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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

Captain Taggart said:
....but who really cares, because we all know Star Trek is better.
Well, I guess it's too late for you.
Wrote off. :-\  ;)

I'll agree with you about the Van Damme, Siegel, and Harrison Ford part though.

A distant second for worst movie of all time would have to be Dune the 1970's version.  It was just .... (I lack the proper emoticon) ... a poor interpretation.
newfin said:
Oh that's easy...Mr. and Mrs. Smith

What?  Violence as foreplay, big a$$ guns, sexy guy and gal, and humourous quips all throughout.  I especially liked the elevator scene.  I was waiting for them to shoot out the speaker.
I would like to add "Juno" to my list. For glorifying teenpregnancy and a complete bastardization of the English Language (that and the fact i didn't get any for sitting through it with the lady friend  :'( ) . not to mention the soundtrack was horrible.
The Canadian Folk tribute soundtrack did suck pretty hard.  As for the movie, I liked it I think it was different and a clever idea for a flick.  That guy bugs me though, the kid in the movie he played the same role in Superbad and I'm tired of it by now.  ::)
Field Of Dreams was a bit of a let down, but what else can be expected from Kevin.  WaterWorld was a masterpiece after all.   ::)

"What the hell is that!"
"It's my gun.."
"It's your finger!"
"What it's not a finger its a gun!"
"Oh ya well show it to me"
"What you crazy I'm not gonna show you my gun!"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to beat you with a crowbar, and it will make you go away"

That was the only memorable part of the movie.
outer limits,,, twilight zone,,,cant top those.. the 7th demension something along rhe same line.. lil erlier time  period.. then again there was monty pyton and cheech and jong,,,
gotta be in the zone man (army talk) anybody
                                    scoty b
attachments are not related to this post..
exgunnertdo said:
Painful to watch, but for some reason it got some good reviews.  Didn't find it funny in the least.

That movie.. and "Catch me if you can" with Leonardo Di Caprio.
Anything with Pauly Shore.

Eyes Wide Shut was also a great big piece of poo.  Two hours of my life I will never get back.  My buddy (who is straight!) thought it was great!  ::)
MedTechStudent said:
Yea, he did.  Justly I might add  :P

Come and get us.  ;)

Galaxy Quest is one of the greatest parody movies of Star Trek ever created, besides Airplane 2, where William Shatner basically channels Captain Kirk, plus Sigourney Weaver wasn't bad looking for an old gal in that movie. Now that scene in Alien with the big underwear, that's another story..
Captain Taggart said:
Galaxy Quest is one of the greatest parody movies of Star Trek ever created, besides Airplane 2, where William Shatner basically channels Captain Kirk, plus Sigourney Weaver wasn't bad looking for an old gal in that movie. Now that scene in Alien with the big underwear, that's another story..

Airplane 1 was good, 2 ya it was ok.  But see I always hated Star Trek so needless to say I hated its parody that much more. 

You know what is funny though?

Cloverfield...and all movies like it where the characters are so stupid that they deserve to die. I cheered when the did.
Tank Girl.
PLEASE tell me someone remembers this movie.  (Sadly, I own it! Classic cause I loved it when I was younger... then I ordered it, re watched it and realized wow I was a messed up kid for liking it.)