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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

Celticgirl said:
If my friends talked about their sex lives in that much detail, we would not be hanging out. I don't mind some joking around, some innuendo, but save the play-by-play. Some things really ought to remain private.  :-X   

I'll take that as a "Nyet!"  ;D
ArmyVern said:
I'll take that as a "Nyet!"  ;D

It's a definite "nyet". It may work for a TV show, but in real life, those women wouldn't have any friends. Other women would be avoiding them because they are so crass. ;)
Battlefield Earth

Hands down, by far, no argument, THE worst movie of all time. Simply "Travolting"

Followed by Starship Troopers (if I ever meet Paul Verhooven (sp?) in a dark alley, I will be hard pressed not to commit some sort of crime on his person for what he did to the film "adaptation" of one of my favourite books by my favourite author)

and the original Highlander 2.

"Snakes On A Plane"

So bad, it was...fantastic!  ;D  Right up there in "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" and "Santa Claus Versus the Martians" territory.

Another favourite stinker--"Conqueror", with John Wayne...playing Genghis Khan!?  :o
Celticgirl said:
It's a definite "nyet". It may work for a TV show, but in real life, those women wouldn't have any friends. Other women would be avoiding them because they are so crass. ;)

I must know a lot of crass women

On the other hand, no man would be caught dead talking about their women like that.
Ahhh heck, you guys arent even trying to find bad movies.

Stan Lee's Harpies (and pretty well all other Sci Fi channel movies)

Darkness Falls - NOT the one based on the ghosts and all that jazz...accidentally picked up this Brit piece of shit that consisted of 3 people talking in a room for the whole movie.

Mission Impossible 2 - complete garbage.

Ghost Dog with Forrest Whittaker

Super Mario Bros

Street Fighter

As for Paul Walker, he was amazingly good in Running Scared (awesome movie imo) and not too bad in Into the Blue. Timeline was dissapointing though, the book by Micheal Crichton was awesome.
Citizen Cane... OMG it was so terrible, if you want to watch a good classic go with Casablanca
"Reign of Fire"

I was hoping the dragons would win just to wipe out the bad acting.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Never, it was horrible. Truly horrible!  Any film that shows prostitutes being abducted, taken to a farm and tortured and killed...

I respect that "art" must push the boundaries of society, and that yes this "film" is simply mirroring events that have happened; it is still the worst film ever. But then again I haven't watched "Karla" (the life story of the woman who helped her husband rape a lot of women and eventually participated first hand in the rape and murder of her own sister)

Or that film of little kittens getting tortured http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2012723.stm

Umm Sin City never showed prostitutes being abducted, taken to a farm tortured and killed.  It certainly implied that, but never showed it.  And you know that was only 1 out the 4 stories in the movie?
Pinto said:
Battlefield Earth

Hands down, by far, no argument, THE worst movie of all time. Simply "Travolting"

Followed by Starship Troopers (if I ever meet Paul Verhooven (sp?) in a dark alley, I will be hard pressed not to commit some sort of crime on his person for what he did to the film "adaptation" of one of my favourite books by my favourite author)

and the original Highlander 2.


Excellent choices to which I would add The Mothman Prophesies. A movie that rambled for almost 2 hours and just kind of stopped with no real ending.
2 Cdo said:
Excellent choices to which I would add The Mothman Prophesies. A movie that rambled for almost 2 hours and just kind of stopped with no real ending.

Agreed, I wanted those two hours back really bad.  Good movie concept just bad execution.

I liked Reign Of Fire  ;D
OldSolduer said:
"Reign of Fire"

I was hoping the dragons would win just to wipe out the bad acting.

That was a bad one. 

know if only i could remember the names of some of the chick movies I've been forcefully dragged too  ::)
MedTechStudent said:
Agreed, I wanted those two hours back really bad.  Good movie concept just bad execution.

I liked Reign Of Fire  ;D

I also liked Reign of Fire for it's overall cheesiness, and I also cheered for the dragons. In fact, I usually cheer for the "bad guy" in most movies!
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was pretty bad too, I was waiting for the kid and his speeder thing story to move along, then it didn't, turns out the whole movie didn't move along..plus I wanted to decapitate that Jar Jar Binks guy, and use his tongue for fish bait. One the most annoying characters I've ever encountered.
I am young and I do not know superman much...

But Superman Returns (2006) was sooooooo bad!!!
everything sucked the story, the special effects, the actors... ouf

and also
National Treasure from Walt Disney with Nicholas Cage...
ouf that was too patriotic, everything in that movie was meant to say that America is #1... and too much is too much

Captain Taggart said:
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was pretty bad too, I was waiting for the kid and his speeder thing story to move along, then it didn't, turns out the whole movie didn't move along..plus I wanted to decapitate that Jar Jar Binks guy, and use his tongue for fish bait. One the most annoying characters I've ever encountered.

Hey now! The last sequences of that movie were amazing. I don't like sci-fi all too much, however... the way that movie went, especially with the soundtrack that played during the latter part... amazing.

And Jar Jar is cool.  ;D

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Hey now! The last sequences of that movie were amazing. I don't like sci-fi all too much, however... the way that movie went, especially with the soundtrack that played during the latter part... amazing.

And Jar Jar is cool.  ;D


I'm a big sci-fi guy, but it seemed to me anyway they focused way more on certain things then was needed really, but who really cares, because we all know Star Trek is better.

I had another idea, it would seem that anything with Van Damme is usually right up there with Steven Siegel's oh-no-they-took-my-family again-ponytail-roundhouse-kick fests, only Harrison Ford can do the "they took my family" "Get off my plane" gig.