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York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

paracowboy said:
aahh, give 'im a break, he's on cool meds. Prob'ly sitting up in bunk, typing furiously on a keyboard, wearing Scooby Doo pajamas, and a purple beret.
Don't all you guys who wear the PHOP vigoursly devour little orange airborne smarties? (and I also hear that you are all impartial to scooby-doo jammies!!)   ;)
armyvern said:
Don't all you guys who wear the PHOP vigoursly devour little orange airborne smarties?
yup. Also little white ones, little green ones, and sometimes little ones shaped like houses.  ::)

(and I also hear that you are all impartial to scooby-doo jammies!!)
I actually used to wear Scooby Doo jammie bottoms for PT, with my Royal blue T-shirt. Also, a Loony Tunes fleece top. Sarn't-Major loved it.  ;)
paracowboy said:
and sometimes little ones shaped like houses.   ::)
These I have had  :)
paracowboy said:
I actually used to wear Scooby Doo jammie bottoms for PT, with my Royal blue T-shirt. Also, a Loony Tunes fleece top. Sarn't-Major loved it.   ;)
I'll stick to my field certified flannel COWS !!  ;D
Lest I destroy your (mis) conceptions,

I wake up in the morning, crack of dawn, and after putting on my orthropedic appliances, grab my dog by the cadpat collar and put her out for relief, before relieving my (ahem) great pillar of manhood at the facilities. I then touch up my own tattoos with india ink and a machete, prior to shaving with said weapon.

Now it's time for brekkie. I prefer beans and wieners, but sausage and hash browns will do. Plus I get the gum for stickum on my booby traps that I keep around the house in case the man shows up. Now it's time for medication. Nothing like a shot glass filled with percocet, followed by a shot from my friend Jim, following which, we both yell HOOAH! After sorting a few people out on army.ca (cough, cough) in my half cut state, I remember to let the dog in, and we both have a few beers while watching Apocalypse now or a Stanley Kubrick flick.

After the morning buzz has worn off, I crack open a lunch ration, and sit in the living room cleaning my properly registered and liscensed collectors items with a few more beers. I sign on to army.ca again and prune all of the hate mail from reservists out of my mailbox - if only I remembered writing the stuff in the morning.... and try to explain to someone why they should'nt run 25 miles like they could when they were 16 if they hav'ent exercised in two decades. Springroll tells them to go on a doughnut and timmies diet because it worked for her. I flame her and log off and watch Thin Red Line and season two of the Trailer Park Boys.

At this point I take the evening battery of pills and watch the Simpsons for 2 hours straight, while Domestic 9er tells me that "i'm lucky - it could have been worse" and I respond "you're right, I could have gotten married sooner". So I'm sleeping on the hide-a-bed, with the dog in the CADPAT collar laptop on lap, thinking that going back to work wont be so bad at all.

I wear an airborne t-shirt and my marine corps shorts. Maroon beret is not required because we have very comfortable para coy hats.


(Cough,gasp,cough, deep breath..Slowly, slowly...ahh there...)

Go...I laughed so F*****G hard reading that post I darn near vomited chicken-Ceaser salad (trying to loose weight the healthy way) all over the expensive flashing stuff at work just now. :blotto:

I most sincerely apologize for the edit but wanted to do it nicely before some other mod (with no sense of haha - Monkhouse maybe ;D got to it)

My god what a hilarious post...

Cheers Bro

Mend fast...Sound like you're at more risk at home than doing a 30,000 foot swan dive... :P

Well, ya see then GO!! these are not quite mis-conceptions....
I is married to one of those who prefers the aforementioned 30 000 ft swan dive. It is the slight roll when hitting his target that usually sends him to orthopedic heaven for a rest. Either that or he is just plain numpty (and I am constantly debating which it is because after 6400 you'd think he'd have er down by now..). I am beyond the point of telling him that his IQ is beginning to resemble his MOC...but never the less he just calls 911 to help (that would be me- a Sup Tech) because if he ever called me 9erD, he'd be on the roll-away permanently. Our dog also comes eqiuiped with highly stealth like cadpat collar and leash and considers himself to be the ultimate 60 lb lap-dog... I think he learns this sucking-up up behaviour from 'the man' of the house.
  I do make him beans and weiners on his 'off-days' or his 'ouch-days' because he freakin whines worse than a girl if I don't 'baby' him while he mopes sadly around the domestic residence in his "Sponge Bob" accoutrements and maroon t-shirt and what a god-awful sight to see that is. Usually after a couple of hours, I have to leave to go to work because the whining about well if you really looked after me...I'd feel sooooo much better. Yeah right. I'll go to the Sgts Mess...see him about midnight when the taxi rolls me in the back door. And he'll still be lying there whining about his ails (while he drinks his ales) with the freaking little bits of tissue affixed to all the wounds on his face from the fight with the razor (or, perhaps he too has a machete stashed in the master bath??) and it just makes me want to turn around and go back to the mess.
But usually the dawg, as it is his and his alone, will pounce upon me, causing me to collapse under it's weight while 9er yells "yes get her Shadow...she is so mean to daddy she should come kiss daddy and sponge bob better." No. I don't think so because Sponge Bob is situated on his boxers remember and the very last thing I want to do is cause more injury to one of Canada's finest. This would only lead to his prolonged whining and my need to tend to him more often.... I have learned myself to love going to work during his times of need. You see Para wears the cartoons, so does mine, and you spend two hours watching them...so the myth is not dispelled...only further substantiated because there is always cartoons involved somehow, because you are all little boys at heart.
And the great pillar of manhood myth is unsubstantiated by jump-wives everywhere!!! Legends unto your own minds boys...
But please... keep trying to convince us!! It makes for an interesting area of conversation at work for us gals    ;D
The circle is now complete, when last we met you were but the learner, now you have become the master.

Glad I got to read it before the edit.
paracowboy said:
Glad I got to read it before the edit.

Again I apologize for the edit...But, sadely, some things must be... :'(
That's what I get for getting roped into that friggin BTE.  I missed the pre-edit.


Thanks for helping me decide where to do my MA. Has anyone thought about starting a survey/poll about conditions in institutes of higher learning vis via current military/x-military. To add to the ones already posted here-UVic was pretty good with my student peers. A couple of the academic experts had to much book time and not enough field time. I remember with one class after two weeks of academic drivel I showed up early one day with a couple of photo albums, which I left by the entrance into the classroom-point match. It was also nice to be able to cite one's self as a source in the bib of a couple of papers. Comment I most heard was "What do you mean you have your paper done already" to which I usually replied "You know I am an x-grunt" and a head would nod, " well one of the first things you learn in the military is to do it right the first time, on time and yes Virgina there are 24 hrs that can be used in a day." Ended up being the President of one of the Student Unions and for the most part was treated with alot of admiration and respect. And yes all three courses offered either about the military or war had/have wait lists a mile long. Heck I must have made such a good impression in that I was invited back to several faculties as a expert guest lecturer, there goes my reputation. :cdn:

PS There are alot of Geman WW2 vets who will swear the that the funny colored berret is RED
Here at U of Guelph one of the "Student Union" executive tried to slip a new policy on who could/couldn't recruit on campus past the students he claims to represent.  Bad idea!  Now he's whining that he believes in democracy, they could have approached him with their concerns, etc, etc.  It was pointed out, several times, that the time to consult is before policies are formulated, not after.  It was cool watching the so-called student leader have the folks give him a public thrashing in the student media  The plan now is to have some sort of goofy referendum, but only after the student government provides "education" on the issue and explains what the correct vote is. The real irony is that this whole thing means p*ss all in terms of what the University will or won't do.
HDE said:
The real irony is that this whole thing means p*ss all in terms of what the University will or won't do.

:rofl: HA HA HA Oh Gawd.... (pause to clean computer screen of coffee spit) 

That's what is so funny about this entire thread. These student groups think they have all the power but after all the effort, it is still the Administration that has the final say in everything because: a) they are in their right mind b) handle the money c) are highly educated with that oh so good learning tool 'experience'.
2332Piper said:
I don't support the CSA or any of their activities anymore (I quit Safewalk because its an arm of the CSA) because of their anti-military, anti-everything and socialist stance. All things I hate.

You were doing something worthwhile for the community as a whole yet you quit, apparently to make a hollow political statement against the CSA.  So following this train of thought, if you don't support the policies of the government and find that you even hate some of the initiatives such as gun control, national daycare programme, Kyoto etc, you're going to quit the militia because it is an arm of the federal government? 
HDE said:
Here at U of Guelph one of the "Student Union" executive tried to slip a new policy on who could/couldn't recruit on campus past the students he claims to represent.   Bad idea!   Now he's whining that he believes in democracy, they could have approached him with their concerns, etc, etc.   It was pointed out, several times, that the time to consult is before policies are formulated, not after.   It was cool watching the so-called student leader have the folks give him a public thrashing in the student media   The plan now is to have some sort of goofy referendum, but only after the student government provides "education" on the issue and explains what the correct vote is. The real irony is that this whole thing means p*ss all in terms of what the University will or won't do.

Looks like he took a page from Toronto City Councillor Howard Moscoe's book on ethics and political goverance. 
Career radio checker: what a sad picture of inarticulate, ill-informed people that post displays. Where do these people get their information from?

pbi said:
Where do these people get their information from?


A good question and one that I owe Slim for --- ohh close to a month now (sorry slim). Of course there are thousands of peace websites out there but I think strictly Canadian based groups that protest the Canadian Forces, have a relation to this thread.

Here are a few of the more established groups across Canada:
Plus, there are loads of troublemaking anarchist groups but since most don't even attempt to bring an argument forward like some of these other groups do, they are not worth my time.

As many people have been posting articles from university newspapers; here's a great link:

These ones are for Slim. They have to do with JTF2
Oh deer, they're at it again.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD... but Canadian Armed Forces soldiers from London's Wolseley Barracks rolled into the UCC for a display honouring the "Year of the Soldier" as part of this week's Remembrance Day ceremonies.

York, Guelph drive off army
Guelph policy to ban Canadian Armed Forces from on-campus recruiting
By: Ian Denomme

With Remembrance Day on Friday, this is generally a time to honour Canadian war veterans, and take pride in the Canadian military. But two Ontario universities appear to be doing the opposite.

Last week at York University, a group of students confronted the Canadian Armed Forces (there to recruit students for jobs), driving them off campus. Meanwhile, the University of Guelph's student council, the Central Student Association, is drafting a policy that would ban military recruiters from campus, as well as oppose any research done on campus that would benefit military organizations.

"We don't think a university campus is the right venue for the military to be recruiting," said CSA communications commissioner Hannah Draper. "We have a code of conduct around suppliers and which employers and recruiters we want on campus."

The CSA's "Policy Against the Militarization of Research" also says, 'The CSA opposes military research and research on behalf of military organizations at Canadian universities. Research that benefits military-related organizations involved in, or closely tied to, war crimes will be opposed by and campaigned around by the CSA.'

However, Draper said there has not been any objection to Remembrance Day ceremonies, and the CSA will be participating in events on Friday.

York Federation of Students president Omari Mason said the students were not happy with military policies, and students should have a right to debate or challenge anything on campus, as long as it's peaceful.

Here at Western, University Students' Council president Ryan Dunn said the USC has no such policy and does not intend to implement one any time soon.

"We know that students are grown up enough to decide what they want to do with their futures," he said. "Military recruitment just adds another life choice. It's the same as any other corporation."

The Canadian Armed Forces rely heavily on university recruiting because of a policy that new officers must be in a program leading to a degree.

"Because of increases in technology, and because the average soldier is more aware of current events than in the past, universities have become an important recruiting ground," said Canadian Armed Forces Captain Scott Smith.

The Canadian Armed Forces have a display in the University Community Centre atrium today, but are not there to recruit.

"It's mainly a commemoration of the year of the soldier, and their role in Canadian history," Capt. Smith said. "Western really understands that role in history. In University College there is a long list of [Western students] who served in World War I."

In light of what has taken place at York and Guelph and the contrasting views at Western, the question of the military's role is often asked.

"The main focus of Canada's Armed Forces is one: the security of Canada, and two: providing resources to assist the community of nations to improve stability around the world," Capt. Smith said