Garett said:
Here is the link to the Cross Fit based CF Cbt Fitness Program. Its all good, except anything to do with a 25mm ammo can filled with dirt.
This is the second time that I have heard of someone having issues with using ammo cans (full of sand) for PT purposes. I'm not sure what the issue is, but it eludes me. I'm not sure if some people think that you are going to carry around nickle plated dumb-bells in the field, but I doubt that is going to happen. I remember reading a story about a young Arnold Schwarzennegger as a tanker in the Austrian army, and awakening an hour before reveille, and using the tank tools (and yes, likely some weights that he brought along) to work out on.
I suspect some people are uncomfortable with the fact that, with programs like CrossFit, PT can be done anywhere (on exercise, on deployment), not just in an air-conditioned gym, full of super-expensive equipment.
Maybe I'm missing something, Garett, in your comment, but I don't get "it" [your comment]. I suppose I have a bit of a bias about this, as I was annoyed that people chose to mock me, rather than join in with me, when I used a 20 litre water can to do some CrossFit exercises when I was DS on a 25mm gun camp. Easier to stand there, smokin' and jokin', than to use the available equipment to do some Austere locale exercises.