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  1. Pte.Shrubb

    Infantry in Halifax

    Wow I didn't know there was another PLF'er here...cool
  2. Pte.Shrubb

    Gear issue in reserve

    Its funny cuz its true
  3. Pte.Shrubb

    BMQ Wainright, who's goin!

    Well right now there is snow on the ground, it's not to cold out. The base itself is alright, somewhat large and spread but nowhere near the size of Gagetown though. Right now the base is pretty busy due to the fact there Ex. Maple Gaurdian is going on and there is a course being run at the same...
  4. Pte.Shrubb

    BMQ Wainright, who's goin!

    I'm already here :( but not for BMQ lol
  5. Pte.Shrubb

    Happy Hallowe'en!

    Its to bad they don't trick or treat out here at CMTC Wainwright. I would have gone out as a soldier
  6. Pte.Shrubb

    leo replacement?

    Its funny that you don't know who told me this information. So I will tell you. My father told me all of this. I think he knows what he is talking about and knows a little more on the subject then some of you people on here. And as for the comment on how I am a 17 year old reservist, its nice...
  7. Pte.Shrubb

    Reservists in AFG (merged)

    My unit (Princess Louise Fusiliers) has sent a few people over with the NCE.
  8. Pte.Shrubb

    leo replacement?

    It comes from a rather creditable source but due to the fact that it hasn't been released to the general public that is why I decided to say "I heard".
  9. Pte.Shrubb

    leo replacement?

    I have heard that Germany has offered to sell us 66 Leopard A4's. The money for this would of course come from the funds from the MGS project.
  10. Pte.Shrubb

    Crap....and they let them get away.

    I would have waited for the go ahead from higher
  11. Pte.Shrubb

    Army Alphabet Game

    P - the PRONE position
  12. Pte.Shrubb

    CSOR Recruiting Tour

    I went to the recruiting brief last night in Halifax. It was great, very informative and helped me make the decision on what I want to do for the rest of my life.
  13. Pte.Shrubb

    TF 1-07

    Ya a good friend of mine is on TF 1-77 and theres a bunch of guys from my unit and some friends on it as well. I hear about the problems all the time. Some were how they were sleeping in shacks in gagetown then out to argonaut then back into the base then out there again. I also hear how they...
  14. Pte.Shrubb

    Going to Aldershot...

    I know this is kind of off topic but what unit are you with? Im PLF on DP1 Infantry
  15. Pte.Shrubb

    Lima Company

    my gf taped it for me because i had to work but i did end up catching the last 15 minutes of it
  16. Pte.Shrubb

    Baghdad ER

    looks good
  17. Pte.Shrubb

    Armouries Hit Halifax NS

    well could could also set up an OP in the bushes right across fromt eh armouries...just my thought, that way we could get them right away  >:D
  18. Pte.Shrubb

    Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan

    I am totally for the mission in Afghanistan. My reasons for this are that we are helping to rebuild a country that has been struggling for many years. I think we are doing a good job also
  19. Pte.Shrubb


    I like the PE90 Swiss Arms and the M-14