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Your best 'meeting a celebrity' story......

I_am_John_Galt said:
When I was a little kid I was in the Beer Store with my Dad and "Uncle Bobby" (for those of you who might remember) came-in.   I think he was drunk, but either way he really scared me!   (No kidding)

Uncle Bobby! Shyte, that was yonks ago (early 70's). I too remember that, a CTV Sat am thing. I hated that show, and that silly puppet thing.

Anyways, thanks for the good laugh this am here in Sydney.


Gunner said:
EME Girl, not sure if you uploaded the correct photograph.


Mind you, by posting your picture, you may have developed a loyal following at army.ca


Ha, ha thanks...I think.   No I meant to upload that one too.   I haven't been on army.ca very much, but I decided it was time to put a picture up of myself.   I'll upload the Mike Myers picture to "humorous".
Beenie Man, Don't know if anyone is familiar with him.

On my last trip to Birmingham(UK) he was recording something in a studio there and was at the same club.

A girl and I were sitting at a table having a drink when I looked over and sitting next to be me is Beenie Man.
Great big dreadlocks, red eyes, unintelligble speech.
I asked "Are you beenie man?"
At which point I could've sworn he was my best friend from childhood.
"Cam seyat hya mon"

For 3 hours I sat at atable in a club in Birmingham and talked to Beenie Man.
Incredibly well versed in current affairs, extremely homophobic and a heavy smoker.(Of what you might ask)
I was still kind of skeptical until all of a sudden the spotlight shone on the table and the announcer goes "ladies and gentleman put it together for Beenie Man"
He went on the stage and did a short number gave me the address where he was staying and invited me to the afterparty, left with an entourage and 12 women and that was it.
Never went to the afterparty because my friend was in a state after I left her alone for 3 hours to talk with a Reggae star she'd never heard of.

It is with great trepidation that I submit my story. Long before I met my wife, I met the Rankin family. I was visiting my grandparents in Grand Falls Newfoundland, and the band was there to play in the annual salmon festival. I got a job doing security during the event. Much to my delight they placed me backstage, and I spent the afternoon and evening with Heather Rankin. We had a great time, and she was a great lady.

Alas, I was a Rankin groupie. (The thought of it now makes me giggle.) Please don't hold that against me.
I spent the afternoon and evening with Heather Rankin

Eh eh...say no more, errr...nudge nudge wink wink.

We had a great time

Great time eh Guv? Take her for a "field trip" eh guv, fare the well love eh you know.
Good day, all. Sorry to revive this thread, but I have some cool pictures. "The West Wing" was up here at work in Hamilton filming the other day, so I thought I'd post some of the pictures. I wasn't there, although my brother was. These are from his website.
Jimmy (sp?) Smits was in attendance, as was Brad Whitford. (Bad guy from Billy Madison).



This was back in Aug. '83 during the Regimental Centennial celebrations.   Naturally, as Col.-In-Chief, H.R.H. Prince Phillip was on hand for the Trooping of the Colours and all the other parades that were going on at CFB London at the time.   After one parade on the base, there was a meet-and-greet set up in tents in front of the officer's mess, one Coy. per tent, and a tent for the band (where the beer was.)   ;D

As Prince Phillip approached the beer band tent, we formed up, were brought up to the chow, and H.R.H. began moving down the front rank, shaking hands and, well, being the Prince.

My contribution to the occasion was entirely forgettable, (I stammered "Five years, Sir!" in response to his question to me,) and then he moved on to the man at my left.

On my left was Cpl. Brendan, er .. O'Bloggins.   Born in Northern Ireland, O'Bloggins had a certain attitude towards anything even remotely English.

So the Prince, oblivious to this, asked the next question on his "innocuous questions to ask while meeting troops" list, which was:

H.R.H.: > "And where are you from, Corporal?"

O'Bloggins: > (Kind of takes a breath while his right eye goes all sort of squinty, and says in a thick brogue.)   "Belfast, Sir!"

H.R.H.: > Without missing a beat, the Prince replies:   "Well, next time you go home, you had better wear your iron knickers."

Not entirely charmed, O'Bloggins replies, "Aye." (pause) "... and you too, Sir."

H.R.H.: > " ..... " 

One thing about living in Vancouver is that lots of filming and events happen there, so you see/meet lots of more or less famous people. During my time there I met Tom Selleck and Greg Anthony (Grizzlie's player) at the GAP.

Bridgette Fonda came into Chapter's to find books about Crocodiles to do some research for Lake Placid. I went hiking a couple weeks later and stumbled on the set when they were shooting the snake-through-the-head scene. That was kind of cool. Tori Amos came in to see if the store was carrying her CD.

I met then-PM Jean Chretien at the formal opening of Electronic Arts. He shook my hand and asked how my day was. A couple years later at another EA event, I met the members of Swollen Members. They were nice enough guys, quite, low-key.

I didn't actually meet former-President Bill Clinton, but I did assist with security for a dinner he was speaking at, at the Westin Bayshore, which obviously brought a number of local celeb's and TV personalities through our metal detectors.

Then there was Angelina Jolie...she is really tiny. For some reason I thought she'd be taller. Along the vein of small people, I met Seth Green and Breckin Meyer on the set of Josie and the Pussycats.

Sorry there are no really thrilling anecdotes to accompany these encounters. They were all generally really nice, down to earth people with whom I happen to cross paths. As I said, Vancouver is great for celebrity sightings with all the filming that goes on their and I could go on forever about seeing people on the street, but those are ones I actually had the pleasure of speaking to.

I gotta say that I quite suck. Everyone I know has met some, if not many, celebrities. For example, my mom has met Mario Andretti, Jane Goodall, and others. My dad has met John McDermott, the Tragically hip, Bill Clinton, the Trailer Park Boys, played golf with Ann Murray, and my girlfriend was hit on by Jack Nicholson. The most famous person I've ever met is one of my profs, named Rick Gamble, who was apparently from the Kitchener CTV station. So yeah...

Years ago I met a number of celebrities while working for the Toronto Film Festival. Most notable was Mel Gibson and Richard Gere. I'm female so can't recall any of the actresses  - sorry. When I met Mel Gibson it was in a closed car coming from the airport. My mouth dropped open in awe and he caught me staring - he apologized for the way he looked - told me he had been partying too much. That's not why I was staring.

I don't know if any of you will be familiar with these names but they're celebrities to me coz' I'm a sports nut. Have gone mountain bking on a few occasions with Alison Sydor, and some other Olympic mountain bikers ... Vancouver north shore is well known for riding and most of these guys live here - have to tell you that they are the most personable bunch of people I've ever met.  Feels like a name dropping session here - oops is!

p.s. Sydor may be able to ride me into the ground leaving me gasping and bleeding but I beat her at darts in a pub in whistler. My claim to fame. 
OK when i was 10 me and my Hockey team got to play during the intermission at a Vancouver Canucks game that was one of the coolest things Ive never done in my life.

And i was in as elevator with Gary Roberts when yes the elevator broke down so i was in there with my sister and Gary Roberts in that elevator for 15 Min's. we had a very nice chat about hockey, and the crappy elevator, nice guy
I was loitering in the Osgoode terminal of the Toronto Subway and saw the singer from the Headstones walk down some stairs.

A security guard then kicked me out of the terminal for loitering.

When I was working retail back home in Toronto, we had Rick Moranis and Eugene Levy come in on separate occasions and I believe I asked one of them "Need any help, sir?" since that was pretty much all we were allowed to say to them as staff. On another occasion at the same store, one of the Maple Leafs (at the time) came in with his absolutely drop-dead gorgeous wife to shop for ski apparel. I can't remember who he was (he was Eastern European, I remember that much) and I spent much of the time, luckily enough, with his wife picking out ski suits and stuff. She was a cool lady and, to reiterate, absolutely gorgeous (she was Eastern European too and not at all stuck up). Then I spent about 10 minutes or so shooting the sh-t with him about his ski suit while he tried the stuff on in the change room. Man was that lady hot.

We had Mike Harris come in one day, though I'm happy I wasn't there for that since I'd have probably thrown merchandise at his head. I've gotten drunk with Dennis Mills (big Ontario politician) at my buddy's cottage but I havne't really met or interacted with many famous people.

One funny story my buddy has: he almost got into a fight with Steven Seagal - no joke. My buddy Ryan was at The Brunswicke House in Toronto (which is a major meat market) and he was tits-up loaded when a "celebrity guest" was going to perform. Steven Seagal came out onto the stage and started performing some jazz guitar number. My buddy was pretty loaded so he was heckling Seagal with stuff like "YOU SUCK SEAGAL" and he could tell he was ticking him off a bit but he thought it was hilarious. Anyway, after the song Seagal gets up and starts heading out through the crowd, shaking hands and stuff, when my buddy yells to him (jokingly) "Hey Seagal, wanna fight?!?!" to which Seagal replies a serious "Yes" (likely still angry over the heckling) and takes a step toward my buddy. Ryan, all drunk, thinks this is just hilarious and assumes the Crane Kick stance and goes "Woooooooo!", at which point Seagal's body guards and the bouncers step in and guide Seagal away. Sounds outrageous, I know, but it happened and I think it's hilarious.
There was one encounter I will never forget. Nice, sunny Halifax day when the harbour was steaming because the air temp was about -50. We were trying to get the boat ready to sail so there was a circus going on. The casing was covered with pallets of stores, dockyard mateys everywhere etc, etc.

There was three of us on the jetty trying to figure out a way of getting 45 gallon drums of lube oil pumped into the engine room. At that temperature the lube oil was kinda like taffy and we had two hoses from the jetty shore steam supply stuck under the barrel hissing away to warm the oil. This was  early 80's so we were wearing the manky old black sea jackets( ones with  RCN still stenciled on the back) with the 2 inchs of padding covered in paint, oil and grease and our sea going boots and berets that... well , they were almost recognizable as issue gear.

Down the jetty comes a black car with a red plate on the front. It pulls up to the end of the jetty and out steps an admiral in dress uniform. He turns and hands out a lady fashionably dressed in knee high brown spiked boots, skin tight designer jeans, a suede leather tight bomber style jacket and perfect hairdo.  It was Barbara Frum of the CBC.

We must have looked like 3 dirty panda bears in a cloud of steam trying to salute. The admiral escorts Ms. Frum past us and down the gangplank to the casing. Now on a day like that the casing sentry is the newest, least usefull SPUT (surface puke under training) onboard. The poor kid must have been all of eighteen, he was down in the casing well handing stores down the hatch, he straightens up and turns with his hands out to get the next carton and staring down at him is an admiral and Barbara Frum.

The expression on that poor kids face............ he froze in that position and with no stores coming down a crew of dockyard mateys take the opportunity to climb the hatch.  Not only does the admiral not get piped abaord, he has to stand aside till a dockyard crew gets off. In front of a famous reporter. In the cold. In just his garbage bag green tunic.

At that point we decided discretion was the better part of valour, we shut the air and steam off, tipped a full lub oil barrel on its side and very busily rolled it towards the squadron workshop with the excuse ready we were going to put it in the workshop to warm up so it could be pumped. Which was nonsense, it would have taken 48 hours in  a sauna to get that lube oil to warm up, but it sounded good. It also gave us an excuse for a hour and a half stand easy till we were sure the admirals car was gone.

I always wondered how Ms. Frum enjoyed her tour that day.
When I was at Uni in the UK for the first time back in 1997 I was busy relieving myself in the cafeteria toilet when an older fellow walked in to do his own business...well as I was turning around, zipping my trousers up I happened to glance at the old guy as he sidled up to the urinal next to mine...I recognized him but I just couldn't place the face so I just stood there for what seemed like a long time (but prob only a few seconds) staring at him and trying to figure out who for the life of me this guy was...he just stood there and stared back (probably trying to figure out what the hell this guy was doing staring at him in the mensroom...blocking the path to the urinals)...

Then it came to me as I stood there with my hand on my zipper...

" Hey," I said with delight, " aren't you Q from the James Bond movies?!"

" Yes yes, " he replied, " now...do you mind..." he said, nodding towards the urinal.

Turns out Desmond Llewelyn (Q) was at my school giving some sort of lecture that day...

I was a background extra for K-19 for the toronto portion of the shoot (there is one scene were you can clearly see me).  Met Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson face to face.  Very cool guys, very down to earth and willing to talk to you.  I also got to help collect the flowers for the Queen (she is very short) in 2002 at the national trade centre.  Prince Phillip was a funny guy.  Those were the big celeberties.  I seen/met various local/smaller celebs around town.  Most notably Kenny Robinson (the fat black comic from winnepeg) goes to the same gym as me.

Back in 1999, I went out with the Sydney based Sky News 'weather girl' (Jane G) for a few months. She could down a bottle of Canadian Club like it was water!

Her Dad (Sir Walter) was also Knighted for developing the funnel web spider anti-venene.

It was truly an interesting time  ;D while it lasted.

She had a weakness for Canadian lads  ;)

