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You know the army is getting into your brain when...

The walls of the SAT Range in my armouries are painted CADPAT.. It‘s pretty trippy.
149. When running errands such as buying milk or other groceries, you think if you‘re in need of other essentials such as boot polish.
150. "Never Pass A Fault" becomes a recurring theme in your nightmares.
151. You actually start to twitch at the effort it takes to restrain yourself from turning around and smacking the hippie twerp behind you who insists on talking the entire time the prof is lecturing.
152. You know the best way to make an RCR insane with rage is to ask him "Holy crap, when was the last time you polished your poultry warning device?" :evil: :eek: :evil:
For those younger troops that are fresh out of training courses and do something that gets them in trouble at home:

153. You start to come to attention when you hear someone yelling at you (usually a parent, but could be a teacher as it was once in my case)

I had seen a professor about an paper a few days before it was due, and he had read it and told me that it was a good paper but to make a few changes. I had been up all night working on the changes the night before and came to class early the next day, filled out a teacher evaluation form, and realized I had forgotten my reference page. I returned to my room, picked it up and then went back to class. When I arrived a few minutes late, the teacher jokingly said "Oh, this one‘s fresh off the printing press coming in late like this..hehehe"

I jokingly responded, "Acutally, it‘s time for me to go to bed now"
I turned smiled and turned around to go to my seat but the prof started screaming at me in front of the entire class.

"That‘s the most disrespectful, irresponsible thing I have ever seen a student do in my eNTIRE LIFE!!!!!" (his tone raising to a scream by the end of the sentence as his face turned bright red, partially due to anger and partially due to an alcohol problem) He then continued "I WANNA SEE YOU AFTER CLASS!!!! YOU BETTER BE BACK HERE AFTER CLASS"

At that point, I had found myself coming to attention, and was far too embarrassed to try and explain to him that it was a joke so I left and returned after class to sort it out.
153. You loose track of the count /\ :D
154: Your favourite quote to your roommate bitching about something is "Aweee Muffin"

155: When your coworkers come back late from their breaks you look at them and say "meet your ******* timings already!"

156: When at a wedding you check out who polished their shoes/boots or not and shake your head.

157: There are more Canadian Flags in your computer room than there are computers.

BTW, that checking of the buttons thing is brutal. Non-stop checking and it really irritates my poor girlfriend :)
158. The most effective way to wake your spouse/get their attention is hollering their last name.
159. You get this strange feeling that you should be carrying something and instinctively and anxiously look back where you were previously to see if you left your C7 there.
160. you spend your time reading ALL 6 pages of this...

Disturbance said:
14. The harder and more challenging your civilian job gets the bigger the smile on your face. And your civvie coworkers thinks its weird.
I'm an ER Nurse and my co-workers can not figure out why I whistle when every one else is loosing their minds.

I think of it a psy ops.

another one for those reservists who are still in school

161. You want to shout at your classmates to just follow orders without questioning them at every turn
162.  The pockets of all of your civvie clothes are full of field stripped butts (my wife HATES that!)

163. You're told to stop saying 'correction' during a philosophy debate...
Field stripped butts, I thought I was the only one that did that. I do it still without even thinking. Amazing the little things that get done every day, and you don't think of them until they're pointed out. good post fun reading.....
I like it when my coworkers make a point of something, and I reply with "Seen". They look at me quizzically and say "See what?" ;D. Yeah, and they also look at me strange when they see me field strip my butts, had one ask me if I do it so the panhandlers wouldn't get it
164. You see one of those wierd grunge people walking down the St. with every button on their surplus OD Combat Jacket undone and you immediatly start yelling at them saying stuff like "You dont deserve to wear that" and "Button those F-ing buttons up...do it now!"
It's funny that I have to start think about thinking like a civvy in a few years, and dump all the army lingo, which I doubt will happen, but I should start think like one (a civvy, that is).

BTW Franko, it's 4 Steps for CC's Appreciation: (1. What is my next position? 2. Where is the enemy likely to be? 3. What is the best route (and any obstacles) 4. Action if fired upon). I do these while driving with the family, and look for good positions, especially on country roads. I guess that's offensive defensive driving.

165. When you use Demonstrate, Explain, Imitate to show the new guy how to use the deep fryer at work.

166. When â ?Field strip, Clean, Assemble, and Function Check SOP'sâ ? can be applied to a coffee maker.

167. When you advertise a campus pub night by saying â ?Support your Mess!â ?

168. When people who show up late for class are referred to as â ?Idle, Dog-F*ckersâ ?

169. When you use â ?End-Exâ ? to describe your last exam.