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You know the army is getting into your brain when...

(I hate when it posts twice like that!)

85. When writing down the date you write it:
10 Jan 04.
87. You get that huge grin on your face when you think of Basic.
(PT, Inspections, Classes, trashed sleeping quarters, rolling in dirt, sleeping in freezing weather, etc...)
And your civvy co-workers thinks you a numbnut to wish that sort of treatment :)
88. you reach for your C7 in your sleep
89. you keep the lid of your deoderant clear of ‘white crud‘
90. you don‘t bother with fireworks any more because you realize they are just watered-down versions of paraflares, arty sims, and thunder flashes, that civis use a a few times a year.
90. "You think you might be starting to like pipe music"

What, u mean i wasnt supposed to like it from the beginnig :D
93. You do the ‘air rifle‘
94. You refuse to take an elevator, and always run up and down the stairs. You then call the people in the elevator ‘weak‘.
95. (For students) You have a backpack on your back everywhere you go, with both straps even and tightened up as tight as they‘ll go. You then shake your head at people who have their backpacks on sloppy.
96. You say ‘Fife‘ and ‘Tree‘ to civvies instead of ‘Five‘ and ‘Three‘
97. Your friends start to tell you the time in 24hr format
98. You‘re always at least 5 minutes early.
99. War movies aren‘t any good anymore because they‘re "too Hollywood." i.e.: explosions don‘t look like that, guns don‘t sound like that, and helicopters can‘t DO that.
100. You cover all your civvie items (duffle bag,coach etc..) in the closest CADPAT material you can
61. You look at your house hunting trip as a recce for your next biv site.
103.You lose count at #101

104.You salute your boss at your civvy job just out of force of habit.

105....You have no civvy job
106. You use Acronyms to describe EVERYTHING! Then act irretated when someone asks you to explain.
We need more specific to the Canadian army...

107. Wearing articles of clothing labeled "Extreme Cold Weather" in order to go have a smoke is a normal daily occurance.
108. I have to make sure I‘m not being insulted in an offhanded way if someone mentions the word "chicken" in my presence.

How‘s that for specific, Sig Op? :D
110. You look outside at the rain and say longingly to your closest loved one, "Good patrolling weather." (****! I should think of these all at once!)