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Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

What grade are you in?

I myself am still in highschool - grade 12. However I do know that I am going to Borden this summer for my basic.
Why not just do your basic for the reserves this summer. That way when you get back in late august, you not only still have some time left for summer vacation, but you also have a wallet full of cash to wave around in your friends' faces.
Brett said:
Why not just do your basic for the reserves this summer. That way when you get back in late august, you not only still have some time left for summer vacation, but you also have a wallet full of cash to wave around in your friends' faces.
I have been looking at that option, but I don't think it may happen because I may need an operation on my knee. If not, I may just go  :D
Then start your procedure now...otherwise...you might regret the fact not having you procedure on the way.

mysteriousmind said:
Then start your procedure now...otherwise...you might regret the fact not having you procedure on the way.

I am waiting for the surgeon to call, but, my medical file was sent over 3 weeks ago to him, so I can't do anything  :(
Have you filled out your application, fill out your various paper to give to the recruitment center?

if not you should start now to gather your papers... If you are not doing BMQ this summer you could do it part time this autumn or winter...
I plan on visiting the recruitment center in St. John's on May 24th weekend.

I do have the papers needed to give them, just not signed.

One problem about doing BMQ in the fall or winter. I live here www.rencontreeast.com  ;)
if you're going down on may 24 to the recruiting center in hopes of doing the summer program and the summer program only, you're going too late...I started my process in early January of this year and I'm still not done it..I've only completed my medical, cfat & interview...that took place over a course of about 4 months...that's helluva long time...Chances are you'll be placed in a coop program starting in february depending on if the regiment you join offers it. I would do that if I were seeing how you're still in grade 11...If you get into the coop program, you get a guarunteed spot in the summer program...

edit - the coop program is all day from feb - june. Approx. 4 credits are earned in that process.
Well that just sucks. Plus, I asked one of my teachers if it was possibal to do the co-op program next year, but they said I would have to be in Gander, Grand-Falls, St.John's or Stephenville to do it. Oh well  :'(
if your close to one of the regiments that offers it, then you should be fine.
Brett said:
if your close to one of the regiments that offers it, then you should be fine.
Not though. One of the reasons why living in one of the remaining Newfoundland outports isn't as fun as it usually is.
Michael Baker said:
Well that just sucks. Plus, I asked one of my teachers if it was possibal to do the co-op program next year, but they said I would have to be in Gander, Grand-Falls, St.John's or Stephenville to do it. Oh well  :'(

As far as I know the only place that offers BMQ by CO-OP is Ontario.
Ndfl Sapper Is right, actualy the co-op is available only in Ontario.

Other province: Part time course or Full time summer
I dont know about your regoin and about the region up (or down) there,

Perharps they have policies about people living in remove region like you. The best thing you could do is call them or, contact them by email to know waht are their policies and things like that.

Othewrwise,  I'm sorry for you. and I'm kind of happy to live in a big city (Wouhou Quebec city) :)
I was going to call them today, but I forgot when I was putting my new computer stand together. I will call or email them soon. Thanks because I never thought of that :D
No one signs up for just 1 reason, but the dominant one for me is my friends.

I fight so my friends don't have to. I am fortunate in that I have always have good friends who I can rely on 100%. Without necessary numbers, if a major conflict happens, conscription might also happen.