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Uganda calling the U.N. - Where are you?


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Don‘t call on the U.S. We are busy. France, can you handle this one, please.

And I thought stripping prisoners naked was bad.
At least they didn‘t cut off their ears and lips and told them to have sex with their freshly killed loved one, according to this article!

"Mutilation Sparks Uganda Outrage Over War"

Sunday, May 2, 2004; 9:35 AM

By Daniel Wallis

LIRA, Uganda (Reuters) - Sophia Apio dared not utter a sound as Ugandan rebels sliced off her lips and ears with a razor blade. They had threatened to hack her to death with machetes if she cried.

Apio, her husband Ojede and six others were captured by the Lord‘s Resistance Army (LRA) while scavenging for food in northern Uganda, where a 17-year-old war has forced about 1.5 million people to flee their homes.

Shadowy LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony, a former altar boy turned self-proclaimed mystic, typically target civilians in their brutal war against the government.

Tens of thousands of children have been abducted and forced by the LRA to become fighters, porters and sex slaves.

Apio, 35, was living in Aloi camp for people displaced by the fighting in Lira district, but, ravaged by hunger, she and the others ventured out on foot into the bush in search of food.

"Between the camp and the village we saw the rebels. Rebels in the trees, rebels in the bushes," she says, dabbing at the saliva that now runs unchecked down her chin.

"We tried to run but very soon they had surrounded us."

On a signal from an LRA commander, Apio‘s husband and the six others were killed -- their heads smashed in by fighters wielding heavy wooden clubs.


Apio, a mother of six, was then dragged before the commander, who demanded to know the locations of Ugandan army units and local defense militias. She said she did not know.

"Then he told his boys to take off my blouse and he ordered me to have intercourse with my dead husband," Apio whispers amid the clamour of a busy hospital ward where she is recovering.

She lay down on the floor next to her husband‘s corpse, she says, and in terror began to stroke his chest.

"They shouted at me ‘Is that how you do it?‘ then they told me to get up and come to them," Apio said.
Lords Resistance Army? I‘m not religious but that doesn‘t sound right. Reminds me of Bin Laden, Claiming to represent Islam.
Sudan is having trouble with the LRA as well.  Kony has been raiding the South of Sudan frequently but I thought most of his bases and staging areas were in Uganda. 
Lords Resistance Army....
Reminds me of the Peoples Front of Judea (Monty Pythons Life Of Brian).
Yeah, I agree that it's hilarious that there is an army of extremists inflicting terrible violence on innocent and unsuspecting noncombatants.  It's especially funny that they use children to do it.  Maybe we should make a pitch to Comedy Central to have them put on a new show based on this incident.  I also agree that the best possible thing for Africa would be for us to bring back colonialism.  They'd be fools not to enjoy the benevolent rule of the "white man".  After all, they were all getting just rich as all hell with the colonial powers looking after them, weren't they?  And lastly, I think you are spot on the money when you ask what the point is of even trying to help African nations.  After all, if they haven't gotten it right by now, when will they?  It's probably a good thing that this lady got her lips and ears cut off.  If a UN force had been over there to prevent it from happening, and maybe give her and the rest of her people some food, then she'd probably have just turned out to be another welfare bum, right?   

Your attitude is absolute bullshit.  I think that the best thing for you would be go over to Uganda and see what's going on there for yourself.  Then maybe when you came back you'd be singing a different tune.  I doubt very much that you'd still think it was in any way funny, at the very least.


Bravo Zulu for that Willy, I'm just about to deploy to that area in particular....attitudes like that should'nt and for the most part, would'nt be condoned in the CF.
There's nothing - I mean NOTHING - that I find more appalling than the use of child soldiers. These are kids who, if they ever manage to get out alive, often have to be taught how to play and how to laugh. That's right, we're talking about kids who don't even know how to smile because they don't know what it means to be happy - even for just a moment - and have no understanding of what it means to play a game. All they know is death, pain and suffering. These are CHILDREN we're talking about! What kind of twisted #!&*$% steals a child's ability to play and laugh?     :threat:   Look up some info on clowns without borders - what they do is far more meaningful than the goofy name implies.

I used to be in the CIC, and the thought of kids who could be my cadets (were it not for a fluke of geography) being forced to kill or, in the case of some females be repeatedly gang raped on a regular basis makes me absolutely livid.

(edited to remove ad hominem statement)
(edited 2nd time b/c of Smoothbore's deletion of most of his statement)
Have it not been said that there are potentially 20 Afghanistans waiting to happen in Africa?
That bastard leader, Kony, and his footsoldiers(although I don't see how they can possibly be called soldiers, it is too high of an honour to give to these scumbags), they should all be rounded up and stoned to death. There is no punishment that would equate to what these spineless animals are doing in Uganda right now, but at least giving them death would put them out of their misery. 
I'm not very informed yet on these conflicts, but can it begins to resemble to Rwanda??  Another UN innaction?!?!?  I might be way off track here, just develop..

But using anyone, particularily women and children, for any purpose if they are not willing to, it's just disgusting!!! 
What if the Canadian government produced a documentary about what is happening and then showed it graphically on the CBC's National.   Next have the Prim Minister say Canada is going to stand the hell up and do something?   The will is there I think, as a nation and as an armed force.  

What would you think of a battle group deplying to Uganda, wiping out the LRA's leadership and power base, then returning to Canada.   Would this accomplish anything?   Can we accept casaulties for such an endeavor?   I think in this instance the case for universal morality is made quite clear; the slaughter of noncombatants and complete subjugation of women and children falls well outside the realm of grey and into the black and white of any rational person's perception.
Tebo said:
What would you think of a battle group deplying to Uganda, wiping out the LRA's leadership and power base, then returning to Canada.   Would this accomplish anything?  

First, where would we come up with a battle group?   We had to scrape together a company for Haiti, but we have a spare battle group hanging around for Uganda?   Second, wiping out the leadership and power base sounds rather simple, doesn't it?   The Americans are doing that in Iraq right now.   Look how that's going for them.   Canada cannot sustain that level of casualties.   Thirdly, yes it would accomplish something.   Create a nice power vacuum for some other miscreants to flow into.   Stabilising a government isn't just a run in and run out affair.

It would be appropriate for the UN to do something in this region, but Canada doesn't have the resources to even consider unilateral action.   Defeating the LRA and restoring order will require much more than some token action.
that's why we are absolutely fucked, excuse my language, if terrorists attacked here, and we declared war, where the hell would we get soldiers to go? pretty much every one in the forces would have to go, and leave none behind to fight a proper war.
in response to that, i thought my f word would be bleeped out by a censor, sorry
Sorry to prod you in the wrong direction.  I was simply asking for discussion with respect to the will of Canada to do such a thing where it possible.  Not trying to dive into the logistics which is treated every day all over the site.  :)

I was also was quite clear about not occupying afterwards.  Is there any historical example of a raid into a country to knock out the powerbase of one organization followed by an immediate withdrawl?  I would surmise that the vaccuum left would be filled by other aspiring leaders and groups.  In this paticular case I would expect them to be, at least, a few rungs higher on the ethical ladder than the current LRA.