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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

Batman and Robin

First scene:

Batman (played by *snicker* George Clooney) and Robin are forced to do battle against Mr Freeze's gang of ice-skating eskimos in a frozen museum. After getting beaten up for a while, they simultaneously remember that they both have skates built into their boots, whereupon they click their heels together, and skate blades pop out and... as a comic-book reading 13 year old, I felt that my intelligence and discerning taste were both being grossly insulted.

Pearl Harbor, waste of a saturday afternoon and I would very much like my time back.
Agree with pearl harbour, it was crap.

Here's one I challenge ANYBODY to tell me that it was a good movie, and to say it honestly, it was a movie I had high hopes for, had large battle scenes and a huge budget, it also for some reason has pretty good reviews, but for obvious reasons is the movie that has lost the most money in hollywood's history(126 million)

And even though I haven't seen it, as a heterosexual man I am going to have to say "Sex and the City"

Edit for comma... it really does make all the difference.
Boater said:
And even though I haven't seen it as a heterosexual man I am going to have to say "Sex and the City"

So you have seen it as a homosexual man then ?
eurowing said:

I don't know why all you guys are laughing ...

The truth is probably closer to something like this:

"I hate this movie because it is sooooo damn unrealistic; where the HELL do chicks like this actually live?? Do they really exist?"

The answer, of course, is "nyet".  >:D
Boater said:
And even though I haven't seen it as a heterosexual man I am going to have to say "Sex and the City"

Oh silly me I should have titled the thread "Worst Movie You Think You Will Ever See"  ::)  :P
ArmyVern said:
I don't know why all you guys are laughing ...

The truth is probably closer to something like this:

"I hate this movie because it is sooooo damn unrealistic; where the HELL do chicks like this actually live?? Do they really exist?"

The answer, of course, is "nyet".  >:D

Gawd I hope Kim Cattrall exists... :P
I'd have to say I think the WORST movie ever made was....


I couldn't even work up the courage to watch the second one. The first one was just so gross, who the heck comes up with this stuff. There are some pretty f*cked up people in Hollywood...
Soldiergirl said:
I'd have to say I think the WORST movie ever made was....


I couldn't even work up the courage to watch the second one. The first one was just so gross, who the heck comes up with this stuff. There are some pretty f*cked up people in Hollywood...

The first one was good......the second one was a waste.
Horror movies and I get along fine. However.... Rob Zombie is one sick twisted S.o.b, and his "House of 1000 Corpses" is the only one that has ever really kept me from falling asleep.
Of course the 'shock factor' of the movie was amplified the first time I saw it, as I was watching it alone at about 2 a.m. after a decent amount of alchamahol.

As for the sequel (The Devils Rejects).... the only thing I truly enjoyed about it was the fact that those pricks from the first one got what was coming.
So, for me.. the worst movie I can think of off the top of my head would be 'The Devil's Rejects.'

OK, for me the worst movie that I ever saw was "Slap Shot 2".  Maybe because I really liked the original and I had high hopes for the next one, I couldn't believe how bad the second movie was.
Anything with Steven Segal, him and his ponytail can take a long walk off a short pier.  :P
Pearl Harbour
Mosquito Coast

All 3 are decent movies. Pearl Harbour is a really good movie. Good memories with that one.  ;D

Worst. Movie. Ever. Made.

Number 23.

Every scene I thought Jim Carrey was going to turn around and crack a joke!
The movie has an alright story line, but the wrong actors were picked to play the roles. It also happens to be the only movie where I wanted to walk out.
The Gods Must be Crazy.

Everyone talked about it, so I finally went to see it.  Couldn't stand it.
exgunnertdo said:

Painful to watch, but for some reason it got some good reviews.  Didn't find it funny in the least.

It was so painful to watch, but like someone else said " the things we do for love" and she said she hated it after it was over. She just kept watching hopping it would get better.
lone bugler said:
1. the blair witch project

I agree with this one. A lot of hype for a crap film.

One I saw recently that I thought was really, really bad: Black Snake Moan.  There's 2 hours I'll never get back.  ::) 
ArmyVern said:
I don't know why all you guys are laughing ...

The truth is probably closer to something like this:

"I hate this movie because it is sooooo damn unrealistic; where the HELL do chicks like this actually live?? Do they really exist?"

The answer, of course, is "nyet".  >:D

If my friends talked about their sex lives in that much detail, we would not be hanging out. I don't mind some joking around, some innuendo, but save the play-by-play. Some things really ought to remain private.  :-X   