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You know the army is getting into your brain when...

170. For thoughts of you still in high school and in the reserves.....thinking about telling others who are blocking the hall to make a hole as to pass threw.

171. Thinking that many of your fellow peers are slack and idol because they do not move at an uber march(fast walk) while moving between classes.

172. Wanting to tell fellow students to stand up straight and still and shut the f*** up while the nation anthem is playing......I really wanna tell that sometimes to the disrespectful individuals whom always move and talk while the national anthem is playing.

173. Visiting this site a few times a day.

174. Having a specific section in your "Favourites" on your web browser labled "Army".

175. Looking forward to going on course.(Don't Ask)
Ralph Wigum said:
170. For thoughts of you still in high school and in the reserves.....thinking about telling others who are blocking the hall to make a hole as to pass threw.

171. Thinking that many of your fellow peers are slack and idol because they do not move at an uber march(fast walk) while moving between classes.

172. Wanting to tell fellow students to stand up straight and still and shut the f*** up while the nation anthem is playing......I really wanna tell that sometimes to the disrespectful individuals whom always move and talk while the national anthem is playing.

173. Visiting this site a few times a day.

174. Having a specific section in your "Favourites" on your web browser labled "Army".

almost got into a couple fights for numbers #171 and #172
35.  Cannot, for any reason, even if you want to, wear a hat in anyplace you eat or drink (no hats in the mess!).
36.  Hang all clothes in closet properly aligned, and all socks smiling.
37.  Glare at passers by, or even bosses with railroad tracks where their creases should be.
38.  When asked to do face painting for haloween, send 5yr old daughter out in favorite night patrol cammo pattern.
39.  Put your condoms on to the timing 1,2,3-1.
176. You're so anxious to add on to the list that you do it after reading only the first of 6 pages, thus messing up the numbering
177. You check this thread every couple of hours hoping for more updates.
179 - You hear drill being called as you go to ground.
180 - You can walk in step with anyone, anywhere; including an upside down and backwards image of the hotdog vendor in a far mirror.
190 - You stop responding to your first name.
191 - Call your gf by her last name.
You decide to spend a rainy day in the house and end up polishing every pair of shoes you can find, including the wife's and kid's.
185 - You paint your POMV flat green, then tell your kids they now need a conversion course to drive it.

*185 to adjust for whatever QORvanweert was smoking, and the 2 missed numbers ;)
You are compelled to perform safety precautions on a stapler   :o

*after fixing said stapler, you perform a function test on it.
188 - You don't hold staff meetings at your civilian work, you hold O Groups
189 - You show up 10 minutes early at civvie job staff meetings "to take the trace"
190- Thinking nothing of making sure you're wearing socks before eating...even when wearing sandles
191 - you ask friends and family for their sitrep or locstat
192 - all conversation is ended by a "roger, out"
193 - you meet someone from across the country because you're whistling pipe tunes (happened to me, stopped a guy from NS dead in his tracks)
195.  In addition to safety precautions on staplers, when they jam, you yell, "Stoppage!", upon discovering two or more staples twisted about each other, you whip out your Gerber, smile at your nearest office co-worker and explain - "Damn!  Multiple feed!  Never forget your kit has been furnished at great expense to the taxpayer by the lowest bidder!"

196.  (Actually happened)  You're so frustrated by your girlfriend's scuffed, worn, sh*tty boots, you go buy the parts, assemble a boot kit for her and instruct her, and her roommates in proper boot maintenance.

197.  a) You honk your horn twice before backing out of your driveway, using 9er domestic as a ground-guide.
b) You jack up 9er domestic for improper use, and ignorance of NATO standard ground-guiding hand signals, explaining that as the driver, you're still responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle.
c) You spend night on couch, explaining to friends that 9er domestic jacked you up, for attempting to jack-up a Senior Rank.

198.  You read 197 as "Para Alpha", "Para Bravo", and "Para Charlie"

I just did 197 a) & b) with the rent a car on our vacation.

Gonna have to teach here those hand sigs one more time. ::)

Hey does this count as 197c)? ???