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  1. F

    Anyone else time travelling??

    Or maybe he should stop drinking!!  :blotto: The problem could be if using any fake-IP program or I know that some programs to adjust the time automaticly screws your clock..  or check your offline settings in the web browser..  maybe you're viewing an old page..  ::) If you need help, you...
  2. F

    So you wanna be a cop?Women Join Iraqi Police Force-Article

    Don't forget that in Iraq, the money don't have the same value.  You probably can buy a car for not even 5000$  Maybe less...  so 140$/month is a lot of money..
  3. F

    The Military- A MUST READ!

    :salute: to all soldiers in all countries..  I don't think that applies only to the US or Canadian army but to every single military person in this world.
  4. F

    BMQ in 3 week and I get a Wrist Tendinitis HELPP !!!

    Of course not!!!  He surely took his pants off!!!  :dontpanic: Good luck in BMQ BTW!!  :warstory:
  5. F

    Best Coffee Joints

    Please!!!  Stop talking about donuts and coffee..  I'm so hungry!!!  :threat: hmmmmm...  dooooonnnnuuuuuuuutttttttsssss!!!!  ;D
  6. F


    I don't know the whole story, but I think it's a tradition now..  but is probably due to the leases...  July1st to June30th..  and July 1st is a stat, so you're almost sure not to work that day..  usefull.. Have a good one!
  7. F

    Canadian Pilot dies on USMC exange

    This story has been posted in Army News a couple of days ago.. RIP Capt Nichols   :salute:
  8. F

    Anyone else to forget to vote?

    SFontaine, hmmm...  I can't agree with you..  those who are joining don't get a pill of intelligence when they swear in..  they must be intelligent before!!  :P And I'm sure the army is like any other company, there's always some people who are not as smart as you..  but they try to work, and...
  9. F


    Like in the last 4-5 years, I'm working and moving...  (I'm from Quebec, we all move on Canada Day)..  But after that, a little beer for MY birthday!!  ;D  :blotto:  :cdn:  :salute:
  10. F

    Comments from a Private Security Contractor in Iraq

    That takes a long time to read but worted every second!!  Very good reading!!  You can feel how dangerous it is.
  11. F


    I think what you are looking for is in Clothe the Soldier on the army web site. http://www.army.gc.ca/Chief_Land_Staff/Clothe_the_soldier/ Here you go!!  :D
  12. F

    Real war story from Iraq (not Hollywood)

    Very good story!!!  Moving!
  13. F

    Anyone else to forget to vote?

    Jay: You just lost your right to complain for the next 4 years!!!  :P
  14. F

    Vote Tomorrow!

    Oups, I forgot there's a time zone after EST..  ::)  Well, for the others, go vote if the office is still open!  ;D
  15. F

    Vote Tomorrow!

    And it's so fast to vote..   This morning, I thought it would take me 45 minutes (15 minutes to walk there, 15 min to vote, 15 min to come back). Holy molly, it took me 15 in all..   I was like 3 minutes in total in the building.. It's so easy and so fast, the excuse "I don't have the time to...
  16. F

    sup ?

    hihi!!  je suis un AdRev (adolescent en revolte)  :D Sans joke, j'ai entendu un kid parler comme ca il y a des lunes..  ca frappe la premiere fois!!  :-\
  17. F

    Forum pour le cadets du Canada en francais

    L'important, c'est d'essayer!!  Avec de la pratique, ton francais va etre aussi bon que ton anglais!! Hang on, Friday's coming!!!  8)
  18. F


    C'est sur qu'avec du poils en dessous des bras, c'est l'fun!!  :P  Scuzer, c'est une vieille rumeur..  mais je suis vieux, c'est pour ca!!
  19. F

    dumb question

    My teachers used to say that!!  ;)  :P hehe..  Are we going off topic here??
  20. F

    dumb question

    Torn: That's the point!!!  :P  like that, I'm sure I'm not using someone's credit card # by mistake..  it could be yours..  think about it!  ;)