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Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

Joined up, just another Maritimer looking for a job.
Travelled, saw a lot and began to realize I liked the camaraderie, the people, my trade and the Air Force life.
In 1976, an Anglo in Bagotville, many of my fellow aircraft techs were getting out for Air Canada or Quebecair in Montreal.
I stayed for a full career.
slowmode said:
1. I'm Arab , I want to show other people that just because I look different from the outside does not mean I dont have the same values. If you cut me open youll find the Red blood of any canadian. I want to serve this country, this country that gave me education, a great living, and a great life. I am 100% Canadian no matter how I look and I want people to know that.

Our country needs more people that think like you. Good on you...  :salute:
The question was 'Why are you joinin the armed forces'. I have an answer to that but it is not as straight forward as it originally was for me when i made the decision. So i will provide the readers digest version:

It is because I watched alot of war movies as a kid. I do not have family in the military. My last job paid me VERY well, and I had a career. At almost 30 i am not predisposed to have a background like many military families or a fantasy image of what the military is.
Over the course of a year I started looking at what I was succeeding in doing. I realized that the fat cheque, and coushy office i had was not what i wanted. I started vounteering where i could and found something I had not felt in a long time. Civic pride. I read alot of books, but for some reason a few of them seemed to stand out and stick in my head. Following questions i had from those books I started reading more on the topics, and trying to understand the world beyond the CNN that I was provided with every day.
Then i quit my job. I needed a change. Got on the motorcycle and spent almost a mont traveling. Got back, got on a plane, saw a few countries. Met ALOT of people from around the world.
And upon arriving home, i picked up the recruiting package that i had ordered almost a year earlier on a lark. And it means more now that it once did. Civic duty, and being a part of something bigger than my own selfish interests seems more attractive than any paycheque i could ever get. Many friends/family have urged me to go back to school. Get another degree. Work for the govt again, or maybe as a city worker. But i really dont feel like those things connect with what i beleive.
I feel that although there are problems with the world, my country, the one that I would not trade for the world, can help. Be it in politics or combat.  My country has given me a good medical system, police to protect my house and find my property when it is stolen. My countries military has ensured in the past that by helping other countries defend themselves, we our selves are kept safe. If we had waited until war was on our shores, we may not have been a democratic society. We may not have the opportunity to voice concerns and print newspapers citing failings of our politicians. Freedom of expression and information would not be concepts in our vocabulary if the wars in our world had found us lacking.
Other countries, women are not allowed to teach or go to school. They are not allowed to vote. Education is not considered a right. Water is not freely accessible because those in power have no interest in the majority of their population. In some places religious leaders brainwash children into blowing themselves up. Mothers give up their children for money from groups so that their families can eat. In others Crowd control for a peacefull protest is a .50 cal. A man who sells 'western music' is dragged from his shop and beaten. And there are ideologies that oppose singing and dancing, and clapping.(pm me if you want references... i read alot)

Education and safety are a right for all human beings. Freedom is becomming a privilage in our times. We need to allow others to have the same.

I am aware that there are thoughts that western society is there for the oil. Or political self interest. etc. etc. etc. But what i see, is the opportunity to help. Regardless of where we are. I have to trust that my country will help others in need and for the right reason. This is why we VOTE and not stand passively by. This is why i am, and always will be a red and white blooded canadian.

So as soon as I have acheived the physical metrics needed to join I will put in my application as a Medical Tech(reg) and , and not a day later. Although at times I feel like i may be older than most applicants, I beleive that my life experience has brought me to this point where i can make a mature contributing decision.

Thats my reason...


Oh yes... and green underwear and ice cream every day. Quite appealing.
I knew if I admitted that free green underwear was part of the reason, others like me would admit to their own free green underwear wants as well. :salute:
Sadly, the "Great Green Underwear Lie" is the real reason I released from ROTP.  I just couldn't deal with the betrayal after learning that the CF only issued long undergarments.  I had such dreams of wearing a beautiful green thong.... 


Mud Recce Man said:
I knew if I admitted that free green underwear was part of the reason, others like me would admit to their own free green underwear wants as well. :salute:

Ya only in my case it was blue. 
See profile. :)
Because Canada is fighting actively to preserve and expand democracy.

Because it is the citizen's duty to be prepared for the wars that will inevitably come, and the threats that have yet to surface.
A hundred years ago I would have been one of the men that 'went West'.  Unfortunately I was already as far west as you could get in Canada, so joined up looking for new lands and adventures...
LostCargo, my reasons for wanting to join are similar to yours!  It's something I've always come back to look at - through high school, university and now that I'm out working in "the real world."  Lets just say I have found "the real world" to be considerably more boring than anticipated.  I'm desperately bored at work, a year in, and the thought of doing the same thing year in and year out is terrifying me.  I have no real job satisfaction - heck, I don't even understand who my job helps, if anyone!  I work in a career where, when you start questioning the value and the point, you get bogged down and depressed.  I'm part of the corporate machine and I'm definitely not loving it.

The funny thing is I plan to apply for pilot.  I was desperately anxious to leave behind the Quinte region of Ontario (we never lived directly IN Trenton growing up, fortunately, but in the surrounding area)... I feel as though I am setting myself up for a lot of ribbing from the family if I succeed in my ambitions and end up being posted to Trenton!

Why I want to join.... not in any specific order.

1 - Family thing - While no one served Canada in my family (as I immigrated here) my family has through many generations served in the forces. From fathers side, my father was infantry (Poland), Grandfather was KGB/military intel for USSR (and no I am not Russian, and no my grandfather was no commie, he just had a job), Great Grandfather was in the cavalry (Prussia), G-Great Grandfather was also cavalry (Austria), and G-G-Grandfather was also cavalry (Switzerland)...... I don't know any further down the line. But I you can see each generation has served under a different nation. My mothers side has a few uncles her and there, but they were peasants, and the military gave my grandfather a chance to choose another lifestyle, apart from having a small farm, and from that joined the Air Force and became a one star general. So I cannot deny that the family definitely had an effect on my decision to be also part of the military, even for the fact that they have support me fully in my decision to join up.

2 – I want to give back to a nation that has given me so much. Again, I am an immigrant, but I do not see myself of any other nationality then Canadian, my ethnicity will always stay the same, but I am Canadian and only believe in Canada. This country opened its arms, and so did the people, so I believe that serving the community of Canada is only one way to pay back.

3 – Gives me the opportunity to become a better person, physically and mentally. The forces will give me the opportunity challenge myself. Even in the application process that is now reaching a 2 year bench mark (don’t even ask, I will soon write a book on my experience on this site when I get in) has given me many experiences. It will take more then bureaucracy other factors to discourage me.

4 – Fulfillment – I have the opportunity to be many things and that is why service is my choice. Nothing else will give me such satisfaction as knowing I am working for the community. And when eventually I get in, I will be very happy.

5 – Be part of great group of people. Over the years I have met many people from the CF and have noticed how close they are, and how much support there is there. It is like a family, and I would love to be part. People join clubs, fundraisers and others… this is the club I want to join.

6 – I cannot deny who I am. I love weaponry and hard engineering. Guns are cool :threat:, and that’s that. It like the reason people want to the fireman…. The main reason is to drive around at high speeds in a Big Red Truck.

…. Green underwear sounds like a sweet deal too.  :cdn:
For me getting in?

16 years old.. high school... offer to drive big green trucks and fire an assult rifle? Duh.... sign me up!

Only one in High School at the time that knew how to use a Carl G!  ;D
im looking forword to joining after grade 12, because i want to Help people in need, i wanna do something that not too many people can even imagine, and i want to prove to myself that i can do anything i set my mind to.
1. After 7 years of being a "wife" I want to have a turn!
2. I'm ready to stop just supporing the troops and stand beside them
3. It's a way for me to get the education I want and get paid while I do it
4. I need to be challenged everyday
5. Although this was not one of my original reasons it has become one - because everyone says I can't do it...and I know I can! 

    I alway thought about it, but I never had the guts to apply. After high school, I was hesitating between Computer science and the army..I went in computer. After college (4 years ago), I looked at the RMC Kingston, but I got offered a job which paid very well. Then last year, I got dumped. I decided to change some stuff in my life. I looked at university, then I saw some electronic jobs in the Navy. I applied.

    I need the physical and mental drive of the military, I need to make a change in this world. I want to be part of it. And green underwear is great! And never have to cook again if I want to... hehe
I applied for a lot of the reasons already mentioned. I will be heading off to BMQ in 3 days. But I have just found out about these green underwear and am upset that they weren't mentioned anywhere before I applied, I might have gotten in earlier ;D.
Crusader said:
Because Canada is fighting actively to preserve and expand democracy.

Because it is the citizen's duty to be prepared for the wars that will inevitably come, and the threats that have yet to surface.

While I wholly agree with the second part, I would hesitate to say that we are crusaders expanding democracy. If you are alluding to Afghanistan we went there to route out a government that supported the propagation of terror. If that government were communist or a military junta, for example, and there was no Al-Qaeda and Sept. 11th had never happened, we would have never gone in and 'expanded' democracy.

Other than that I joined the military to live a life of adventure. The ability to lead troops (or sailors in my case) across the oceans and to take charge in the defence of Canada just seems like a more fun life to live when compared to, I don't know, working as a comptroller at a large bank at the centre of the universe, uhh, I mean Toronto.

Serving your country is a noble purpose, and I feel magnificent when I think about how much I love my country. But honestly, the excitement of the lifestyle and adventure of the job enticed me more than the ability to express my patriotism.
Because :
1) My mommy served (MSE OP (AF))
2) My daddy served (FireFighter)
3) My uncle is serving (FireFighter)
4) My other uncle is serving (MSE OP (ARMY))
5) My cousin is serving (FireFighter)
6) My aunt is serving (Supply Tech)

Kinda juste seemed like the right thing to do... Oddly enough my two first choices we're firefighter and MSE OP but I can't because of my eye... refractive error of +3.00 and needed 2.75 to get my V3 so going to go see another optometrist and squink a little :P

Also I love the organisation of the military... nothing worse then not knowing your supervisor when you have a question... I like to know who I have to go see to do something....

BTW I am currently NavRes MESO... I'm number 7...
I am going to join next year because:
I was always interested in joining
Cadets got me interested even more
and my grandpa was in the navy in WW2

I was originally going to join the Air force as a fighter pilot , but bad eyesight ruled that out. So i'm joining infantry instead.
Originally I went to school thinking that when I was done I was going to apply for Policing or Corrections, with heavy leanings toward Corrections after a 4 week co-op. Just working with the men and women in the facility and seeing how close they all are and how anyone of them would stand for another, made me want to find a family like that. At this time recent events has held me back from Corrections and I am currently stuck in a call centre. So one night I said I needed a change and I started looking at what my options were with my Law and Security Administration degree I could make the best of what I have learned. I came across the CF website and I started to read, then there was this funny feeling that I was finally looking at something that would be right for me. I applied, and right from the beginning there has been set backs and delays (nothing says welcome to the Government like set backs and delays) and I have had to push through those and move forward. I think that if I had not had as many delays as I already had then I would not be pushing so hard to get what I want.
What I want is to serve, for the last month and a bit I have been pushing and feeling more determined everyday. I also want to make a difference, and working at a call centre really doesn't offer that. I am not going in with delusions of grandeur, and I am not looking to join for the guns. I am going because I AM CANADIAN and I know we need to stand strong for those in our country who enjoy our freedoms. I can not think of anyother way to pronounce to family and friends that you are PROUD to be a Canadian, then to join CF and put on that uniform and represent every man, woman, and child in this Country we love to call home!