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Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

I'm currently a German citizen. As soon as that letter comes in the mail for my ceremony, I'm enlisting as an Armoured or Infantry Soldier. My reasoning, while quite similar as those above, is also that for me it's such a great opportunity. You see, had Allied troops not defeated Germany in WW2 I, being 100% pure 'Aryan' stock, would most certainly be wearing an armband right about now. Let's just say, y'all have no idea how thankful I am for the fact that that is not the case. Now, in 2007, here's my chance to provide somebody else in another part of the world the same blessing.

Beati Pacifici
I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I always found myself complaining to others about the current world situation, why things are so messed up, etc. I would bitch and complain about things like those terrorists who plotted against the CN Tower etc. I always wanted to make a difference, and finally decided to be proactive in that regard, rather than just sitting on my ass complaining or debating issues. Also, I do it because I'm Catholic, and I believe helping the poor is what we ought to do, and by joining the Forces I can help those way less fortunate than I, and although, in my eye, there are many moral problems here at home, but none as bad as the poverty and despairity Afghans, and others abroad, have to live in. So I'm going to join and do my part to help fix said problems.

Also, I love my country and I don't like the fact that people would attack it. Someones gonna be on the business end of my rifle if that happens. And I won't be happy.
Reasons Im joining the CF. Hope to be at BMQ in August.

1.  To see what Im capable of.
2.  To be apart of something bigger.
3.  No other job in the civilan world even comes close.
4.  Tobe around people that think like me.
5.  To do what others are not able/willing to do.
Brett said:
Whoa...Are you serious? When was this?
:o You are joking, right? Do a search if your not, or, just look at this http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/06/03/canada.terror/index.html
Oh wow...this was just last June?

That's really close to home - I'm only an hour south of Toronto... Yikes! I can't believe I never heard of that before!
I don't understand, though I can see America being targeted, but why us?
Brett said:
I don't understand, though I can see America being targeted, but why us?
We are in Afghanistan, we are allies of America and England, etc.
The detained suspects are all males, Canadian residents

So our government gives them freedom of speach and choice, opportunities and choices gallore, and they totally backstab the country in which they live all because they are:

followers of a "violent ideology inspired by al Qaeda

...Some religions are too extreme that they "inspire" such an absurd movement all because they will be better in the life thereafter?

That's total BS - pardon my francais.

Anyway, sorry to drag this topic off-topic.
Another reason as to why you are joining, or as to why you did join?
I love people so much (specially my fellow Canadians) so am willing to do anything for anyone. That's why I'm joining. I'm not in. Yet.  ;D