tomahawk6 said:
I admit to being old fashioned.Women dont need to serve in the infantry or special forces,there are plenty of other career fields that they make a contribution.I also dont favor gays in the military.But thats my opinion and I am not a policy maker.
Tomahawk6 I'm going to take a stand opposite my fellow Canadians and applaud they way the U.S. Army and Marine Corps are going about this. Your country is a serious military power that spends a lot of money to ensure that you have combat capable forces ready to look out for American interests worldwide.
We have no such a aspirations in Canada. In our recent operations the most important aspect has always been to be seen waving the flag. Winning for us is not that important; therefore, it really doesn't matter what sort of force we put out. Is having women serving in the infantry in Canada more important that defeating let's say the Taliban? I would hazard that IT IS more important to the politicians who are our bosses; therefore, make it so.
I applaud the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for sticking to their guns and refusing to lower standards. By doing so, they have in fact empowered those women that are able to cut the mustard which will allow them to earn the respect of their peers and subordinates but also make sure nothing is left to question. We did no such thing in Canada, we integrated women but created double standards right from the point of entry which has set women back IMO.
We also politicized certain courses where instructors were forced to pass students they shouldn't have been forced to pass. This cronyism and nepotism doesn't only extend to women but also covers others who have been found wanting whose friends in high places covered for them or made a phone call.
It's these sorts of things that undermine our profession in Canada and I applaud the US Military for sticking to its guns and not caving into political pressure. I do believe that women will eventually be integrated into US combat arms units in the US but that it will be done without a lowering of the standards. There are women that can do the job and they should be given the opportunity but the military shouldn't lower standards to satisfy a bunch of special interest groups.
While we don't agree on certain things Tomahawk6 (i.e. Homosexuals being allowed to serve) I believe we both agree that the military is and should remain a meritocracy. For this there should be no compromise regardless of who your mommy or daddy are, which sex you are or what your sexual orientation is.