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What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

1RNBR said:
Actually we can call Lacrosse Canadian because beleive it or not it is our official national sport!

So are French and English Canadian as well because they are our official languages?

Just playing Devil's advocate.
steph_3007 said:
Gotta be proud of our justice system.  ;D

And awfully unscrupulous lawyers out there, steph. Like Greenspan..For the glory of it all. Oh my God, I'd rather be a scrupulous prosecuting attorney fighting crime. Awful Greenspan! ;D
Larkvall said:
Robertson Screwdriver (and Robertson screws of course)  ;D

I've spent enough time around construction to know that's nothing to be proud of. Those screws/drivers cause nothing but misery. Robbie might as well have modeled it after a circle.
mediocre1 said:
Do  not right an 'alleged' wrong with another wrong. Everyone is presumed guilty until provenn guilty. To pass judgment without waiting for a binding decision from the  courts is considered harrassment.  Ask any lawyer, cough. I forgive you. Anybody who does not know how to forgive his brethren is worse than a murderer and  God will never forgive.

UM, WHAT??  Can someone clarify that for me since mediocre1 has been *thankfully* banned? 
Lil_T said:
UM, WHAT??  Can someone clarify that for me since mediocre1 has been *thankfully* banned?

It's a shame when cousins marry. Poor guy really needed to get out of his parents basement! Don't try to figure it out just add him to the list;

Canadians don't abandon their village idiots on ice flows!

ExSarge said:
It's a shame when cousins marry. Poor guy really needed to get out of his parents basement! Don't try to figure it out just add him to the list;

Canadians don't abandon their village idiots on ice flows!


Lil_T, I was half way through an answer to you when I saw this better one from ExSarge ...

Haha, real smooth ExSarge!

But I was really beginning to like mediocre1, he had just started spouting out his fanatical drivel...
Not forgiving is worse than murder, yeah, indeed, mediocre1.
mediocre1 said:
[...] Oh my God, I'd rather be a scrupulous prosecuting attorney fighting crime.
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name!!!

Here's my contribution to the thread:
Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec, in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
We can be proud of our fellow soldiers. We as Canadians, can be proud of the troops. :salute: :cdn:
Things Canadian can be proud of:

A serious one: Battle of Vimy Ridge.

I just finished reading Vimy by Pierre Berton, it was really... what's the word? Spectacular?

What else? The biggest flags ever seen at the Olympic closing ceremonies were Canadian (twice...and the second one was smuggled in against a rule that was made because of the first one); the Bobby's (Hull, Orr, and Clarke); Sir Wilfrid Laurier; Angus McAskill (the 'Cape Breton Giant'); the Queen's Plate, the oldest, uninterrupted stakes horse race in North America; HMCS St. Croix, The ship sank one German U-boat itself and helped sink another before she herself was torpedoed and sunk on Sept. 20, 1943; Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster.

Xanten, a German town in the Rhineland that Canadians fought through during the Second World War. The town (and bridge), legendary birthplace of Siegfried, the dragonslayer of myth, fell in March 1945 to a Canadian brigade which suffered heavy casualties in the fight.

There's all kinds of stuff to be proud of as a Canadian.
ExSarge said:
It's a shame when cousins marry. Poor guy really needed to get out of his parents basement! Don't try to figure it out just add him to the list;

Canadians don't abandon their village idiots on ice flows!

perhaps we should... though I suspect our population would dwindle significantly.

Leroi, I could not agree more.
Jim Carrey is Canadian :D

And if you can't find someone to be proud of.. be proud of Captain Roy Brown  :salute:
JBoyd said:
be proud of Captain Roy Brown 

They say he "never lost a pilot in his flight in combat."
OldSolduer said:
We can be proud of our fellow soldiers. We as Canadians, can be proud of the troops. :salute: :cdn:

kincanucks said:
20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

Hmmm something about the backwoods of NS comes to mind.
Beat me to it.

There's only two people who beat GySgt Hathcock's sniper kill record.
Guess what army they joined.



Bob and Doug MacKenzie - who appear to have thir own animated series now.

Only in Canada can hit TV appearances become an animated series 28 years later...
Oh what the heck...

The M-1 rifle, "the greatest battle weapon ever devised" (according to U.S. General George S. Patton), was designed by a guy from St. Remi, Quebec.

Then there's the 'bear trap' (the Canadian-designed helicopter haul-down thingy -not the vicious, spring-loaded, toothed implement that was patterned after my ex...)