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What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?


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  So, What Do We  Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

1. Smarties

2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp

3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls.

4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 -    Ingersoll  ,  ON

5. Lacrosse is Canadian

6. Hockey is Canadian

7. Basketball is Canadian

8. Apple pie is Canadian

9. Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers

10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts

11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed  the Americans back past their White House. Then we burned it, and most of Washington .. We got bored because they ran away. Then, we came home and partied........ Go figure.

12.  Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to  Germany  .

13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER. (We got clobbered in the odd battle but. prevailed in ALL the wars)

14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour. 

15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught.

16. A Canadian invented Standard Time.

17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company.

18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes.
(Ya don't want to know how we figured that out!)

19. We know what to do with  the parts of a buffalo.

20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

21. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, zambonis and the telephone. Also short wave radios that save countless lives each year.

22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it.

23. A Canadian invented Superman.

24. We have coloured money.

25. Our beer advertisements kick butt {Incidently...so does our beer}

                              BUT MOST IMPORTANT !

The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on. 

                                  OOOoohhhhh....  Canada  !!


Oh yeah... And our elections only take one day.

I've got a book on my desk at work... "The U.S. of Eh".  It lists many things we should be proud of.  The paint roller, and William Shatner to name a couple.
canadian_moose said:
Wolverine is Canadian

Not in the new movie he isn't.  :P

And I hate this list.  Lots of these entries are pretty debatable.  If we're gonna beat our chests, let's make damn well sure it's legitimate.  For example, Lacrosse can hardly be called solely Canadian: it originated from 12th century Iroquois.  Just because we added a rule here and there doesn't mean we made the game.

It's one thing to be proud of revolutionary accomplishments, but where's the humility man?
[/quote]And I hate this list.  Lots of these entries are pretty debatable.  If we're gonna beat our chests, let's make damn well sure it's legitimate.  For example, Lacrosse can hardly be called solely Canadian: it originated from 12th century Iroquois.  Just because we added a rule here and there doesn't mean we made the game.

It's one thing to be proud of revolutionary accomplishments, but where's the humility man?

Ok, perhaps we need to explain the art of boasting. It’s like a fish story or a BS story you tell in the Mess. You know...”I s..t  you not! I was down to my last round when the commie hoards came over the wall. I had to beat them off with a hockey stick!” It’s not whether the story is totally factual, the point is to have fun, although the story should start with a grain of truth! I will grant that claiming William Shatner did cross the line. Thats just wrong!
20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

Hmmm something about the backwoods of NS comes to mind.
Fair enough.  I'm all up for a good laugh too. 

I just hope too many people don't take this list as scripture (as I've sometimes already witnessed over the years).

Shatner FTW!!
KingKikapu said:
Fair enough.  I'm all up for a good laugh too. 

I just hope too many people don't take this list as scripture (as I've sometimes already witnessed over the years).

Shatner FTW!!

This wouldn't be in Radio Chatter if it were "Scripture".
You know you are :cdn: when (copied from a menu at "Philthy Mc Nastys"--call me weird if you like but I actually did copy this from their menu some months ago):  :D

-Saturday morning ritual begins with a trip to Tim Hortons followed by shopping at Canadian Tire

-You'll go to another country to shop or watch a hockey game

-You inadvertently and inexplicably slap your knee at least once during a Stompin' Tom song

-You feel the inexplicable urge to tell someone that Rush is from Toronto

-Your dinner jacket style is a Kenora-plaid

-You've mouthed the words "Alan Thicke should run for office"

-You can remember the last thing you bought at Eatons (for us oldies)

-Your parents still have a bar in the basement

-You insist on using Robertson screwdrivers to fix everything

-Someone in your family has taken a tour of the CBC Building

-You keep a case of Kraft Dinner in the cupboard for emergencies

-You challenge US neighbours/neighbors to prove they can handle Canadian beer before they cross the boarder

-You think House of Commons debates are a traditional Canadian invention of comic reality TV ...

We have these guys:

KingKikapu said:
Not in the new movie he isn't.  :P

And I hate this list.  Lots of these entries are pretty debatable.  If we're gonna beat our chests, let's make damn well sure it's legitimate.  For example, Lacrosse can hardly be called solely Canadian: it originated from 12th century Iroquois.  Just because we added a rule here and there doesn't mean we made the game.

It's one thing to be proud of revolutionary accomplishments, but where's the humility man?

Actually we can call Lacrosse Canadian because beleive it or not it is our official national sport!
ExSarge said:
  So, What Do We  Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

1. Smarties

2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp

3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls.

4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 -    Ingersoll  ,  ON

5. Lacrosse is Canadian

6. Hockey is Canadian

7. Basketball is Canadian

8. Apple pie is Canadian

9. Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers

10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts

11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed  the Americans back past their White House. Then we burned it, and most of Washington .. We got bored because they ran away. Then, we came home and partied........ Go figure.

12.  Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to  Germany  .

13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER. (We got clobbered in the odd battle but. prevailed in ALL the wars)

14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour. 

15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught.

16. A Canadian invented Standard Time.

17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company.

18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes.
(Ya don't want to know how we figured that out!)

19. We know what to do with  the parts of a buffalo.

20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

21. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, zambonis and the telephone. Also short wave radios that save countless lives each year.

22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it.

23. A Canadian invented Superman.

24. We have coloured money.

25. Our beer advertisements kick butt {Incidently...so does our beer}

                              BUT MOST IMPORTANT !

The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on. 

                                  OOOoohhhhh....  Canada  !!


Oh yeah... And our elections only take one day.

We're nuclear free. We settle things diplomatically. We propagate and defend democracy all over the world especially in Afghanistan. When Putin starts sending his bombers and attempts to be incursive on our airspace, we say it's a joke. We also 'bow and pray' to the Chinese president.Admit it, we're bullied and allow ourselves to be in the name of national security. ;D
kincanucks said:
20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

Hmmm something about the backwoods of NS comes to mind.

::cough::Meat Cove::cough::
Lil_T said:
::cough::Meat Cove::cough::

Do  not right an 'alleged' wrong with another wrong. Everyone is presumed guilty until provenn guilty. To pass judgment without waiting for a binding decision from the  courts is considered harrassment.  Ask any lawyer, cough. I forgive you. Anybody who does not know how to forgive his brethren is worse than a murderer and  God will never forgive.