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leo replacement?


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ok im sure this has been discussed before..but im a tad bit confused. With the mgs idea gone down the drain, is the mmev the leo replacement? or is there some other plan made out to replace them?

thx for ur info/patients
slaymight said:
ok im sure this has been discussed before..but im a tad bit confused. With the mgs idea gone down the drain, is the mmev the leo replacement? or is there some other plan made out to replace them?

Lots of Topics on the subject of the MGS and Leo replacement in both the Vehicle Forums and the Armour Forums.  I am sure that you will be much more informed if you checked them out.

slaymight said:
thx for ur info/patients

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Grammar and Sentence Structures  - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327.0.html

Welcome to Army.ca and enjoy reading the wealth of information available for you.
IMHO there is still a place in CAF's for MBT's as well as SPH's, AVLB's, AEV's and ARV's.
If Canada were to deploy amphib's then a few BARV's should be purchased.
Heavy Armoured Personnel Carriers and a few Gepard like AA vehicles would not be out of place.

Numbers need not be large but sufficient for a heavy armoured unit.
I have heard that Germany has offered to sell us 66 Leopard A4's. The money for this would of course come from the funds from the MGS project.
Try and refrain from "I heard" unless you something to validate the claim - all you're doing is muddying the waters around here.
It comes from a rather creditable source but due to the fact that it hasn't been released to the general public that is why I decided to say "I heard".
Perhaps, if it isn't released to the public, then your credible source is not interested in seeing you put his source material up for the general public.
This is where one is wise to check the profile of the person making such statements as "I was told by a friend of a friend, that a Reliable Source said...." comes in so handy.
Pte.Shrubb said:
It comes from a rather creditable source but due to the fact that it hasn't been released to the general public that is why I decided to say "I heard".
From a 17yr old res pte...

in an R031 line serial...

BUT -- I would not be surprised if give the hat colors the the MDN, CDS and DCDS - that they beyond all others probably have a desire to see that so.
Its funny that you don't know who told me this information. So I will tell you. My father told me all of this. I think he knows what he is talking about and knows a little more on the subject then some of you people on here. And as for the comment on how I am a 17 year old reservist, its nice that you discourage some of the things that people are doing without personally knowing them. The reasons as to why I am still a reservist is because I am to young to join the regular forces.

Note - I edited out the personal reference.
Then let's keep it private and keep it from open speculation.  See my thread re: what would we name a new tank?  "Steve" is currently winning :D
Pte.Shrubb said:
Its funny that you don't know who told me this information. So I will tell you. My father told me all of this. I think he knows what he is talking about and knows a little more on the subject then some of you people on here. And as for the comment on how I am a 17 year old reservist, its nice that you discourage some of the things that people are doing without personally knowing them. The reasons as to why I am still a reservist is because I am to young to join the regular forces.

This sort of peeing contest is what gets people in trouble on this forum all the time. There are some on this board who are very much in the know on a wide range of subjects both inside and outside the CF. You may know your dad and have tremendous amount of respect for him (which is a good if rare thing these days) but you DO NOT know some of the people that you are conversing with.

We have officers up to and including general rank that come here to chat...Are you sure you REALLY know who your talking to?!

Consider this to be your freebee...I am one of the most lenient of mods on this board, and I feel that you have stepped out of line in this thread. Others may not have the tolerance for newer members of the CF..especially ones still in their teens that DO NOT AND CANNOT have thorough understanding of the Forces at their level of experience.

Sit back and read, don't just jump in with comments like those...You'll find yourself on the wrong end of a warning if you do.

Advice here is free. Take and read your copy please ;)

All hail the mighty slim.

As for the leo replacement, we will know what is going to replace the leo when the high brass decides to tell the lower peons what is going to replace the leo. Until then, who cares except for naming the thing? I prefer "BOB" or "FRED" myself, but if I can't have thsoe, then "STEVE" will do.
On Tanknet there is a posting that Norway is considering giving 100+ Leo1's to Afgan army.

I wouldn't rag on Pte Shrubb too much. He heard something from someone about the Leopards, and until we see something corroboratory from officialdom, what he heard is probably just one of a bazillion rumours that float around in the military every day.

There may be a grain of truth of what he is saying. The Germans have repeatedly offered to sell Canada (and other countries) some of their surplus Leopard 2A4's. You know how rumours get started - on the tiniest bit of information. It could be that how this rumour got started is that the Germans have in fact approached DND about buying some tanks, and DND may simply be examining the proposal.

Give the kid a break, eh? He's young. He's enthusiastic about what he's doing. He'll learn when to say something and when not to say something.
Eland -- two things - 1) He should not be repeating info that is not public domain here.
                              2) His father should not be confiding in his son info that is not public domain when his son has zero need to know.

I think the US has a number of M1A1/A2 Tanks that they are mothballing with their force strcuture changes...  I believe that our strategic goals are much more common with the Americans than the Germans - and would favour US kit over German.
M1A1/A2 Tanks can be refitted with diesel engines just like the Australians have done.
All things being equal, the M1 A2 (SEP) and the Leo 2A6 are both fabulous tanks.  The Leo, IMHO, has a slight edge, however.  Firstly, its fire control system is slightly better than the M1 A2 (SEP) (from what I understand), and secondly, the Leo is the same width as the Leo C2.  The M1 would not fit inside our hangars here in Canada.  Sound trivial?  Try presenting a bill for new hangars to public works and see how much that is.
Heh.... I've got a chainsaw for ya if you want on ;)
I don't believe the Oz M1's have exchanged there turbines for diesels, they have been fitted with a new APU however.