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  1. Tebo

    Canadian Military Ethos

    Excellent discussion from this and the pathfinder thread Excoelis.   I have no exact idea of where you are coming from or alluding to. I will, however, throw my contribution into the ring and hope it is relevant. When taken on the macroscopic scale, a predominately hedonistic mindset would...
  2. Tebo

    Uganda calling the U.N. - Where are you?

    What if the Canadian government produced a documentary about what is happening and then showed it graphically on the CBC's National.   Next have the Prim Minister say Canada is going to stand the hell up and do something?   The will is there I think, as a nation and as an armed force.   What...
  3. Tebo

    CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

    If you have outrageously long hair and can take some heat I suggest holding out for as long as possible.   Nothing will entertain the platoon or give the Sgts and MCpls more pleasure than seeing some 4lbs of hair buzzed off.   My personal favorite was one guy who had been cultivating a giant...
  4. Tebo

    What is the pass/fail rate at the IAP/BOTP in the summer?

    Good day, Regular force IAP / BOTP sees three failure types from my experience at CFLRS St. Jean(Which is now one and half years outdated): Initial Failures Some people arrive inadequately prepared physically and/or mentally.   Many factors play in: Personal disposition and compatibility with...
  5. Tebo

    Recruit training discipline

    From my experience the current directing staff Sgts are as verbally inventive as ever with one major distinction.  I always pull out the obstacle course wall example.  For my BOTP the Sgt was right there beside you yelling all manner of things into your ear.  When a person hits the six foot...
  6. Tebo

    Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

    Presssure also has a great deal to do with the shining process.  Keep in mind that the final stages are aimed at lightly filling any uneven portions of the polish, not applying an entirely new layer.  Good luck. 
  7. Tebo

    Thunderbolt and New Doctrine

    Three responses and another fun, unsubstantiated rumour: While the report is completely prone to it‘s own spin, the nature of the systems they discuss seem to jive in some fashion. I think it makes the case about leadership and the Stryker even if you strip away all the subjective adjectives...
  8. Tebo

    Thunderbolt and New Doctrine

    I have spent the last few hours completely immersed in the Stryker escapades and the changing roles of the armoured and infantry. For Background on where I am coming from reference: http://www.cochraneinstitute.com/Reports/preventdeaths43a.pdf Page 118 for information on the Thunderbolt...
  9. Tebo

    Sound Advice From Reality

    Just an excerpt taken from "A report for Congress written by Victor O'Reilly Draft42WA December 16 2003" that provides some good insight. The entire article, mainly concerned with the short comings of army leadership, careerism and poor procurement practices is available at...
  10. Tebo

    how can you get rid of blisters... fast?

    For blister removal I will drain all the liquid with a needle then apply a liberal wash of hyrdogen peroxide which is available in any drug store and costs next to nothing. My feet sweat a great deal and polypropelene socks become sandpaper for me. I have met at least three other people with...
  11. Tebo

    Separation Anxiety

    Many good points to which I will add three things: Your loved ones at home are left with an incredible amount of spare time due to your departure. The soon-to-be soldier, on the other hand, finds her or his free time reduced to practically nothing. It is important to discuss this before hand...
  12. Tebo

    How‘s the food?

    I agree that the vegetarian meal packs far surpass the normal IMP line-up. Hard to argue with bagel chips, vegetarian lasagna and sunflower seeds. However, being a vegetarian for the most part, I stand by the IMP and just suck it up when I draw my ham steak: The logistics of running the...
  13. Tebo


    It is far easier to right-click the line, select "Save Target As.." and save the file to your computer and dodge the non-fun that is loading Adobe Acrobat and a huge .pdf file on the fly into browser...
  14. Tebo

    Subsidized University plan question

    Good day montrealer, My career began in my second year of mechanical engineering, similar to your situation. I will quickly run through my knowledge of the system keeping in mind things can change in a hurry. You are faced with two options: Complete your degree and follow the Direct Entry...