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  1. DVessey

    The Merits of the ROTP Program (Split from

    But of course, happy to have heard that the Houses are being "re-made". Maybe some day I'll go back and visit the Zoo...
  2. DVessey

    The Merits of the ROTP Program (Split from

    I'm going to jump into this. Not sure how good of an idea it is... most of the conversations of this type that I've had take place over a few brews at TGIF over summer OJT... ;) From the get go, my (limited) history/experience: Applied for ROTP civi U, got accepted for ROTP at RMC - don't...
  3. DVessey

    RMC Life Sciences Minor a Good Move?

    really? what IS "life science"? Is it actually under the science department? Just curious, I haven't heard anything about this...
  4. DVessey

    I hate weight lifting...

    Someone else beat me to the punch, but here's another vote for Starting Strength. I bought Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe (http://www.startingstrength.com/) awhile ago - definitely a lot of good info in there, he writes well with a no-BS approach. You say you've already got a good baseline...
  5. DVessey

    Up to par?

    I also heard about that change - that MOSID's will only be determined at the end of the year -  I just finished a week of recruiting with the Red & White Club here on PEI. Just because MOSID will not be determined until the end of first year does not mean they don't judge military potential. I...
  6. DVessey

    Crossfit & the CF

    Munx: nice to see you're starting up an affiliate.. hopefully I'll get to visit someday if I ever make it out to the west coast. muskrat: I would argue that it's not really toast. It's got all the same ingredients, but when it's cooked it comes with PB&J already on it. What I'm trying to say is...
  7. DVessey

    Crossfit & the CF

    CrossFit is not the be-all end-all of fitness... but it tries to be. I think this is an important distinction. Mr. Glassman has stated many times that if you can find something else that works better, he will use it.
  8. DVessey

    Help with pull ups

    See what Hatchet Man said. Lat pull down != pull up.
  9. DVessey

    hmmm My new running record.. comment please

    As most of the members here have already pointed out, running is a great basis, but you need an all around fitness for the military. I've been trying to spread this link far and wide: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land_force_doctrine_training_system/ex_aita_trg/acim/courses/acim/acim.swf Details...
  10. DVessey

    Canadian Forces Combat Fitness Program

    Even for those who don't think much of CrossFit, this is an excellent resource.
  11. DVessey

    Crossfit & the CF

    Link to Army Fitness Manual and Combat Fitness Program website: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land_force_doctrine_training_system/ex_aita_trg/acim/courses/acim/acim.swf Very cool resource (in my opinion). There are drop down menus on the bottom, for the CrossFit excercises select 'Combat...
  12. DVessey

    Crossfit & the CF

    Sounds like an interesting idea, but correct me if I'm wrong, there aren't any CELE positions at a Tac Hel sqn. For this summer, I'm off to Greenwood for OJT. Definitely taking my rings with me.. it'll be interesting to see what kind of looks I'll get. as for the muscle up, I'm still working on...
  13. DVessey

    Crossfit & the CF

    I guess I'll be called one of the 'worshipers', but I don't plan on hammering you. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I am curious how long you tried CrossFit for? did you do the WOD as prescribed, 3 days on, 1 day off? Now to try and steer the conversation in a new direction...
  14. DVessey

    RMC - Basic Training / Injuries

    unfortunately enough in some cases...
  15. DVessey


    Mr. Luomala, I sent you a PM about your initial post about a CrossFit/AOFP board? I was just wondering if that message got through and if this board still exists. Cheers
  16. DVessey

    For the people who are in RMC.. Can you give me your opinion??

    I understand that you're basically concerned about whether the recruiting center will be more concerned with your high school or university marks. Well, why are they so different?
  17. DVessey

    Could this be the 'New' BOTP

    Well, if you're interested in idle talk/rumours, here's what was flying around the mega when I did BOTP in 2005: At that time, the course was 5 weeks, plus an extra 'prep' week for civi U guys. The rumours that we heard about the course changing mainly involved the taskings - that instead of...
  18. DVessey

    How do you guys conduct physical fitness?

    Just a wee little OCdt chiming in with his two cents. I think I've already talked about how great CrossFit is. I've been doing it and reading up more and more on it since last November. Circuit training is great, but I think the trick is to make it interesting and competitive.  There's a...
  19. DVessey

    "300" The So-Called Program (PT program for cast of 300)

    Ditto. Try the '500' workout: (500 reps) Filthy Fifty: 50x ~15inch box jump, jumping pull up, 35# DB swing, walking lunge steps, knees to elbows, 45# push press, back extension, 20# wall ball, burpees, double unders Or another '300' workout: (300 total reps) "Michael" Three rounds for time of...
  20. DVessey

    From CELE to AERE

    First, I'd just like to clear something up: CELE and AERE are military occupations. They have nothing to do with 'similar first year courses'. At RMC, the Mechanical Engineering department has begun offering an aeronautical (or aerospace, not sure which) specialization. Almost any science or...