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  1. D

    Equipment for course in CFB Borden.

    I wouldn't bring anything, Borden is a comfortable base. Just go with your staples of board shorts, flip flops, and corona.
  2. D

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Ok, there is a right way to train and a wrong way. If your "fitness" goals include standing on stage in a speedo with a spray tan then by all means follow scotty's advice. If not then Kratos's advice is bang on. Far too many posters on this thread have the wrong idea of what fitness is. The...
  3. D

    Fireman Carry replaced by Casualty Drag

    Well as long as we are going for realism on the BFT we might as well replace the ruck march with a 13km LAV ride displaying moderate vigilance.
  4. D

    Do section cdrs want/need a PDA with info from their own mini-UAV?

    Sounds good in theory, but I have no doubts it would end up being another piece of kit stashed in some corner of the lav never to be used.
  5. D

    knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

    I swear by my filed down re-bar blade with a canadian forces issued guntape handle. H.A.F.
  6. D

    The Perfect Rifle Company Annual Training Plan

    Sweeping, mopping, setting up tables, and the odd range day. Sounds like a reg ATP for a rifle coy.  :salute:
  7. D

    Physical Fitness for Skinny Guys

    Frank, when your 16 years old and 127 pounds your body should be building at least 6 pounds of muscle a year whether your training or not. Your testosterone should be fairly high during these adolescent stages making some muscle gain inevitable. I am 6'4 and went from 170 to 205 and the most...
  8. D

    Anyone Skydiving?

    Done my IAD firstjump in moncton a few months ago, Awsome time cant wait to try again. regarding the soft landings, dont flare to early and flare hard.
  9. D

    C7A2 sling Recommendations?

    Ive used the issued sling aswell as a blackhawk single point sling, Im not going to get into my many gripes with the blackhawk sling.  My favorite option is plain old paracord with a carabeiner attached to the tacvest. as noted earlier in the thread it doesnt work as well with c7s but for my c8...
  10. D

    UFC Stuff - Merged

    It was worth it Gsp over fitch lesner over herring florian over huerta
  11. D

    general questions for infantry

    The only reason i could see you getting overseas quicker in the infantry is because the training is fairly short, you can be in battalion in less than a year. Oh and its incredibly boring. Depends on your personality if you can handle the boredom along with the intense moments as rare as they...
  12. D

    Best knife for TAC vest

    Just use a boxcutter. They are dirt cheap and when they get dull you can just snap the blade off. People may look at you like your an idiot but it really works.
  13. D

    Promise / Challenge

    George D crapped out, or his computer exploded.
  14. D

    Equipment at gym?? What does your base have?

    CFB gagetown has a huge weightlifting/body building section aswell as 2 cardio areas and a newly added crossfit area. Included in the crossfit area are 3 squat racks with olympic bars and plenty of bumper plates. Tons of room to do olympic lifting the crossfit area.
  15. D

    Looking for experienced opinions on training for BIQ

    In addidtion to my morning battalion PT i do the exact WOD on the main site. If i cannot lift the prescribed weight I will scale it down to something i can achieve. Give it a go, make sure you warm up properly before each session. push pull squat bend straighten.
  16. D

    Looking for experienced opinions on training for BIQ

    I would absolutely recommend crossfit. Ive been doing it for a few months now and seeing a larger and more balanced gain in muscular strength and endurance then when i did body building. It couldn't be any more relevent to the work you will be doing in BIQ.
  17. D

    Heater meals

    I think we should do a "supersize me" like test with these things. I know we had some super sized soldiers by the end of texas
  18. D

    Heater meals

    Did you get any Otis Spunkmeyer muffins. Amazing fatty goodness
  19. D

    Heater meals

    I will never eat another heater meal. Ever. After 2 weeks on them i was eating cashews and jerky for every meal. And that juice was insane.
  20. D

    The stuff the Army issues is Excellent!

    I'm not a C9 Advocate but Id have to agree about that fleece top. Number 1 piece of issued field kit. Have you got the issued Gerber or the issued SOG? SOG has got some major crushing power.