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York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

'The leaders of tomorrow' seem to be just as ignorant as the ones we have now...
Well, I wrote to the Ubyssey and received this reply back:  (I guess they are getting quite tired of this subject.)

Hi George,

Thank you for your letter, unfortunately, I have decided to stop
running any more letters regarding CAWOPI. I understand the irony of
this as your letter is about encouraging intellectual discourse
, but
it has been over a month since the original article ran about CAWOPI,
and we have published at least one, if not two or three letters every
week about the subject since then
. I feel that we are now more or less
going around in circles in discussion.
We do appreciate your feedback


On 10/25/05, George Wallace  wrote:
> In response to your letter from the AMS Coalition Against War on the People
> of Iraq and Internationally in the Friday, 21 October edition, titled
> "Recruiters exploit Afghani and Canadians" I can only shake my head in
> disbelief.  I am sure that the Canadian Forces would greatly appreciate
> their budget to be doubled to $28.8 Billion, but the Business Department
> will be quick to point out to its students that this is false.
> This whole letter is full of falsehoods and propaganda.  The AMS Coalition
> Against War on the People of Iraq and Internationally (I shall shorten it to
> AMSCAWOTPOIAI) are totally in another dimension with their ideas of the way
> the World really is.  The Canadian presence in Kandahar has greatly
> improved the lives of its inhabitants.  They are now partaking in a much
> more open society with more freedoms then they have ever enjoyed before.
> Canadian troops are definitely not oppressing the Afghani people.  The
> AMSCAWOTPOIAI statements to the contrary are pure propaganda.
> I found it interesting that AMSCAWOTPOIAI also makes the statement that "the
> average post-secondary student graduates with $25,000 debt" and that the
> "Canadian military, recognizing (Sp) the financial pressure students are
> under and looking to add 8,000 troops to its ranks, targets our campuses."
> The Canadian military has over the past 150 or more years been the defender
> of Canadian's freedoms, which include the Freedom of Speech, which oddly
> enough the AMSCAWOTPOIAI seem so quick to deny others.  Do they protest
> Microsoft recruiters, medical recruiters, or any recruiters from any other
> corporation or organization?
> Universities should encourage intellectual discourse not muzzle it like
> organizations of the caliber of the AMSCAWOTPOIAI, who want to take away
> freedom of speech to spew out their views only.  They obviously don't expect
> anyone to do any research on their own and find out that their points are
> all false and manipulative.  If we truly achieve an institutional level of
> "Higher Learning", we will see that these fanatics do not have any
> well-placed intentions at all.  They are 'attention seekers' who have never
> matured into adulthood and want to stifle those who wish to achieve a better
> world through education along with those who would strive to make the world
> a better place, even if it entails the use of military troops to defend
> foreign peoples from tyrants and fanatics.
> It is Canada's Democratic use of its' military that has allowed the various
> vocal groups like    AMSCAWOTPOIAI to voice their opinions.  It has been
> Canada's military who have fought and died to defend those rights.  Freedom
> does not come for free; it has a price and it must be protected.  Canada's
> military does that on a daily basis.  I find it interesting that
> organizations like The AMS Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq and
> Internationally  actually promote the disenfranchising of freedom of speech
> to promote only their views.
> George Wallace
> Grad    History

Claudia Li
Letters and Research Coordinator
the Ubyssey
That's a pretty good letter George. You should forward it to CAWOPI.
2332Piper said:
Bunch of ignorant bloody socialists.

HEY!  :threat:

Nothing wrong with being socialist, just these particular people seem have a severe lack of brain cells.
Although the University is supposed to be a place of intellectual debate, I am curious as to how many letters, posters. speeches etc. that get aired on the University campus for "our" position. Not too many, I'll wager.

The "loony left" has all the channels of communication at the "U", and dissent can be silenced by the simple expedient of binning letters to the editor. All I can say is "[size=10pt]Thank You Mike![/size]"

At least there is one place to speak out.
Allot of recruiting for ALL KINDS OF ORGANIZATIONS happens on campuses these days. Itsa a tradition that goes back to when centres of learning all began!

A good wya for the other saide to MAKE SURE that the leaders of tomorrow are influenced there way only!

think about it...
Cortesy of Instapundit (Oct 25,2005), here is a fabulous reply to use next time you run into one of these wankers:


GOOD NEWS FROM THE TROOPS: The Mudville Gazette has articles on both troop recruitment and troop retention. Greyhawk particularly likes this explanation given by a soldier for why he reenlisted: ..."because as I look around at the state of this nation and see all of the weak little pampered candy-asses that are whining about this or protesting that, I'd be afraid to leave the fate of this nation entirely up to them."

BZ troop!
I believe that the folks at York are trying to spread this movement.
I had a meeting with an official at a College here in Calgary regarding recruiting, and she handed me a photocopy of the article and we discussed this for a few minutes.I pointed out that my name and contact info have appeared in a handful of newsprint and radio interviews at U of C, MRC, and SAIT in recent months and I have not had a single call or e-mail expressing a negative view, nor have I had anyone approach me regarding this while on any campus in uniform.
Either I caught the hippies napping or this is a non-issue in Calgary.
GDawg said:
Either I caught the hippies napping or this is a non-issue in Calgary.

Lets hope that the west can remain free of this disease.
I believe it has, I have visited the U of A library and labs on a few occasions while still in uniform, and have only been approached by civvies who were interested in joining, or wondered why my hat was purple. Good feelings all around at the home of the Bears!
At the U of A the 20th Century Warfare courses, and World War II are always filled to capacity with massive waiting lists. You get your usual group of hippies (AP!RG, etc.), but they usually just keep to having their vegetarian luncheons with david suzuki or whatever.

And though the majority of the articles published in the student newspaper are indeed leftist, you do get your fair share of right wing views (both good and bad).
My expriences here in the Promised Land correspond with GO!!!'s. Nuthin' but love.

And why is your hat purple?
The correct term for it is PHOP, the acronym for Purple Hat Of Power, and it denotes those of us who have conquered fear.  ;)

It is also the official headdress for the Parachute Coys.

I choose to subscribe to the first sentance.  :D

<for those of you who are still wondering - this was an attempt at humour>
Actually, if you really want to split hairs, it is Maroon (insert cool maroon color here).

I would reccomend against believing anything printed in the Maple Leaf, unless you wrote it (they take submissions)

PS - you are the real Britney Spears - right?

"What manner of men are these who wear the maroon beret?
They are firstly, all volunteers and are then toughened by hard physical training.  As a result they have that infectious optimism and that offensive eagerness which comes from physical well being.  They have jumped from the air and by doing so have conquered fear.

Their duty lies in the van of battle; they are proud of their honour and have never failed in any task.  They have the highest standards in all things whether it be skills in battle or smartness in execution of all peacetime duties.

They have shown themselves to be as tenacious and determined in defence as they are courageous in attack.  They are in fact, men apart.

Every Man an Emperor."

Field Marshall the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.

If Monty said it, it must be true!

"Claret" is a much nicer sounding name.  However, Monty rulez, yo.
Actually, if you really want to split hairs, it is Maroon (insert cool maroon color here).

Really? You mean like how it's labelled as such in the dropdown menu?

Well, folks, I'll be here all week, but I don't know if GO!!! will be here with me to explain all my jokes for you.  :)
Britney Spears said:
Really? You mean like how it's labelled as such in the dropdown menu?

Well, folks, I'll be here all week, but I don't know if GO!!! will be here with me to explain all my jokes for you.  
aahh, give 'im a break, he's on cool meds. Prob'ly sitting up in bunk, typing furiously on a keyboard, wearing Scooby Doo pajamas, and a purple beret.
paracowboy said:
aahh, give 'im a break, he's on cool meds. Prob'ly sitting up in bunk, typing furiously on a keyboard, wearing Scooby Doo pajamas, and a purple beret.

Now listen Prada boy. From now on your posts should have a warning label. I just spewed ice cream all over my keyboard at the image of Go in scobby do jammies and a maroon beret.

we now return you to your regular scheduled thread.