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Anyone Skydiving?


Army.ca Veteran
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Any folks here sky dive? I"m looking for my first jump ever this summer, free fall of course.   *Watch me break the sound barrier*

One of my goals in the CF is to get my jump course.  ;D

Any stories folks want to tell? 
I have a few jumps (50ish), but I stopped when I started pilot training for obvious reasons.  I really enjoyed the experience and certainly the thrill you get when you jump out of an airplane at 12 000'.  I can say I have more take offs than landings in an airplane!

I'm also looking to take a plunge, and I'm considering taking up skydiving civy side just for fun. Any pointers on getting started Max?
To be honest, I have never even been in a plane, let alone just out of one.

Some day, oh yes, someday I will.

My Uncle owned the drop-zone in Stewiake (between Halifax and Truro) until it shut down the end of 06.  I've been planning on getting in for a jump wherever the nearest drop-zone is now, but due to certain circumstances, I'm stuck on the ground for a while.

When my old man took his first jump, my uncle made sure he was given a pink parachute.
We used to go camping out at the drop-zone for weekends where on one occasion, when I had a toy Batman with a parachute about 3 feet. Batman was taken up to 1500 feet, and tossed. Plenty of pictures taken, and even a first jump certificate signed for him.

I took the full course all during 1 week end (the solo course).  That way, you save a little money.  If you intend to do it for a long time, you should look into buying a parachute as it will save you money.  Take a reputable school, that way, you won't have to step in a sketchy airplane with sketchy parachutes.  Personally, I did it at Nouvel-Air, just by Farnham. Good people, good reputation, awesome planes (Beech 18).  I did my Solo check, License A and License B with them.  2-ways are fun!

I jump pretty much every weekend. Just started last year.. got close to 150 free falls now.
I mostly jump in the Arnprior area at Mile High Parachuting.. but I also head to Parachute School of Toronto a fair bit.. thats where I started. Plus they got a Grand Caravan there.

If anyone's interested in jumping let me know which area your from and I could recommend a dropzone for you or get you any information you need.
I jumped once last summer (girlfriend got it for a birthday present!).  I was scared shitless, and barely got my 6'2 frame out of the Cessna.

When the guide pulled the ripcord my crotch got pulled so bad I walked like a western gunslinger for a week.

Although it was amazing, I'm not in a hurry to do it again.
Grando said:
I jumped once last summer (girlfriend got it for a birthday present!).  I was scared shitless, and barely got my 6'2 frame out of the Cessna.

When the guide pulled the ripcord my crotch got pulled so bad I walked like a western gunslinger for a week.

Although it was amazing, I'm not in a hurry to do it again.

Tandem Harness's are not the most comfortable thing. Plus your 6'2, I'm sure you were probably pushing close to their maximum size limit. You want it to be really snug so it doesn't move around during deployment. You go from 120mph to basically nothing in a matter of a few hundred feet.
I jumped (read: got pushed out of) in Gan the first day of the season. Probably the coolest thing I've ever done, but I dunno if I'd do a freefall again. Its a wierd feeling to get used too, you know you're dropping crazy fast, but it just feels like you've stuck your head outside a car window at 120 mph.
never done it but there are few people I'd like to push out the door..... :rage:
Currently at 289.  Best one ever, so far was in Dubrovnik.  Same place that they held the World Championships at before the Balkans blew apart.  5 jumps from and AN-12.  A flying excuse for learning how to sky drive.  Made you want to get out and walk.  Fun none the less.

Sgt  Schultz said:
Any folks here sky dive? I"m looking for my first jump ever this summer, free fall of course.   *Watch me break the sound barrier*

One of my goals in the CF is to get my jump course.  ;D

Any stories folks want to tell? 

I've never jumped civie-side but I thought you needed 'x' amount of static-line jumps before you could do freefall?
Instructor Assisted Deployments.  You do need to do these before you do a solo freefall.  It took me around 8.  In Gan, you then move on to Buddy jumps. (This was mid late 80's).  9,500 feet was typical.  On the way done you when through your deplyment drills a few times then the instructor would yell go.  You deployed your main and he let go.  After a few of those then it was on to Solo freefall.  I think I did my first solo Freefall from about 6,500 ft.
I haven't done a single instructor assisted deployment and went solo.  Theh first one was a tandem jump, followed by 2 instructors and 1 students jump (1 instructor holding on to me and the other in my face "telling" me what to do.

SupersonicMax said:
I haven't done a single instructor assisted deployment and went solo.  Theh first one was a tandem jump, followed by 2 instructors and 1 students jump (1 instructor holding on to me and the other in my face "telling" me what to do.


Progressive Free Fall (some places call it accelerated free fall). It's a more expensive way to train since your paying for your jump slot, plus 2 instructors to go with you. You get to go right to the roof on your first jump, Rather than IAD or Static line from a few grand. All are good ways to train, IAD/SL usually take more jumps to get your license but each jump is cheaper. PFF is more expensive but as long as your keen you can get through the levels fairly quickly.
Hey guys me and a buddy from my old regiment signed up to go skydiving on saturday. He said he signed us up for the solo jump...so I'm assuming the first one if you're not with an instructor is a static line jump right and not free fall? I'm just going to show up, do what I'm told and then jump but was looking for an idea what to expect. Any tips for a soft landing?

Done my IAD firstjump in moncton a few months ago, Awsome time cant wait to try again. regarding the soft landings, dont flare to early and flare hard.
popnfresh said:
Hey guys me and a buddy from my old regiment signed up to go skydiving on saturday. He said he signed us up for the solo jump...so I'm assuming the first one if you're not with an instructor is a static line jump right and not free fall? I'm just going to show up, do what I'm told and then jump but was looking for an idea what to expect. Any tips for a soft landing?

Listen to the instructor on the radio and PLF. Flaring helps too.