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  1. KingKikapu

    Wedgetail AWACS

    I was under the impression that the Aurora can perform at least a rudimentary form of maritime recon (or is it strictly surveillance?), and I pointed out the Aurora because it seemed to be the closest thing at the disposal of the air force.  As you guys have responded though, it's not even...
  2. KingKikapu

    Wedgetail AWACS

    Do we have E-3's?  I didn't think we did, hence my head scratching RE comparison.
  3. KingKikapu

    Wedgetail AWACS

    true it's apples to baseball bats, but what else do I have to even remotely compare it with?
  4. KingKikapu

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Still true though.
  5. KingKikapu

    Wedgetail AWACS

    Suddenly the Aurora looks a little long in the tooth heh.
  6. KingKikapu

    New RAN AUSCAM DPNU Uniform Unveiled

    You guys sure love that bingo dabber camo look don't you.  :camo: I like it.
  7. KingKikapu

    What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

    The lightbulb is Canadian.  The patent was then sold to Thomas Edison.  Doh!
  8. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Logic fail. I think you missed what I was getting at.  Canada is not among any European state, regardless of any qualifiers you add to flush out your point.  The emphasis can't be placed instead on "welfare state" either because your qualifier of European nations within welfare states again...
  9. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Logic fail.
  10. KingKikapu

    What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

    So are French and English Canadian as well because they are our official languages? Just playing Devil's advocate.
  11. KingKikapu

    What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

    Fair enough.  I'm all up for a good laugh too.  I just hope too many people don't take this list as scripture (as I've sometimes already witnessed over the years). Shatner FTW!!
  12. KingKikapu

    What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

    Not in the new movie he isn't.  :P And I hate this list.  Lots of these entries are pretty debatable.  If we're gonna beat our chests, let's make damn well sure it's legitimate.  For example, Lacrosse can hardly be called solely Canadian: it originated from 12th century Iroquois.  Just...
  13. KingKikapu

    Fiji military head seizes government control

    heh I was just leaving Fiji at around the time of the last coup.  Things were pretty crazy back then.  I immediately traveled to Thailand where I stayed for 3 months and managed to just miss another coup there.  I did manage to however see the massive protests in just about every major city, and...
  14. KingKikapu

    Canadian air force to map Afghanistan

    Nice to see the Aurora's getting in on the lovin'
  15. KingKikapu

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    Which pretty much summarizes my thoughts on this article:  same old, same old.
  16. KingKikapu

    Yet another shoe thrown (guess who this time)

    I know it's a big insult to point your feet or throw your shoe at an Arab or Buddhist, but is that also true for Sikhs?
  17. KingKikapu

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    Could I just have a little clarification? Was this for his project in his undergrad, or did he do this after his formal (BSc, MSc (maybe), and PHd) training?  I'm assuming the latter, but who knows. For what it's worth, I never studied at a liberal arts type school, but we also had to do a...
  18. KingKikapu

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    Well I read it like CDN Aviator and SeakingTacco.  It most certainly wasn't phrased as a conditional sentence, and the fact that Occam had to provide an alternative conjugation to make the sentence work doesn't speak highly to its clarity. Semantics aside, this contract has taken donkey years...
  19. KingKikapu

    D-day Anniversary/ Normandy landing beaches visit planned by Pres. Obama

    Considering the age of many of the vets, maybe waiting that long wouldn't be very wise...