifeman and mortarman positions.  Same debate, some felt they would do better doing less 'challenging jobs'. ...
  19. DartmouthDave

    The Training That We Should Undertake As Medics In Prep For The Box...

    Hello, I feel that Res F Med-A are capable of filling various medic roles in A-Stan.  After all, Res F members have filled various other rolls in operational environments. From my experience, I have had friends in the Res F who have deployed to BH, A-Stan, Cambodia, ect.... as Inf, Comms, and...
  20. DartmouthDave

    Kidney Stones

    Hello, Releasing a CF member because of kidney stones is stupid waste of resources.  In most cases, the same can be said of placing them on a medical category.  As for draining medical resources, hardly.  Most of these pt are taken care of in the civilian setting in Canada.  On deployment...