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Looking for experienced opinions on training for BIQ


Army.ca Veteran
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I ran into this while doing some research and was wondering if it's a good workout plan in theory? I intend to change some of the movements to add in more pushups etc.


Does traditional bodybuilding really prepare a person for BIQ, SOBQ, SOAC and the selections preceeding them? I was thinking of moving more into crossfit and working endurance more, as I am not sure if its a good idea to build my body too large for my frame size. If I could do say 100 pushups, 2.4km in under 9 minutes and 20 pull ups, does it matter that I'm only 165 lbs and can't leg press a bus?

Push ups, running, rope climbing, squats, ruck, etc, etc. Don't over think and make the d-day invasion type plans for combat fitnesss. Just do.

I would skip out on the bodybuilding movements.
I'm training on crossfit for a while and I think it's a good way be ready for BIQ or whatever else ! By doing the WOD of crossfit.com, you'll get the strenght, endurance, stamina and whatever else you'll need for any physical activities !

BTW, if you're running sub-9m for 2,4k, you probably have good legs. It's a pretty good time !
How far should I be rucking on average? The last two weekends I have done 10km run friday night, 13 km ruck saturday. My 2.4 time has always been good but I wish I had people to train with. I'm hoping to find people in the Reg Force that are willing to kick my ass and let me run trying to catch up to them.  ;D
Well I've finally run 15km for the first time. Man was it boring, is that an average distance for course? My rucking is getting better, I just need to up the weight a bit.

Also, I have been doing 300 pushups per day in sets of 50 (finishing all 6 in about a half hour) Sometimes I do ruck pushups as well.

I think I am almost ready.
I would absolutely recommend crossfit. Ive been doing it for a few months now and seeing a larger and more balanced gain in muscular strength and endurance then when i did body building. It couldn't be any more relevent to the work you will be doing in BIQ.
Do you just do the prescribed WOD's from the site?

I've been doing very crossfit-esque workouts for the last few weeks now. I have given up traditional bodybuilding as I used to do as well, and am considering taking up martial arts.
In addidtion to my morning battalion PT i do the exact WOD on the main site. If i cannot lift the prescribed weight I will scale it down to something i can achieve. Give it a go, make sure you warm up properly before each session. push pull squat bend straighten.
Awesome. Out of curiousity how many pushups can the average infanteer in a Bn do?

popnfresh said:
Awesome. Out of curiousity how many pushups can the average infanteer in a Bn do?


May I ask what info you really want?

1.  Amount of Pushups done by the average Infanteer:

    a.  for morning PT?
    b.  for Cooper's Test?
    c.  in a Day?
    d.  in a Week?
    e.  in a minute?
    f.  for CF Expres Test?
    g.  for a girl/boyfriend?
    h.  for a beer?
    i.  during a Sports Day?
    j.  before going to bed?

2.  Do you want "Correct" Pushups or "Cheaters"?

3.  What type of Pushups are you asking for:

    a.  Standard?
    b.  One Handed?
    c.  Burpees?
    d.  Some other type?

4.  Are you asking about Regular Force or Reserve Force Infanteers?

5.  Do you want to know if there is some sort of "Second Standard" in the CF?

George Wallace said:

May I ask what info you really want?

1.  Amount of Pushups done by the average Infanteer:

     a.  for morning PT?
     b.  for Cooper's Test?
     c.  in a Day?
     d.  in a Week?
     e.  in a minute?
     f.  for CF Expres Test?
     g.  for a girl/boyfriend?
     h.  for a beer?
     i.  during a Sports Day?
     j.  before going to bed?

2.  Do you want "Correct" Pushups or "Cheaters"?

3.  What type of Pushups are you asking for:

     a.  Standard?
     b.  One Handed?
     c.  Burpees?
     d.  Some other type?

4.  Are you asking about Regular Force or Reserve Force Infanteers?

5.  Do you want to know if there is some sort of "Second Standard" in the CF?


;D Oh man.

OK. Max in one set to failure on something like the coopers test, correct form, standard, in a reg force INF unit, and the only standard I'm worried about is the highest one, and thats what I want to be.

Just do what you can do.  You don't "have" to be the "best" at pushups.  Also why does it matter what the average infanteer can do? They aren't the only guys that do pushups.  I'd be more worried about what the CF average is rather than one trade.  And I'll get flak for this but the infantry aren't the be all end all of in shape people in the CF.  I see just as many of the RCR's laggin behind in a run or ruck as I do RCD's, 2 CER and 2 RCHA on morning PT.......
RCDtpr said:
Just do what you can do.  You don't "have" to be the "best" at pushups.  Also why does it matter what the average infanteer can do? They aren't the only guys that do pushups.  I'd be more worried about what the CF average is rather than one trade.  And I'll get flak for this but the infantry aren't the be all end all of in shape people in the CF.  I see just as many of the RCR's laggin behind in a run or ruck as I do RCD's, 2 CER and 2 RCHA on morning PT.......

Fair enough, but I figured the infantry average was going to be higher then the CF average if you catch my drift.

But thanks for the insight.
Oh I hear what you're saying.  But rather than asking just infantry about "in shape" related questions you might get a better response if you broaden it to the combat arms in general.  Contrary to popular belief us armoured guys are pretty in shape too.......except the tankers  >:D
I'd be more worried about what the CF average is rather than one trade.

Not if you're going infantry. The acceptable standard in one trade is not necessarily the acceptable standard in another. The CF's 19 push ups just isn't going to cut it. Most guys out of BIQ will double that. Take a look at the minimum fitness standard for CSOR and you'll get an idea for what a Reg infantry dude in "decent shape" will look like.

I see just as many of the RCR's laggin behind in a run or ruck as I do RCD's, 2 CER and 2 RCHA on morning PT.......

Only because we're keeping a faster pace.  ;)

Crossfit and rucking is the way to go.

We had a guy get picked up for The Hill not too long ago. All he did was crossfit, and when crossfit got easy, he did crossfit with a weight vest. ISAP will put a greater emphasis on rucking - heavy weight and long distances. The 77lb BFT on the enterance requirement really is the bare minimum.

For the guy wanting to go to a reg force infantry unit, the Crossfit WOD plus weekly ruck marches will get you through SQ/BIQ with room to spare.
Crossfit is definitely going to do you a lot of good - I was first introduced to it on course a few years ago and came out of the course in the best shape I'd ever been in, it's amazing.  That plus getting the ruck on a lot should make you set.
Ahh the dreaded crossfit.  Phenomenal workout.  But it's tough.  I'm an in shape guy, PT never has been issue.  But crossfit makes my muscles cry  :)
Wonderbread said:
Not if you're going infantry. The acceptable standard in one trade is not necessarily the acceptable standard in another. The CF's 19 push ups just isn't going to cut it. Most guys out of BIQ will double that. Take a look at the minimum fitness standard for CSOR and you'll get an idea for what a Reg infantry dude in "decent shape" will look like.

Only because we're keeping a faster pace.  ;)

Crossfit and rucking is the way to go.

We had a guy get picked up for The Hill not too long ago. All he did was crossfit, and when crossfit got easy, he did crossfit with a weight vest. ISAP will put a greater emphasis on rucking - heavy weight and long distances. The 77lb BFT on the enterance requirement really is the bare minimum.

For the guy wanting to go to a reg force infantry unit, the Crossfit WOD plus weekly ruck marches will get you through SQ/BIQ with room to spare.

Thanks guys. I've always found rucking to be very boring, and I hate the issue ruck. Do alot of you guys have bad knees even if your under 30? Also, I'm fairly short (5'8) and about 165ish, anyone that small in the infantry and actually do well?

I appreciate the advice so far, and will just start doing the WOD's for crossfit.
Do alot of you guys have bad knees even if your under 30? Also, I'm fairly short (5' and about 165ish, anyone that small in the infantry and actually do well?

As far as I can tell, its the running more then rucking that wreaks knees.  I read somewhere that running will put 4 times your body weight on each foot every time you take a stride. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know that my knees feel much worse the day after a long run in PT kit then they will after a long heavy ruck march - but then again I'm also wearing vibram soles and custom orthotics in my combat boots so your milage may vary.

As for height, rucking has always been my weak point. I'm 5'6" and 140lbs in the rain. These stumpy legs just don't step as big as taller guys. But I'm shorter then you and I've done it, and there are people shorter then me who've done it too. Its just something you have to work at. Guys who quit don't quit because they're not fit enough. They quit because they're mentally weak. They don't have that "Stay in the fight" attitude and they shut down when things get tough. Its as simple as that. Don't quit.
Wonderbread said:
As far as I can tell, its the running more then rucking that wreaks knees.  I read somewhere that running will put 4 times your body weight on each foot every time you take a stride. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know that my knees feel much worse the day after a long run in PT kit then they will after a long heavy ruck march - but then again I'm also wearing vibram soles and custom orthotics in my combat boots so your milage may vary.

As for height, rucking has always been my weak point. I'm 5'6" and 140lbs in the rain. These stumpy legs just don't step as big as taller guys. But I'm shorter then you and I've done it, and there are people shorter then me who've done it too. Its just something you have to work at. Guys who quit don't quit because they're not fit enough. They quit because they're mentally weak. They don't have that "Stay in the fight" attitude and they shut down when things get tough. Its as simple as that. Don't quit.

Truly an inspiration,

Thank you again.