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general questions for infantry

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hey guys I'm currently weighing out my options about which trade to choose and have come to the conclusion of combat engineer, vehicle technician and infantry. i enjoy keeping busy and often find i get bored easily so i would like to do something i would enjoy as i plan on making this a career for at least 25 years. I'm very interested in the infantry side of the forces and people that i have asked about it said it was boring, and because there is not so much funding they get stuck doing nothing alot of the time(meaning infantry) and that it was only decent if you get a tour. i have a friend who is a vehicle tech and he said that infantry get called alot to do oil changes for him and things because they run out of stuff to do. can anyone comment? I'm not looking for "a day and life in infantry" just opinions on how to figure out whats right for me or if anyone can confirm these things are true.

thank you.
Being a Combat Engineer will certainly keep you busy, hope you like making water, repairing bridges, poking IED's and digging sh*tters. Being an Infantrymen means being to tired to be bored, if you act to bored, your WO will keep you busy. The army does have a lot of hurry up and wait, but today's soldiers just have to much to do to get bored.
clipz said:
hey guys I i enjoy keeping busy and often find i get bored easily so i would like to do something i would enjoy as i plan on making this a career for at least 25 years. I'm very interested in the infantry side of the forces and people that i have asked about it said it was boring, and because there is not so much funding they get stuck doing nothing alot of the time(meaning infantry)                                                                                                                                                                                     

No problem, when you get bored, just inform your RSM, you'll be pleasantly surprised how many things there are to do.

clipz said:
i have a friend who is a vehicle tech and he said that infantry get called alot to do oil changes for him and things because they run out of stuff to do.

Just so you know it is not a vehicle tech's job to do oil changes, it is the drivers job to do the oil change.  Now in defense of the Infantry, it is true that there are days where you are not doing much but after a while you begin to appreciate those days.  Especially when you prep for a tour there does not seem to be enough hours in a day and you don't have time to do simple things like exchanges.  Also I think you will find in just about all trades there is days where they are not doing much.
No matter which unit you chose, you will always come across the " hurry up and wait " detail.
clipz said:
hey guys I'm currently weighing out my options about which trade to choose and have come to the conclusion of combat engineer, vehicle technician and infantry. i enjoy keeping busy and often find i get bored easily so i would like to do something i would enjoy as i plan on making this a career for at least 25 years. I'm very interested in the infantry side of the forces and people that i have asked about it said it was boring, and because there is not so much funding they get stuck doing nothing alot of the time(meaning infantry) and that it was only decent if you get a tour. i have a friend who is a vehicle tech and he said that infantry get called alot to do oil changes for him and things because they run out of stuff to do. can anyone comment? I'm not looking for "a day and life in infantry" just opinions on how to figure out whats right for me or if anyone can confirm these things are true.

thank you.

If you think you'll get bored easily while hanging around with a few dozen other guys armed to the teeth with grenades and machine guns just itching to slay something, then you'd better stay away from the infantry.
Well to my humble opinion for whats its worth,

every trade has its boring moments, infantry, vehicle tech, combat engineer, at one point or the other, you will encounter the more boring moments, but, like said previously, you will learn to appreciate those moments. there always be some superiors that does not care, and some that cares and keep you busy.

its not the trade in it self, but how you do your job. and what tasking are you ready to do.

think of them as a reward while thinking when you will be in Field training for 3-4 weeks...in the cold, rainy day.  :blotto:

i just don't want to be in an office all day, i like outdoors physical activity, pushing things to the limit and helping others. so I'm having a hard time choosing what to fill in for my 3 choices. I'm interested in Afghanistan not for medals or to say i went there but to help cause i hate how those bastards treat people there. if i choose infantry after all training would i get more of a chance to go if i was infantry vs a trade?
The only reason i could see you getting overseas quicker in the infantry is because the training is fairly short, you can be in battalion in less than a year. Oh and its incredibly boring. Depends on your personality if you can handle the boredom along with the intense moments as rare as they are. And yes they send in infanteers to help out the mechanics all the time in my battalion. Usually nothing past changing tires and filling fluids.
clipz said:
i just don't want to be in an office all day, i like outdoors physical activity, pushing things to the limit and helping others. so I'm having a hard time choosing what to fill in for my 3 choices. I'm interested in Afghanistan not for medals or to say i went there but to help cause i hate how those bastards treat people there. if i choose infantry after all training would i get more of a chance to go if i was infantry vs a trade?

Being a Sailor, Soldier or Airman, means you do what they say, when they say, how they say and where they say.

Whether the Services try and accommodate you in your preferences of Trade or Postings, is moot (having no practical significance).

Please, get on with it, there is no right answer you are looking for,  there are just too many variations or circumstances.

(Edited to remove blank space under text. - M.O.)
hey all i am having a hard time choosing between infantry and combat engineer and could really use some help with some unanswered questions.
as infantry, where do you go after the sq course?
does being infantry automatically mean your going on a tour?(love to go)
the recruiting website stated that the opportunities for advancement are high. is this true? is it more than other trades?
what do you like/dislike about what you do?
how often do you go to ranges and do pt?
is it true that the contract length is 3 years? is so can i sign for longer right away?
do you ever regret not choosing another trade?
can anyone explain why infantry is considered boring my most people?
how is the base in edmonton? thats where id like to go
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