I really don't get all the self loathing here. Just by signing on the line you've done something 90% of your fellow Canadians are too gutless to do. Then you went and ate a steady diet of belt fed cock for X number of weeks in basic. Then you went and did it again for your trades training, combat arms more so than others. then you went off to some far flung shitholes around the world and did it again, to varying degrees, for ingrates, both foreign and domestic. Am I a combat veteran? Fuck no. Did I look the elephant in the eye? Again, no, but I sure went to some lousy places to clean up his shit. I'm a veteran, and not afraid to say that that deserves some recognition. I went and did it. most of you went and did way more of it than I did. Most people didn't and wouldn't. We are different, nothing wrong with celebrating it, there are no Superbowl rings in our future...