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Your best 'meeting a celebrity' story......

Tom Cochrane and Red Rider performed at the Centennial Club in Germany, afterwards they were invited to go to the "Zum Tavern" in Lahr for after hours drinks. I was invited as well, and ended up having a shooter with Tom and talked for a bit....super nice person.
Since there's no hockey on the tube how bout a hockey story...

OK I'll bite, I've met a few but the most memorable was when I was a kid growing up in Schumacher, just outside of Timmins. Frank and Pete Mahovolich grew up there and sometimes would return for Christmas and what not. Occasionally they would come out and play street hockey with the local kids. I got to play with them a couple of times, pretty cool to have one of those guys rooting through a snow bank looking for the puck with you.
I used to run in Rick Mercer a lot when I lived in Halifax. He must have lived close to me as I ran into him in a video store on more than one occasion. First time I saw him, I gave him a 'what the heck!?' kind of look, and I am pretty sure he noticed that I recognized him. I saw him about 6 times, but never tried to speak to him as I really had no reason to.

I also had a 'close encounter' with Harrison Ford. He was in Halifax filming the K-19 movie. I was at a pub with a group of people. In front of me this girl was standing near the door while chatting and half-blocking the door. Harrison Ford was going out, put his hand on her should her and says 'excuse me' the girl looks up and got a shock, as did we all. He smiled to her, push his way past and walked out. It is a strange experience when you run into someone famous for some reason. We did not notice any guards with him, but maybe in Halifax one can keep a low profile and not worry too much.

I went to a Ministry concert a few weeks ago, and I wore a T-shirt that said "Hey Al, play Halloween". (for those of you who don't know, Al is the singer, and Halloween is my favourite song).  I was standing in the front row, and ended up getting his attention. I pointed at my shirt, and he read it. Then he said to me, "no, not that one." then he either said "It's too old", or "it's no good".
recceguy's paper delivering for Paul Martin sr. reminded me of something.  I used to deliver papers to "Tarzan Dan".  He's been on tv and radio.  He lived right around the corner from me.
Well. this one is actually my brother's.

While in Manhattan on business, he had just checked into his hotel, got into the elevator to go back down to the lobby. When the doors opened, and he got into the elevator, David Carridene(?SP?) got in with him. They talked on the way down to the lobby, and when they got out, Mr. Carridine said goodbye, and walked through the lobby, and no one else even noticed that he was there.

When Graham got home, he told me that he is a really cool guy, and that they got to talking, and David is a lot like our father. in a good way.
My like second cousin is Harold from the Red Green show. I have yet to meet him, but the rest of my family knows him well I guess. HEHE.
Devlin said:
Since there's no hockey on the tube how bout a hockey story...

Once upon a time, Maple Leaf Gardens wanted to have a ceremony to salute the troops from the Gulf War.
The Public Affairs officer who worked next door came over and lamented to my CO that he couldn't scrape together a guard of honour from any of the nearby CFBs.
With a twinkle in his eye, my dear CO said "Well, of course, the 48th Highlanders are the ones you should ask, especially since it's in Maple Leaf Gardens (the 48th play at the season-opening game of the Leafs)".
And so, one phone call to the Bn CO, another to the Regimental hockey team (no - I'm not kidding), and the guard was organised in about twenty minutes ... (we scrounged flags from the Recruiting Centre CO's office, and the US consulate, one of the defencemen had access to the arsenal, and Bob's your uncle!)

So, we're on the ice, only a few minutes to go, and then ... catastrophe!
We'd made sure the American flag wouldn't fall down, since it would be such an embarassment ... but instead, the Canadian flag sank to the bottom of the flagpole ... !
The Leafs were skating around for their warmup and one of the saw our predicament, skated over to their bench and brought back a roll of tape, saying "Here, I figured you could use this" (I think it was Mike Krushelnyski, but that damned malaria medication ...)

Anyway, afterwards we figured "We've got weapons, freedom of the city ... Let's go meet Don Cherry" and off we trooped to the CBC studio under the seats.   We simply told the policeman that we were there to meet Don, and he held the door open for us (chuckle!)

Inside the studio, Don gets a look at us and immediately says "Whoa!   When I saw the rifles, I was afraid it was Harry Synden!"   He and Ron McLean were getting ready for their show, but took time to chat with us and even pose for a super photo - thumbs up all around!

The story goes on ...

Some time later, the Public Affairs guys are trying to help out with a "Unity" hockey tournament (a Member of Parliament got the idea of bringing together youngsters from across Canada to play at the Gardens).
Now, the PAffO was looking for an honourary chairman ... and once again, my dear CO's eyes twinkled as he said "I know just the person who can help you ..." (me).
So, what the heck, sez I ... I phoned and left a message for Don Cherry, and faxed him a nice letter about how "the guys who wear Canada on their uniform" would appreciate his support (Don's one of our most loyal supporters, if any of you didn't already realise it).

Later that day, I phone my office to check if there've been any messages - our civvie receptionist mumbles something about a call from "Rose Terrerrie" ... which I don't recognise ... until I'm in the shower after my workout, and after repeating "Rose Terrerrie" over and over again ... I suddenly realise it's ROSE CHERRY (Don's wonderful, late wife".   With a towel around my waist, I dash into the nearest office and commandeer the poor guy's phone, citing "it's a national emergency" (chuckle!)

Anyway, Rose answers and says "of course Don will be the honourary chairman".

Back at the office, smiles all around ... and then the PAffO comes back and says "That was great.   Now could you also get us a French Canadian NHL'er to be the co-chair?"   (to which I silently muse "What do I look like?   The NHLPA?")

And so, another phone call ... this time to the Molson corporate offices in Montreal ...
Shortly afterwards the phone rings in our office and my office-mate answers, then hands the phone to me.
"Who is it?" I ask, to which he replies "Jean Beliveau".
I was THIS close to answering and saying "Okay, now who the "F" is this really" ... but for some reason I was a little more diplomatic than that ... (ha!)
And, yes - Le Gros Bill is indeed on the other end, and he also is agreeing to be the co-honourary chairman of the Unity Hockey Tournament at Maple Leaf Gardens (he even flew down from Montreal and shook hands with the kids).   I'm sorry he turned down the offer to become Governor-General of Canada - he's truly a great man.

And then there was the time I met Terry Crisp when he was coaching the Canadian Olympic team, and we talked about camouflage for goalies ... (but, that's all I can say, due to the NDA ...!)

P.S. (almost forgot - met Rick Mercer and Tom Cochrane on a flight from Canada December 2003 - they were on their way to Kabul to film a show with our troops - nice guys!)

And there you have it - some real Canadian celebrities, close up and personal!
Well, I was on my way into the war museum in Ottawa two summers ago on a lazy saturday afternoon. Low and behold, outside of the museum a demonstration was going on by some local engineers, about the water purifying system adapted for use overseas.  As I was discussing this with a Sgt So and So, and listening to an assembly of pipers, up strolled one Mr. Mike Myers.  I couldn't believe it, here he was just casually walking around enjoying the military demonstration and listening to the pipers.  Luckily, I had my digital camera and snapped a picture with him.  I think it was right after he filmed Cat and the Hat.  He told me he was actually in Ottawa for a wedding at the gallery right beside the war museum.  Anyways, I'll upload the photo on here if anyone is interested in seeing it. ;D
Whilst at the Sheraton On The Park Hotel, in early 1995, Elizabeth St, Sydney, I got on to a lift and there was Harry Conneck Jr and his wife/girlfreind going up fro a swim. I just could not keep my eyes off her  ;D 'chest area'  ;D as she was wearing a bikini top, and when I looked at Harry, he was disgusted  :threat:, as he caught me looking at his Missus. I left the lift before they did, and I won't forget that rack  :P!


When i was 15, I had the entire National Downhill team take me into a bar with them to hang out, and i talked with Rob Boyd for about an hour. I've skied for a whole day with Nancy Green. I have done a offseasone training session with Becky Scott. My x-country ski coach for 4 years was Angela Schmitt-Foster. My cousins agent used to be Bobby Orr, i met him one day, pretty cool guy, but i don't care much for hockey. Met alot of celebrities before cant remember alot of them, oh, i met the cast of the x-files when they still were in Vancouver.
i have met sooo many nhl/former nhl players i dont even know where to start. i'm from peterborough and if you dont know its a hockey hotbed, lol. just 2 weeks ago the leafs had a road hockey tournament here and the assistant coach played on my team and set me up for a nice 1 timer goal. i've met leclair(my third cousin), gilmour, clark, yzerman(used to party with my dad/aunts and uncles when he played for the petes), lindros, scotty bowman, roger nielson, ricci, chiasson, marc savard, bobby clarke, bobby hull, london knights forward/leading scorer in the ohl right now grew up up the street from me....... the list goes on, haha. mmmmmmmmmm hockey, i wanna go play now..... too bad my college intramural team sucks ass and we didn't make the playoffs inspite me being in the top 10 for scoring  ::)
When I was about five or six when I was playing hockey my mother thought that it would be good for me to learn figure skating, and my one teacher was Jamie Salé. Apparently I wouldn't listen to her and all I did was make snow angels on the ice.
When I was a little kid I was in the Beer Store with my Dad and "Uncle Bobby" (for those of you who might remember) came-in.  I think he was drunk, but either way he really scared me!  (No kidding)
I guess the closest I came was about a month ago, I played hockey against the Ottawa Senators alumni team in a charity tournament.
Brad Marsh, Todd Gill[ who can still shoot- wow] and I took a  penalty for holding Laurie Boschman.
last year i was at a BB king concert in toronto, lucky enough i managed to grab a good set of 3 row floor seats. During the show we had been cheering so loud that aparantley mr. king requested our presence back stage...Come the end of the show we went back stage met with the whole band and mr king and jeff beck. Great bunch of guys, cant wait till i see them preform again.

Also i met vince carter in an lil different circumstance. I managed to sqeeze out another great set of seats to a raptors game last year. This was during the time when Carter was always whining about his knee hurting...so mid game he kept wincing and I yelled out, vince your a slack bag put some drive into that body. Well mr. Carter didn't take to kindly to the words and pointed at me and told me to "shut my f*ckin mouth"  well, me being the big boy i am kinda instigated a lil  bit more with a few choice words, in the end i did get to meet his body guards. and most of the other raptors who each pretty much enjoyed everything i was dishing to carter that night.
So there I was, two years ago.  I was driving up to Hockley Valley to cut a Christmas tree.  On the way up, my wife, buddy and myself decided that biological needs needed to be attended to.  So we stop at a Variety Store in Mono Mills.  Variety Store doesn't have a bathroom, so my wife and I race across the street to the local burger joint.  Coming back from the burger joint, I notice my buddy is having a confab with someone he met coming out of the store.  I amble on on over.

Buddy's talking to Ernie Eves, then the current Premier of Ontario.  I shake his hand, he says "Hi... Ernie".

It was later I realized I was wearing my Canadian Alliance pin...wonder if he saw it.
When I was younger I got to meet Curt Harnett, the famed shampoo commercial star (and he was in some kind of sporting event too...did pretty well if I recall...  >:D ) because his sister's family are good friends of ours.  So good in fact, that we bought their old house :)
This is my teacher's story, not mine. He used to be a bouncer at a few night clubs in the GTA, one of the clubs he was at had a party for all Virgin airline employes. He was making sure that no one took drinks into one of the rooms that weren't licenced to have alcohol in them (sometthing like that). He told one lady that she couldn't take drinks into the room, she replied with "I'll give you $50 if you let me and my husband in". My teacher says no I'm sorry but I can't let you in. Then she keeps saying I'll give $100, $500, $1000 etc. just to see what his price would be. My teacher goes on to say "Look lady you don't have enough money to buy me!" Just then her husband shows up- he is Charles Bronson the thrid richest man in the world. Let me tell you my science teacher was pretty sorry he told her she couldn't buy him. 